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Histoire @ politique

Latest issue

Under the direction of Adeline Blaszkiewicz-Maison and Romain Castellesi
Histoire@Politique is the scientific journal of the Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po. It is natively and exclusively digital and available in open access.
The journal's core subject is politics, considered in all its forms, from the history of institutions and political parties to the history of social movements and ‘politics from below’, including all the more or less formal and informal aspects of political action and behaviour. From ideas to practices, all the different ways of doing politics are examined. To find out more: https://journals.openedition.org/histoirepolitique/19569
Histoire@Politique operates according to the criteria for scientific publications (anonymised articles are reviewed by referees and discussed collectively by the editorial board).
The journal publishes three issues a year, each of which includes a special report and sections (Varia, Pistes et débats, Sources). It also publishes a continuous flow of reviews. It publishes texts in both French and English.
The journal Histoire@Politique joined the OpenEdition Journals portal of online scientific journals in September 2021. It can be accessed at the following address: https://journals.openedition.org/histoirepolitique/. On this site, you will find the most recent issues (since issue 32). Reviews from 2007 to 2009 are temporarily unavailable; they will shortly be transferred to the journal's website on the Open Edition Journals portal.
Issues 1 to 31 (2007-2017) are available on the Cairn platform at the following address: https://www.cairn.info/revue-histoire-politique.htm
Latest issues published
n° 55 (2025/1) : La fabrique des politiques sociales du travail (Europe, fin XIXe-XXIe siècles), coordonné par Adeline Blaszkiewicz-Maison et Romain Castellesi
n° 54 (2024/3) : Pour une histoire pratique des révolutions et des coups d'État, under the direction of Nicolas Patin and Dominique Pinsolle
This dossier offers a ‘practical history’ of revolutions and coups d'état in Europe, from 1789 to the 1920s. The eight articles that make up the dossier are a milestone on the road towards a history that is more attentive to both material and immaterial dimensions. Three Varia articles complete this issue.
n° 53 (2024/2) : Faire face à la défaite : perspectives franco-allemandes (1918-1945), under the direction of Géraud Létang and Camille Mahé
In view of the new perspectives on memory that have emerged over the last ten years as a result of the commemorations of the two world wars, a return to defeat as an object of comparative and transnational history between France and Germany offers a wide variety of historiographical avenues to explore and enables us to continue the current scientific momentum. The variety of individual attitudes and collective behaviour in the face of defeat shows that it was not just a political, social and military event. These attitudes triggered an intense production of writings that made it possible to go beyond the simple victors/victims divide.
n° 52 (2024/1) : Les lieux de privation de liberté, des lieux politiques (XIXe-XXe siècle), under the direction of Maxime Launay, Léo Rosell and Yann Sambuis
n° 51 (2023/3) : Écrire l'histoire politique aujourd'hui, under the direction of Alain Chatriot.
n° 50 (2023/2) : Les droites dans les Amériques aux XXe et XXIe siècles : entre démocratie, anti-démocratie et contre-démocratie, under the direction of Yann Philippe and Rodrigo Nabuco de Araujo.
n° 49 (2023/1) : Les lieux du politique en Europe médiane (XIXe-XXe siècles), under the direction of Matthieu Boisdron.
n° 48 (2022/3) : Ressources naturelles et tensions d'empire : Maghreb, Proche-Orient, Afrique (XIXe-XXe siècle), under the direction of Guillaume Blanc, Antonin Plarier and Iris Seri-Hersch
n° 47 (2022/2) : Social-démocraties germanophones : modèles, circulations, appropriations, under the direction ofJean-Numa Ducange and Karim Fertikh
n° 46 (2022/1) : Les communistes et l'Europe : de l'eurocommunisme au rêve de Maison commune européenne, under the direction of Frédéric Heurtebize and Céline Marangé
Histoire@Politique and the Rendez-Vous de l'Histoire in Blois
The review at the ‘Rendez-vous de l'histoire’ in Blois
Histoire@Politique has been present at the ‘Rendez-vous de l'histoire’ in Blois for over ten years. Each year it offers a carte blanche in connection with the annual theme.
- Saturday 12 October 2024: ‘Cities and politics: perspectives on research in contemporary history’, with Alain Chatriot (moderator), Olivier Dard, Dzovinar Kévonian, Anne-Laure Ollivier.
- Saturday 7 October 2023: ‘Secular institutions faced with mourning (twentieth to twenty-first centuries)’, with Marion Fontaine (moderator), Nicolas Patin, Emmanuel Saint-Fuscien, Sylvie Thénault.
- Saturday 8 October 2022: ‘The sea and politics: territories and citizenship from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea’, with Sabine Dullin, Giacomo Parrinello, Laura Pettinaroli (moderator) and Antoine Perrier.
- Saturday 9 October 2021: ‘New perspectives on work in contemporary history’, with Alain Chatriot (moderator), Marion Fontaine, Claire Lemercier and Nicolas Patin.
- Saturday 10 October 2020, ‘Governing democratically’, with Emmanuelle Avril, Alain Chatriot (moderator), Pauline Peretz and Stephen P. Sawyer.
- Saturday 12 October 2019, ‘The Italian Republic and the nation’, with Patrizia Dogliani, Marc Lazar (moderator), Marie-Anne Matard-Bonnucci, Giovanni Orsina and Pauline Picco.
- Saturday 13 October 2018, ‘In the East, nothing new? For a visual history of the new Europe’, with Sabine Dullin (moderator), David Do Paço, Alessandro Galicchio, Nadège Ragaru, Ksenia Smolovic.
Editorial committee :
Emmanuelle Avril (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle), Jérôme Bazin (Université Paris-Est Créteil), Alain Chatriot (Sciences Po), Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel (CNRS), Olivier Dard (Sorbonne Université), Nicolas Delalande (Sciences Po), Gaël Eismann (Université Caen-Normandie), Marion Fontaine (Sciences Po), Mathieu Fulla (Sciences Po), Dieter Gosewinkel (WZB, Berlin Social Sciences Center, Germany), Pierre Grosser (Sciences Po), Dzovinar Kevonian (Université Caen-Normandie), Isabelle Konuma (INALCO), Morgane Labbé (EHESS), Marc Lazar (Sciences Po), Emmanuel Naquet (Institut Saint-Jean de Douai), Philip Nord (Princeton University, USA), Anne-Laure Ollivier (Lycée Albert-Schweitzer au Raincy), Giacomo Parrinello (Sciences Po), Nicolas Patin (Université de Bordeaux-Montaigne), Victor Pereira (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour), Antoine Perrier (CNRS), Laura Pettinaroli (École française de Rome, Italy), Gilles Richard (University of Rennes 2), Paul-André Rosental (Sciences Po), Emmanuel Saint-Fuscien (EHESS), Sylvie Thénault (CNRS), Jakob Vogel (Marc-Bloch Centre, Germany, and Sciences Po), Laurent Warlouzet (Sorbonne University).