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The Cambridge – Sciences Po Research Cooperation Agreement (CAMPO)

The Cambridge – Sciences Po Research Cooperation Agreement, signed in 2017, was created to formalize and strengthen the longstanding partnership between the University of Cambridge and Sciences Po. For years both universities have collaborated in all manner of projects. The agreement provides a framework to further develop research links in disciplines including Politics, History and Public Policy, with a strong expectation that the collaboration will develop to include other areas of mutual interest. (Read more)

CamPo Collaborative Research Grants Scheme 2024: ‘Global Transitions: Towards an International History of 1980s and 1990s’

"The project aims to develop a conceptual and historiographic map of the 1980s and 90s in order to discuss the prospects for an integrated approach to understanding global contemporary transitions, akin to those produced for previous transitional periods of the modern age. Through various empirical studies, the project intends to foster dialogue among different narratives of globalization, intertwining ideological, institutional, and geopolitical approaches."
Period : May-December 2024
Participants : 

  • Jeremy Adelman, Global History Lab, University of Cambridge
  • Mario Del Pero, Sciences Po (CHSP)
  • Marion Fontaine, Sciences Po (CHSP)
  • Andrew Preston, University of Cambridge

CamPo Collaborative Research Grants Scheme 2023: ‘Power and Popular Politics in Urban Africa’

Our 2023 CAMPO winning project combines the research of Florence Bernault, Laurent Fourchard and Ruth Watson on power and popular politics in urban Africa. It builds on the successful collaboration between Bernault and Watson awarded CamPo funding in April 2022, where the intellectual rationale was to develop Anglo-French collaboration through parallel fieldwork projects on Anglophone and Francophone Africa. Transcending a division that diminishes our understanding of Africa, our partnership offers an excellent opportunity to generate new ideas and approaches whilst also acknowledging both difference and shared historical experience on the topic of : Power and Popular Politics in Urban Africa
Period : May-December  2023
Participants : 

  • Florence Bernault (History, CHSP, Sciences Po)
  • Laurent Fourchard (History, CERI, Sciences Po
  • Ruth Watson (History, Cambridge)

CamPo Collaborative Research Grants Scheme 2022: ‘Power and Popular Politics in Africa: Despotism, Protest, Smart Mobs’

This collaborative project focuses on histories of power and popular politics as a way into studying Anglophone and Francophone Africa. Paradoxically, these regions are often studied in isolation from each other, mimicking former colonial boundaries rather than allowing for points of convergence. Transcending a division that diminishes our understanding of Africa, this workshop aims to generate new ideas and approaches whilst also acknowledging both difference and shared historical experience.
Period : May-December 2022
Participants : 

  • Florence Bernault (History, Sciences Po)
  • Ruth Watson (History, Cambridge)

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