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Recruitment 2024
Sciences Po is recruiting an Assistant Professor in History [private position], "Genocide and mass violence in 20th century Europe"
[recruitment completed]
- Read more Job Profile (PDF, EN, 105 Ko)
- Genocide & Mass violence selection Committee (PDF, 104 Ko)
Sciences Po is hiring a Full Professor in History
"North-American History: Politics, Institutions and Societies"
[recruitment completed]
- An assistant professor, "history of visual arts of the 20th and 21st centuries" (Thibauld Boulvain)
- A Professor of History, specialist in Intellectual History and Political History of the 18th and 19th Centuries (David Todd)
- Professor in History, specialiste in a social and political history of the 20th and 21st Centuries, with a focus on europe (Marion Fontaine)
- A full Professor (Professeur-e des universités), in Political History, History of Political Institutions (Nicolas Roussellier)
- An Assistant Professor in History of East-Asia and Southeast Asia (Pierre Fuller)
- A Full Professor (Professeur-e des universités), in History and Literature (Frédérique Leichter-Flack)