Anna Sidorevich

Affiliated researcher
Women's gender history, and history of feminisms, History of the USSR, Soviet dissent


  • 2019-2024: PhD in History at the Center for History, Sciences Po Paris, France.

Dissertation: The Leningrad Women’s Movement (1979-1982): Between Soviet Emancipation and Second-Wave Feminism.

  • 2018-2019: Magistratura in Philology eq. to Master’s degree at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.
  • 2017-2018: Master 2 in History eq. to Master’s degree at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (Paris Saclay), France.

Thesis: Le Mouvement Dissident des Femmes de Leningrad dans les Années 1970-1980 : la Rencontre avec un ‘Féminisme Occidental.’

  • 2015-2017: Master 1 in History eq. to the 1st year of Master’s degree at the Collège Universitaire Français de Moscou, Russia.
    Thesis: Un Féminisme Dissident Orthodoxe : Une Étude Historique de la Revue Maria en Union Soviétique (1979-1982.
  • 2012-2016: Bakalavriat in Philology eq. to Bachelor’s degree at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.



  • “‘The terrible burden of being a woman’: Childbirth and abortion in the late USSR through the prism of Leningrad feminists’ underground publications (1979-1982).” Connexe: les espaces post communistes en question (s) 9 (2023): 39-59.
  • A Christian feminism in the USSR?: A historical overview of the religious women's club “Mariia”(1980–1982).” Religious life in the late Soviet Union. Routledge, 2023. 141-155.
  • “Où sont passées les archives ? Le mouvement féministe en URSS depuis 1979 et la question mémorielle.” Les féministes et leurs archives (1968-2018) : Militantisme, mémoire et recherche. Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2023. 81- 88. Co-authored with Lenny Smirnova.



  • “Le mouvement des femmes de Léningrad (19791982): un phénomène qui dépasse les frontières.” La Revue russe 55.1 (2020): 149-160.
  • “The samizdat of Leningrad women’s dissident movement in France” (article in Russian). Feministski samizdat. 40 let spustia (The feminist samizdat: 40 years later). Common place, 2020. 88-99.


  • “L’édition des textes des femmes dissidentes de Leningrad par les féministes françaises dans les années 1970-1980.” Des réalités intraduisibles? La traduction au prisme des sciences sociales de l’Antiquité à nos jours. Les Éditions Nouveaux Angles, 2019. 256-263.

Cordination of publications

Coordination with Iva Jelušić and Justina Smalkyte of a special issue titled “Gender and materiality in Central and Eastern Europe in the XX century.” Connexe : Les Espaces Postcommunistes En question(s) 9.1 (2023)

Non-academic publications

Organization of scientific events

  • Member of the coordination team for the seminar “Mondes communistes/ mondes soviétiques”, Center for History, Sciences Po Paris (2020-2024).
  • Member of the organizing committee for the interdisciplinary conference “Gender and Materiality in Central and Eastern Europe in the XX century.” Center for History, Sciences Po Paris. September 30-October 1st, 2021.
  • Member of the organizing committee for the interdisciplinary conference “The Blue Pencil of Censorship: Controlling, Bypassing and Diffusing information in Non-democratic Regimes in the 20th Century.” Center for History, Sciences Po Paris. October 2nd, 2020.

Teaching experience

  • 2023-2025: Teaching fellow at Sciences Po Paris, Reims Campus

Author’s courses taught:

Seminar “Gendering the Cold War.”

Seminar “Reproduction and Power.”

Seminar “Women in Movement: History of Feminisms from the Late 19th Century to This Day.”

Workshop “Introduction to Research in History ‘Queer America from The Mid-19th Century to This Day’.”

Other courses taught:

Discussion section “History of the Contemporary Worlds, 20th-21st Centuries: Empires, Nations, Citizenship.”

Discussion section “Narratives, Uses and Representations of the Past.”

Other activities:

Teaching Assistant of Pof. Mario Del Pero for the course “History of the Contemporary Worlds, 20th-21st Centuries: Empires, Nations, Citizenship.”

  • 2022-2023: Teaching and research associate (A.T.E.R.) at Sciences Po Paris

Author’s courses taught:

 Seminar “Women in Movement: History of Feminisms from the Late 19th Century to This Day.”

Other courses taught:

Discussion section “Histoire Des Mondes Contemporains : Droits, Sécurité et Insécurité aux XXe-XXIe S.”

Other activities:

Teaching Assistant of Prof. Sabine Dullin for the course “Histoire Des Mondes Contemporains : Droits, Sécurité et Insécurité aux XXe-XXIe S.”

  • 2019-2022: Doctoral student under contract at Sciences Po Paris

Courses taught:

Discussion section “Histoire Des Mondes Contemporains : Droits, Sécurité et Insécurité aux XXe-XXIe S.”

Discussion section “History of the Contemporary Worlds, 20th-21st Centuries: Empires, Nations, Citizenship.”

Other activities:

Teaching Assistant of Prof. Sabine Dullin for the course “Histoire Des Mondes Contemporains : Droits, Sécurité et Insécurité aux XXe-XXIe S.” 

Teaching Assistant of Prof. Pap Ndiaye for the course “History of the Contemporary Worlds, 20th-21st Centuries: Empires, Nations, Citizenship.” 

Supervision of PhD Thesis

Sabine Dullin (Sciences Po, CHSP)

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