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The Podcast Centre
"Dans l'atelier des historiens", the podcast of the Centre for History of Sciences Po
The Centre for History (CHSP) invites you to join us for Dans l'atelier des historiens, a podcast that shares the inner workings of the research produced at the CHSP.
In the course of their investigations and research, historians may come across a particular source that irrevocably marks a 'before' and an 'after'. This source may be a written, audio or visual document, but also an oral testimony, an event or a human encounter. Whatever its format or nature, it is or was decisive in our guest's research trajectory.
When and where did this encounter take place? What did it produce? What emotions and reactions? What changes or challenges did it bring to the research work in progress or planned? What does it still mean today? Dans l'atelier des historiens opens the door to intimate research.
A twenty-minute podcast hosted by Aurélie Luneau, associate professor at the CHSP, with technical support from Nils Bertinelli, Service audiovisuel de Sciences Po.
Available soon on all listening platforms: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Podcast Addict, Deezer, Amazon Music, Ausha ...