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Undergraduate Studies
History teaching at the Undergraduate College
History, one of the five core disciplines at Sciences Po
History at Sciences Po has a traditional focus on political history, cultural history, and the history of international relations, mainly in the 20th century. In recent years, history at Sciences Po has been enriched with new themes: imperial and transnational history, the history of wars and violence, history of art, history of public policy and social movements, gender history, history of science, urban and environmental history, digital history, etc. History at Sciences Po has also expanded geographically, to include Europe, Russia, Africa, and Asia, and covers the 18th through to the 21st centuries.
At the Undergraduate College, all members of the permanent faculty teach history, which is included in the programmes of all Sciences Po students, in French and English. Two compulsory courses on the history of 19th-century Europe and on the global history of contemporary worlds (20th-21st centuries) structure the history curriculum for all students. History is also one of the pillars of the Political Humanities major. In addition to a core course on the narratives, representations and uses of the past, history is taught through research seminars and methodology workshops.
See the list of courses for 2019-2020 on the seven Undergraduate College campuses:
- The Middle-East and Mediterranean, Menton campus
- Europe with a focus on Central and Eastern Europe, Dijon campus
- Asia and the Pacific, Le Havre campus
- Europe with a focus on the Franco-German region, Nancy campus
- Latin America, Spain and Portugal, Poitiers campus
- North America, Reims campus (first year, second year)
- Paris campus (first year, second year)