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Calls for Application
Trophy Photographs in WWII
Project news
Above : Private Sam Miller of Pennsylvania holds a photograph of a Japanese woman, found in a Japanese dugout when US forces landed on Wakde Island.Photographer: Jim Fitzpatrick, 26 May 1944.https://...
A Prize for Luca Provenzano
Luca Provenzano's article "'Power is in the Streets': Protest and Militancy in France, Italy and West Germany, 1968-1979" has just been awarded the Prize for Contemporary European History 2022...
Bruno Latour Fund : Call for applications for postdoctoral fellowships
Deadline: April 25, 2023
Sciences Po is launching a call for applications for postdoctoral fellowships as part of the Bruno Latour Fund, apostdoctoral research program on environmental and climate transformations.Ambitious...
Postdoctoral Research Fellowships at CHEP
Deadline : January 6th, 2023
International doctoral contract M/F "Violence between war and peace in Central Europe" - CNRS
Application Deadline: 06 July 2022
Title: Violence between war and peace: agentivity and gender of intersecting processes between intimate and collective levels in Central Europe The thesis will focus on the intersection of...
Recruitment | Chaire de Professeur junior : Société civile, institutions et coopérations européennes (XIX-XXIe siècle)
Date limite : 22 mai 2022
Title of the contract and post concerned : Civil society, institutions and European cooperations (XIXth-XXIth c.) Category to which the teacher is destined for tenure: University Professor...
Valuing empires in the 19th and 20th centuries | CHSP
Call for Papers | deadline : 15/06/2022
Call for papersECR & Doctoral Research Conference VALUING EMPIRES IN THE 19TH AND 20TH CENTURIES 09-10 november, 2022Sciences Po, Centre for History Principal Organizers: Evan...
FJME - Call for applications - Henri Rieben Scholarship 2022-2023 - Lausanne
Deadline: April 10, 2022
Fondation Jean Monnet pour l'Europe call for applications | henri rieben scholarship 2022-2023 The Henri Rieben Scholarship of the Foundation is put in contest for the 12th consecutive year....
Assistant Professor un United States History / Montreal University
Deadline: November 15, 2021
Assistant Professor in United States History / Department of History / Faculté des arts et Sciences, Université de Montreal. The Department of History invites applications for the full-time, tenure-...