Accueil>AAC | Psychiatry and addictions in Europe in the 20th century - Strasbourg 26-27/01/2023


AAC | Psychiatry and addictions in Europe in the 20th century - Strasbourg 26-27/01/2023

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Psychiatry and addictions in Europe in the 20th century
Colloque international organisé par Anatole Le Bras (Post-doc à l'Univ. de Strasbourg) et Marianna Scarfone
The goal of this international colloquium is to explore psychiatry’s contribution to the troubled and non-linear history of the medicalization of addictions in Europe throughout the 20th century. This question should be explored through the lens of medical concepts, institutions of care and cure, as well as patients’ experiences. At the same time, our aim is to explore how psychiatric archives may renew the social history of drugs.
Le colloque se tiendra à l'université de Strasbourg les 26 et 27 janvier 2023 ; les propositions sont à envoyer pour le 12 septembre 2022.