Affiliated Research Fellows

Social categories, Spain, Political and social history of the State
India, XIXth-XXIth centuries
Modern US history, Political history, War & society, US & the world
Catholicism, Cultural History of contemporary France and Italy, History of the policies and institutions devoted to population and welfare, Public policies
International History, History of the United States, Economic History
Politics, Religion and Nation, Political an cultural history of the military, International History, Modern and Contemporary Italy
Contemporary historiography and epistemology of history, Stories and uses of the past, History of the Netherlands
Cultural and visual history, Memory, history and comics, Cultural and visual history, Memory, history and comics, Historical memorial tales in comics and graphic novels, Traumatic memory
Economic dynamics, History of technology
Far-left politics in France (20th century)
World War I, Australian History, Humanitarism, Red Cross, Corpses and War Violence
Cultural history, Modern and contemporary art exhibitions and museums, Plastic arts, Outsider art
+33 (0)1 58 71 70 60
Environmental history, History of science, Political ecology, Water history, Spanish Contemporary History, Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Communism, Activists of the Parisian Communist Jewish world
US foreign policy, Cold War, Détente, Transatlantic relations, Eurocommunism
History of sexualities, Gender history, History of policing and criminal justice, Urban history
Art education in the 20th century, Waste as artistic material in the second half of the 20th century, The anecdote as method and object of art and art history, Expression and memory in artworks, The imagination of art and artists, The artist interview, history, practice and epistemology, New Realism, Daniel Spoerri
Histoire politique, Relations internationales, Renseignement
History of Army, Cold War, World War II, History of the contemporary "warrior phenomenon" and violence
Colonial and postcolonial history, History of Asia (XIXth-XXth centuries), Violence and war, WWII
War and Coming out of War, 19th and 20th Centuries
History of colonial psychiatry, Social history of colonial Algeria, History of medical work, History of the contemporary "warrior phenomenon" and violence
Anti-Semitism, Fascism, Contemporary Italy, Mafia, the Italian South
Colonial and postcolonial history, Education, State History
History of Social Movements, History of Francophonie, History of democracy and European parliamentarism
Transnational history, War and Coming out of War, 20th century
History of early modern and modern Marocco, Economic and social history, History of the State, Historiography and arabic sources in North Africa, Arabic manuscript and digital humanities
religion and politics, Vatican Diplomacy, atheism, interfaith relations, international religious institutions, Europe and Russian world
History of institutions, History of international relations, History of communism, Comparativ european history, Transnational history
Women's gender history, and history of feminisms, History of the USSR, Soviet dissent
Gender and Resistance, WWII
History of public health, History of public policies, History of temporalities, History of occupational health
History of Chinese Art in the 20th Century, Nature and Landscape in Modern Art and contemporary, Amateur artists, Exhibition and museology of 20th and 21st century art, International circulation of knowledge
History of empires in Asia, History of port cities in Asia, History of modern Chinese State, History of International relations, History of Law enforcement, History of war
History of social protection, History of work, Social history of the working classes, History of women and the family
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