Hugo Carlier
My research is a comparative study of monetary sovereignty in the modern French colonial empire, in which I confront the “monetary assimilation” doctrine claimed by colonial officials to the reality of monetary policies. I try to understand to what extent the economic and legal diversity of colonial states framed the diversity of currencies in the French colonial Empire, and to disentangle connexions between economic and anthropologic knowledge to understand the framework of colonial administrators.
- Since September 2022: Ph.D candidate at the Center for History.
- 2022: Agrégation of history (France highest-level teaching certification).
- 2018-2020: Sciences Po (CHSP), master’s degree in contemporary history, “Negotiating monetary sovereignty. Currency in the French colonial empire, 1879-1939”, supervised by Alain Chatriot.
- 2017-2018 : University of Ottawa, early modern and modern history of colonial empires.
- 2015-2017: Sciences Po Saint-Germain-en-Laye, law and administration.
La souveraineté monétaire dans l’empire colonial français, 1879-1939 [Monetary sovereignty in the French colonial empire], Paris, Ithaka, 2021, 297 p. (publication of the master’s thesis)
« Les archives René Mercier relatives aux émissions indochinoises de 1933 à 1945 dans les collections du Musée de la Monnaie de Paris », Numismatique asiatique, n°33, mars 2020.
Book reviews for Histoire@Politique.
« From monetary multiplicity to monetary sovereignty? Currency multiplicity under international scrutiny in French Togo? 1914-1930 », European Conference on African Studies, Cologne, June 2023.
« Le Franc, un instrument de mise en valeur de l’empire colonial ? 1880 – 1930 [The Franc, a tool to value French colonial Empire ?] », conference « Valuing Empires », Sciences Po, November 2022.
- 2022: Grant from the Center for History and Economics in Paris (CHEP)
- 2020: Ithaque-Marquet prize for best master's thesis in economic history
Supervision of PhD Thesis
Title: "Colonial monetary sovereignties. Knowledge and uses of currency in the French colonial Empire '1851-1945)". Supervisor: Alain Chatriot.