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Professional Careers

The master programme in history is the first step towards doctoral studies in history as well as towards teaching and research positions either in France or abroad. The programme encourages international student and research exchanges and mobility. 

In addition, the master programme welcomes students who have a strong interest in history and plan to endorse professional careers within other sectors of activity such as the public sector, heritage sector, library and archives sector, cultural and audiovisual industry, editing, press and media sectors. 

Find out more

Professional training for doctoral students proposed by the School of Research 
Careers of Sciences Po PhDs and HDRs
Galaxie portal for higher education staff 

Here are a few examples of courses

Autumn 2024

Anatole LE BRAS is a lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. He specialises in the social and cultural history of psychiatry in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and was previously a post-doctoral fellow at the Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po. Anatole is the author of Un enfant à l'asile. Vie de Paul Taesch (1874-1914), (CNRS Editions, 2018) and Aliénés. Une histoire sociale de la folie au XIXe siècle, published in 2024 by Editions du CNRS. Her research was recently the subject of the first episode of the podcast ‘Dans l'atelier des historiens’.

Laura PETTINAROLI is now Professor of Contemporary History at the Université Lumière Lyon 2. An associate researcher at the Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po, her research focuses on the links between religious events and international issues. Her work covers a range of fields, including Vatican diplomacy, atheism, interfaith relations and international religious institutions. Laura also sits on the editorial boards of Histoire@Politique, the Revue de l'histoire des religions, and the Journal of Modern and Contemporary Christianity.

November 2024

Michele DI DONATO, researcher in contemporary history, joined the University of Roma Tre in November 2024, after having been at the University of Pisa from 2019 to 2023. He was a visiting researcher and Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow at the LSE and at the Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po. His research focuses on the international history of the European lefts, the Cold War and globalisation. Michele is also a member of the scientific steering committee of Gramsci.
Rediscover Michele Di Donato's book with Mathieu Fulla: Leftist Internationalisms: A Transnational Political History , Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.

March 2023

Giacomo CANEPA, winner of the Vinci post-doctoral fellowship from the Franco-Italian University, associated with the Centre d'histoire de sciences Po, Giacomo is a post-doctoral researcher at the Scuola Normale superiore in Pisa where his research focuses on the history of social protection in Europe in the 20th century.

Bérénice BERNARD was awarded the Gesellschaft für Türkologie, Osmanistik und Türkeiforschung (GTOT) prize for her master's thesis on the development of pre-school education in Turkey (thesis defended in May 2022 under the supervision of Paul-André Rosental).

Anatole LE BRAS has just been awarded the ‘Young Researcher’ prize by the Treilles 2023 Foundation.

February 2023

Isabelle DELORME, a researcher associated with the Centre d'histoire, has been awarded a national research grant by the Red Cross Foundation on the theme ‘Humanitarian and social actors at the heart of the crisis of Ukrainian exiles in France’.

Louise FRACEZON, a Sciences Po Masters graduate, has just been awarded the Prix Mnemosyne (gender history prize).

January 2023

Romain JAOUEN, a doctoral student at the CHSP, has just been awarded the 2022 Gender Studies Research Grant by the City of Paris.

The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR) has awarded CHSP doctoral student Evan BONNEY the Stuart L. Bernath Dissertation Fellowship to finish writing his dissertation.

September 2022

Olivier BURTIN, Senior Lecturer, University of Amiens
Laurent CUVELIER, Senior Lecturer, University of Tours
Zoé GRUMBERG, Post doc, University of Angers (2 years)
Marion HENRY, ATER in British civilisation at the University of Paris Nanterre
Camille MAHÉ, Associate Professor, IEP Strasbourg (one year)
Emmanuel JOUSSE, Senior Lecturer, IEP Lyon
Paul LENORMAND, Senior Lecturer, University of Paris-Nanterre
Lola ZAPPI, Senior Lecturer, Université Paris-1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

July 2022

Samuele Sottoriva, thesis defended under the joint supervision of Sciences Po and Roma Tre, receives the Giovanni Spadolini Foundation Prize for the best doctorate in contemporary history.

November 2021

Camille Richert is a winner of the Ministry of Culture's ‘Mondes Nouveaux’ programme for a writing and research project on the history of exhibitions.

September 2021

Marine Fiedler has been awarded the prize for the best thesis by the History Faculty of the University of Bern.

Marine Fiedler wrote a joint thesis (University of Bern/Sciences Po) entitled: ‘Von Hamburg nach Singapur. Translokale Erfahrungen einer Hamburger Kaumannsfamille in Zeiten der Globalisierung (1765-1914)’. [From Hamburg to Singapore. Translocal experiences of a Hamburg merchant family in the era of globalisation (1765-1914) (Co-supervisors: Kim Siebenhüner and Vincent Windler / Jakob Vogel)

June 2021

Antoine Perrier becomes a CNRS research fellow

July 2020

Simon Perego elected to a position as Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Jewish History at  INALCO.

May 2020

Julie Sissia, a former doctoral student in art history at Sciences Po and associate researcher at the Centre d'histoire, has just been appointed ‘scientific project manager in the humanities and social sciences’ at the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche).

January 2020

Rémi Luglia
Professor of history at the Lycée d'hôtellerie et de tourisme in Blois and member of the EA HisTeMé at the University of Caen-Normandie.

Alessandro Capone
Since January 2020, Alessandro Capone has been editorial secretary of the Rassegna storica del Risorgimento, published by the Istituto per la Storia del Risorgimento italiano (Rome).

December 2019

Vincent Huguet began with a classical education: a student at the École Normale Supérieure de Fontenay/Saint-Cloud, agrégé in history in 2000, he specialised in the history of art, particularly contemporary art, which he taught at the University of Amiens while beginning a thesis at Sciences Po, under the direction of Laurence Bertrand Dorléac. Drawn by his work as an editor at Gallimard, where he created a new art history collection, and by his collaboration with Patrice Chéreau, he did not support but directed his first play at the Opéra national de Montpellier in 2012. Vincent Huguet is now a stage director and is in the spotlight this month with the new performance of ‘Manon’, a comic opera programmed at the Opéra Bastille.

November 2019

Lola Zappi has been recruited as an ATER at the University of Besançon (defence on 8 November 2019).
Selim Nadi has been awarded an ATER post (in political science) at the University of Lyon 2 (defence on 17 May 2019).


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