Home>International Workshop: GLOBAL TAX CHAINS
International Workshop: GLOBAL TAX CHAINS
International Workshop: GLOBAL TAX CHAINS
Actors and practices of global capitalism in the second of the half of the 20th century
As chains of wealth became global in the world economy (Seabroke&Wigan, 2022) so did tax strategies. These topics have gained increased attention in the last fifteen years as the crisis of 2007/2008 renewed the discussion on inequalities and (fiscal) justice. Humanities and Social Sciences played an important role in framing debates on this topic. Wealth was perhaps less produced by manufacturing cars or building houses than by moving capital across jurisdictions, creating multi jurisdictional spaces where national states, global companies, local financial plumbers and international organisations created, maintained and governed global tax chains. This workshop has a dual purpose. On the one hand, it intends to take stock of these ongoing international and interdisciplinary debates. On the other hand, it intends to deepen the historical dimensions to phenomena that are beginning to be well documented for today's world, but still sometimes lack temporal depth.
organised by Benoît Majerus (Univ Luxembourg) and Jakob Vogel (Sciences Po Paris/CMB) on January, 18/19 at the Center Marc Bloch Berlin.
Voilà la présentation sur le site du Centre Marc Bloch: