Doctoral Researchers
Histoire de l'Afrique du Nord, Migrations transimpériales, pratiques juridiques
History of early childhood education, Gender History, History of professional training, History of public policies and welfare, Contemporary history of Francen, England, Switzerland and Turkey
History of Health (19th-20th centuries), History of Japan (Meiji, Taishō and Shōwa eras), History of health practices, History of health professionals (Japan)
Cold War-era books and other reading materials, Kerala, India (1950-1980)
U.S.-German Relations to 1914, Environmental history of the United States, Cross-border dispute over natural resources in North America
19th century, European History, Atlantic History, French Imperialism, Politics and International Relations
Politics and advertising, Political communication
History of ideas, Social movements, socialism, Vatican II, France and Italy
Imperial and colonial history, History of colonial states, Monetary history, 19th and 20th Centuries
History of the French and Italian Left in the XXth and XXIst Centuries, Political History of Italy in the XXth and XXIst Centuries
Medical, social and cultural history of colonial and military psychiatry, History of First Indochina War, History of French Empire, History of colonization and decolonization
Art History, History of the Third Republic
Comparative Literature, Literature and History, Testimonial Literature Child Studies, Trauma Studies, Memory Studies, 20th-21st century
History of administration, Atlantic History, French and Haitian revolutions
Intellectual History, Socio-history of literature, History of intellectual circulations, Postcolonial Studies
Intellectual History, History of colonization, History of science and knowledge in East Africa
Social and cultural history, Political history of the French working class, Economic history, Socialism and syndicalism (19th-20th Centuries)
Coming out of war, War victims, Psychological injuries, War reparations
Environmental history, History of water, Contemporary history of Netherlands, History of technology, Global history, history of international of expertise
Colonial and Postcolonial Penology history (torture, discipline, punishment, prison), History of Human Rights, State-building, and Security – In West Africa
History of contemporary Austria, History of Religions, History of Intellectual Circulations
History of sexualities, Gender History, History of penal institutions
Art History, Looted Art, Cultural Heritage in Armed conflicts, Restitution
History of the academic culture in the USSR, Perestroïka
Diplomatic History, Jewish History, Polish History, History of Human Rights
History of Medicine, History of surgical practices, History of science, Disability Studies, History of the body, 19th century social history
Left, History of lefts, History of the Middle East, Social Movements
Rural History, Agricultural Modernization, Cultural history of Brittany
Histoire des modernisations agricoles (XXe siècle), Histoire environnementale, Histoire sociale des langues dites régionales, Histoire culturelle de la Bretagne
History of emotions, History and anthropology of images and the arts, history of artificial intelligence, History of techniques and ideas
History of international relations, History of the United States, Political History, Evangelicalism
Company History, Transnational and comparative History, Social and cultural history
Construction and circulation of medical knowledge, 18th-19th centuries
History of computing (with a focus on Africa), history of knowledge, history of technologies, global history, transnational networks of experts
Urban hydraulic infrastructures, History of contemporary Egypt, Environmental history, Economic history, Informal imperialism
International History, History of the United States, History of Economic Globalization
Contemporary political History, History of terrorism, History of international relations (France, Italy, Eastern Europe), Histoire croisée, Histoire of nationalism
History of trans-Mediterranean circulation, Exile and migrations, Cosmopolitanism and internationalism
History of science and technology, Social History (19th Century), Economic History, History of industrial property
Histoire du plastique, Histoire de la consommation, Histoire environnementale, Histoire des entreprises (France, XXe siècle)
Economic History, history of empires and history of globalization