Léa Delmaire

PhD candidate
Contemporary Turkey, History of health policies

Lea Delmaire is a PhD student at the CHSP. She is for the year 2022-2023 a fellow at French Institute of Anatolian Studies (IFEA), in Istanbul.

She holds a master's degree in history from Sciences Po, a master's degree in contemporary philosophy from Paris 8 and a double bachelor’s in philosophy and social sciences from Paris-IV and Sciences Po. She has spent numerous academic and research stays in Turkey, notably at Boğaziçi and Galatasaray universities. She has been a seminar tutor and/or a Teaching Assistant for several courses during her doctoral contract and her Teaching and research fellowship (demi-ATER) at the History Department of Sciences Po. She is a member of the DFG network "Contemporary History of Turkey" around the University of Duisburg-Essen and of the COST Action "Who cares in Europe", within which she co-leads the project "Welfare and the domestic space. Housing and health in the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean".


  • Co-leader of the transversal project "Welfare and the domestic space. Housing and health in the Balkans and Eastern Mediterranean" of the COST Action "Who cares in Europe". with Gabriel Doyle (20222-2023)
  • Co-editor of Histoire, médecine et santé n°19, "Enquêtes médicales" (7-articles cluster in a peer-reviewed journal). With Pierre Nobi and Paul-Arthur Tortosa (2022)
  • Elected representative for the PhD candidates at the CHSP (2020)
  • Co-organiser of the junior workshop "Enquêtes médicales: savoirs, pratiques, enjeux (XVIIIe-XXIe siècles)" at the CHSP and the Centre Alexandre-Koyré/EHESS (2019)
  • Elected representative at Sciences Po Scientific Council (2018-2020)


2018 : Prize of the Gesellschaft für Turkologie, Osmanistik und Türkeiforschung (GTOT) for the history dissertation "Construction and deconstruction of a social disease. Les politiques de lutte contre la tuberculose en Turquie (1948-1960)", supervision Pap Ndiaye, 2017


  • Léa Delmaire. Christian Bonah, Guillaume Linte and Alexandre Wenger, Maladies infectieuses sans fin. Le cas de la syphilis pour penser la mobilisation-démobilisation prophylactique (XXe–XXIe siècle). European Journal for the History of Medicine and Health, 2023, ⟨10.1163/26667711-20230001⟩⟨hal-04087502⟩
  • Delmaire Léa, « Health policies and tuberculosis control: The case of Republican Turkey (twentieth century) », Encyclopédie d'histoire numérique de l'Europe [online], ISSN 2677-6588, published on 07/01/22, consulted on 08/02/2022. Permalink : https://ehne.fr/en/node/21396 

  • Delmaire Léa, Pierre Nobi, Paul-Arthur Tortosa. Enquêtes médicales (XIXe-XXIe siècle), Histoire, médecine et santé, Editions Méridiennes, 2022, pp. 9-21 <10.4000/hms.4260>

CV (PDF, 212 Ko)

Last Publications

Supervision of PhD Thesis

Paul-André Rosental (Sciences Po, CHSP) and  Elise A. Massicard (Sciences Po, CERI)

"Heyday and decline of a public problem. Tuberculosis control in Turkey (1945-1975)"

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