Chercheurs invités
Le Centre d'histoire accueille régulièrement pour des courts séjours des chercheurs et chercheuses internationaux dans le cadre de ses activités de recherche ou d'enseignements.
Carla BAPTISTA jusqu'au 15 décembre 2024
Carla Baptista is an associate Professor of Communication Sciences at NOVA FSCH (Portugal) and a researcher at ICNOVA. She teaches Media History and Journalism Ethics in the undergraduate course and Media, Journalism and Technology in the Communication Sciences master and Women and Gender in the PhD course Gender Studies. She is a freelance journalist and member of the editorial board of the Portuguese edition of the newspaper Le Monde Diplomatique. She is currently conducting a research project on "imagining democracy in television. Portugal 1974-1976".
Matteo CALABRESE, postdoctorant invité, du 10 février au 24 décembre 2025
Chercheur postdoctral à l'université Bocconi de Milan, Matteo Calabrese est titulaire d'un doctorat en histoire financière de l'université du Luxembourg (Centre luxembourgeois d'histoire contemporaine et numérique, C2DH). Depuis 2023, il est également visiting fellow à l'International Institute of Social History à Amsterdam. Ses recherches portent sur l'histoire financière (fonds d'investissement, holdings, intermédiaires financiers) et l'histoire économique et analyse comparative au sein du bloc eurasiatique). Ses travaux ont été publiés dans Historical Methods, Italian Economic Journal, Contemporary European History (avec Benoît Majerus, sur l'histoire des holdings domiciliés au Luxembourg pendant l'entre-deux-guerres) et Journal of Interdisciplinary History. En 2022, il a travaillé sur un projet de recherche sur l'histoire des fonds mutuels à Taïwan, après avoir reçu la bourse STRA du ministère de l'Education de Taïwan.
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Emmanuel DALLE MULLE, du 1er octobre au 15 décembre 2024
Emmanuel Dalle Mulle is Post-Doctoral Researcher and Lecturer at the Complutense University of Madrid, where he works on the project 'The Myth of Homogeneity: Majority-Minority Relations in Interwar Western Europe’ ( He is specialised in the history and politics of nationalism in Europe in the 20th century. His research interests include nationalism, majority-minority relations, and the history of human rights and the welfare state. He previously was a lecturer, researcher and project coordinator at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. He also taught at the University of Geneva and held visiting researcher positions at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Boston University and the London School of Economics, among others.
Thomas DAVID, du 1er octobre 2024 au 31 janvier 2025
Mikhaël MOREAU, doctorant invité, du 3 mars au 21 juillet 2025
Mikhaël Moreau est historien moderniste de formation. Son mémoire de maîtrise soutenu à l’UNIGE en 2018 a contribué à inscrire l’histoire des prisons de Genève dans le mouvement de spécialisation des institutions d’enfermement à l’époque des Lumières. De 2018 à 2022, il est engagé comme collaborateur scientifique dans le projet du Fonds National Suisse « Expertiser la souffrance et la transgression (Genève, Vaud, Valais 1940-1985) », dirigé par Cristina Ferreira (HESAV) et Jacques Gasser (UNIL) dans le cadre du Programme National de Recherche (PNR) 76 « assistance et coercition ». Ses recherches sociohistoriques, conduites selon une perspective d’études genre et une approche « par le bas », ont porté sur les mesures d’internement administratif, pénales et civiles, en particulier celles mises en œuvre à l’encontre d’hommes diagnostiqués « psychopathes ». En 2023, il est nommé chargé de recherche à l’Institut des humanités en médecine (CHUV-UNIL), mandaté par le Département du psychiatrie du CHUV à l’occasion des 150 ans de l’Hôpital psychiatrique de Cery (Vaud) pour mener une enquête historique et coordonner une exposition et une publication. Dès 2024, il est doctorant FNS dans le projet MEDIF dirigé par Aude Fauvel (IHM) et Rémy Amouroux (IP, UNIL) consacré à l’histoire des premières femmes médecins formées à la Belle époque. Sa thèse porte sur les stratégies d’alliances des doctoresses et leurs réseaux professionnels franco-suisses.
Kevin PETRONI, du 3 janvier au 31 décembre 2025
Doctorants invités
Alessandro AMBROSINO, PhD Candidate, University of London
Pierre AZOU, Princeton University
Beshouy BOTROS, Yale University
Mourad BOUMIK, Yale University
Jinxue CHEN, Northwestern University
Ayse CICEK UNAL, Yale University
Cian COONEY, Trinity College Dublin
Xiaojing GU, University of Zhejian
Conor MULLER, University of Oxford
Amir PEREZ, University of Tel Aviv
Yifat SCHACHAM, University of Tel Aviv
Du 2 avril au 30 juin 2024
Historienne, chercheuse post-doctorale (Fonds national suisse, Université de Fribourg) et chargée de cours (Faculté de médecine, Université de Lausanne), les recherches d'Audrey Bonvin portent sur la socio-histoire du conservatisme, les organisations chrétiennes internationales, la guerre froide culturelle, les réseaux transnationaux antialcooliques et la mobilisation des réseaux dits "pro-vie" en Suisse.
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Pey-Yi CHU
Du 2 avril au 30 juin 2024
Pey-Yi Chu is a historian of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union and an associate professor of history at Pomona College in Claremont, California. Her research focuses on the history of science, environmental history, and the history of northern Eurasia. She is interested in how ideas about nature have been shaped by culture, politics, and economic practices. Her first book, The Life of Permafrost: A History of Frozen Earth in Russian and Soviet Science was published by University of Toronto Press in 2020. Her writings have also appeared in the peer-reviewed journals Environmental History, Environment and History, Arcadia, and the edited volumes The Cambridge History of the Polar Regions, Eurasian Environments, and The Future of Nature. Support for her research has been granted by the United States Department of Education, the Social Science Research Council, the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. Born in Taiwan and raised in the United States, Pey-Yi earned her Ph.D. in history at Princeton University.
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En savoir plus
Premier semestre 2024 (arrivée le 29/01/2024)
Titulaire du Global Visiting Faculty Programme de Sciences Po
Rosario Forlenza is an Associate Professor of History and Political Anthropology in the Department of Political Science at Luiss University, Rome. Previously, he worked at the University of Cambridge, Princeton University, New York University, Columbia University, and the University of Padova, and held fellowships and visiting positions at the Australian Catholic University, Roskilde University, the University of Oslo, Sciences Po Bordeaux and Potsdam University.
He specializes in the history of modern Europe and Italy in its global implications, and focuses particularly on democracy and authoritarianism, political revolutions, nationalism and the politics of memory, politics and religion, and the Cold War.
Rosario is the author of On the Edge of Democracy: Italy, 1943-1948 (Oxford University Press, 2019) and co-author with Bjørn Thomassen of Italian Modernities: Competing Narratives of Nationhood (Palgrave, 2016) and Italy’s Christian Democracy: The Catholic Encounter with Political Modernity (Oxford University Press, 2024). His articles have appeared, among others, in The American Historical Review, Past & Present, Journal of Contemporary History, History and Anthropology, Contemporary European History, History Workshop Journal, and Journal of Cold War Studies.
He is currently working on a comparative history of revolutions from the perspective of political anthropology, on the totalitarian experience in interwar Russia, Italy, and Germany, and on the global history of Christian Democracy.
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Patricia LOPEZ-GAY
Du 1er Septembre 2023 au 30 Juin 2024
OSUN Fellow at Sciences Po
Associate Professor of Spanish Studies and Experimental Humanities, Bard College, New York. Prof. Patricia López-Gay specializes in comparative literature (Iberia, Brazil, France), with a strong interest in photography and film. Her research is concerned with fiction and testimony, the relationship between word and image, theories of the archive, and contemporary life writing. She is the author of numerous articles in international peer-reviewed journals; has given conference presentations and guest lectures nationally and internationally; and has been awarded research fellowships and grants from the French and Spanish Ministries of Education, the Camões Institute of Portugal, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Open Society Network (OSUN) to which Sciences Po belongs. Prof. López-Gay’s latest book, True Fictions [Ficciones de verdad] (Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2020), focuses on archive fever and life writing through traditional and digital media. Before joining Bard College, New York, in 2013, she taught at New York University and the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She is part of GILCO, an international research group on contemporary literature and intermedial studies based at the University of Alcalá de Henares, in Madrid. In addition to her teaching and research, she is a full member of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language, and an associate member of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language.
PhD, Spanish and Portuguese languages and literatures, New York University; joint PhD, comparative literature and translation studies, University of Paris 7 and Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Referent: Frédérique Leichter-Flack
Philipp MÜLLER
Du 1er Sept. 2023 au 31 Août 2024
Titulaire de la Chaire Grosser 2023-2024
Après des études d'histoire, de philosophie et de langues romanes à Cologne et à Berlin, Philipp Müller a obtenu son doctorat à l'Université Humboldt avec une thèse sur l'histoire de l'historiographie au XIXe siècle. Il a ensuite enseigné à l'université Humboldt puis à l'université de Fribourg et a travaillé sur une thèse d'habilitation sur l'histoire de l'économie politique en Allemagne et en France entre 1920 et 1950. Il a notamment été chercheur invité à la Maison des sciences de l'homme, boursier Alexander von Humboldt à l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne et au Center for European Studies de l'Université de Harvard. Depuis 2016, il travaille comme chercheur à l'Institut de recherche sociale de Hambourg et enseigne à l'Université Humboldt ainsi qu'à l'Université Leuphana de Lüneburg.
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Référent : Paul-André Rosental
Du 1er mars au 30 avril 2024
Chercheur invité
After studying history at University College Dublin, he obtained his doctorate at the University of Cambridge with a thesis about the military at the beginning of the Weimar Republic. He has taught at the University of Glasgow and he has been a member of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton and a Fellow at the Wissenscahftskolleg zu Berlin. He now teaches at University College Dublin, where he works on international history between 1871 and 1945. He has written The Origins of the First World War (2nd edition, 2017) and The Great War for Peace (2014). Together with Peter Jackson and Glenda Sluga, he co-edited Peacemaking and International Order after the First World War (2024).
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Référent : Guillaume Piketty
Du 2 Janvier au 30 Mars 2024
MSCA Fellowship, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, UCLM
Natalia Núñez Bargueño is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Facultad de Humanidades of the Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, and an associated research fellow to the project "Sociedad internacional y europeísmo. La huella de las otras Europas" (PID2021-122750NB-C21). In 2019, she was elected member to the Directing Committee (as well as Director of Feliciano Montero Seminar of Religious History), and in 2023 vicepresident of the Asociación Española Historia Religiosa Contemporánea . She has a double Ph.D. Cum Laude from the Sorbonne and Alcalá de Henares universities (2018). Her thesis “Croyances, espaces et politique dans l’Espagne du XXe siècle : les congrès eucharistiques internationaux” has been distinguished by the award for the best dissertation in History (University of Alcalá de Henares, 2019).
In her work she explores innovative aspects of the study of Contemporary Catholicism, Transnational and Cultural History, and Gender Studies. She is the author of 18 articles and book chapters in French, Spanish and English, a monographic book ("Fe, modernidad y política: los congresos eucarísticos internacionales", Comares, forthcoming, 2023), and has co-edited the book (“Beyond National Catholicisms: Transnational Networks of Hispanic Catholicisms" 2021).
In 2023 she received a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action for the project TheoFem, "Lay Women: International Experts and Theologians avant-la-lettre. Legacies and Entangled Histories (1945-1962)" which she will begin in 2024 at KU Leuven's Faculty of Theology, Religious Studies, as well as the Modernity and Society 1800-2000 (MoSa) Research Unit and the KADOC Documentation and Research Centre on Religion.
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Référent : Gerd-Rainer Horn
Du 8 Avril au 3 Mai 2024
Jayita est maîtresse de conférences en histoire mondiale des inégalités à la School of Social and Political Sciences de l'Université de Glasgow. Elle est l'autrice de Ploughshares and Swords : India's Nuclear Program in the Global Cold War (Cornell University Press, 2022), qui a remporté en 2024 le Bernard S. Cohn Book Prize de l'Association for Asian Studies et en 2023 la Honorable Mention for Global Development Studies Book Award de l'International Studies Association. Jayita est également lauréate d'une bourse de la MSH (Programme DEA-Directeurs d'études associés, FMSH).
Elle termine actuellement son prochain ouvrage, Atomic Capitalism. A Global History (sous contrat avec Princeton University Press, série America in the World). Jayita Sarkar est rédactrice en chef de la série d'ouvrage "InterConnections : The Global Twentieth Century", publiée par University of North Carolina Press. Elle est lauréate d'une bourse de recherche de la British Academy Global Innovation Fellow à la Carnegie Endowment for International Peace à Washington, DC pour 2024-25.
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Du 01/09/2023-31/10/2023
Postdoctorant invité
Samuele Sottoriva est chercheur postdoctoral à l’Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici de Naples. Après son master en Histoire à l’Université de Padoue, en 2021 il a obtenu son doctorat en Histoire avec une thèse sur les rapports entre les socialistes italiens et français dans les années 1970 (Università de Roma Tre-Sciences Po Paris, sous la direction de M. Renato Moro et M. Marc Lazar). La thèse a obtenu le prix « Spadolini Nuova Antologia 2021 » pour la meilleure thèse de Doctorat en « Histoire politique et culturelle de l’Italie contemporaine ». A Sciences Po, il poursuit son projet de recherche I viaggi di Bettino Craxi : per una mappa dell’attività internazionale del segretario del Partito socialista italiano (Les voyages de Bettino Craxi : pour une carte de l’activité internationale du secrétaire du Parti socialiste italien).
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Alexia YATES
Du 10/03/2024 au 07/04/2024, mois d'invitation Sciences Po
Chercheuse invitée
Alexia Yates is a historian of economic life in modern Europe. Her research pursues the central challenge of how we might enliven critical political economy approaches to capitalism with a humanist agenda that accounts for the agency of the people, places, and things in their encounters with economic facts. She has published two books on the history of property and its marketization and is completing a third on everyday financial cultures in France and its empire. She is a Senior Lecturer in Modern History at the University of Manchester, where co-directs the interdisciplinary Centre for Economic Cultures. In 2020, she was awarded the Philip Leverhulme Prize in History (UK) and in 2023 received the Harold F. Williamson mid-career prize from the Business History Conference (USA). She has held a Prize Fellowship at the Center for History and Economics (Harvard), a Mellon/Newton Interdisciplinary fellowship at CRASSH (Cambridge), and was a fellow at the National Humanities Centre (USA).
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Référent : David Todd
Doctorants invités
Mehmet Akif AYDEMIR
Du 02/04 au 31/05/2024
PhD Candidate, University of London
Mehmet holds a BA in International Relations from Ankara University. Once he was awarded a scholarship from the Ministry of National Education, he decided to study in the United Kingdom at the School of Oriental and African Studies. He submitted a master’s dissertation which is titled “Moroccan Political Manoeuvring: Why Did Rabat Decide to Rejoin the African Union After 33 Years?” at SOAS. He then joined the Department of History at Royal Holloway University of London as a Ph.D. Candidate in September 2021. HIs doctoral research, under the supervision of Dr. James Baldwin and Dr. Markus Daechsel, will investigate diplomatic relations and the main political conflicts between the British Empire and the Ottoman State from 1908 to 1913.
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Du 08/12/2023 au 07/12/2024
Doctorant invité
Mert Cemal Aygin is a PhD candidate in Late Modern History at Istanbul University. He completed his undergraduate studies in History at Istanbul University and holds an MA in Late Modern History from the Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul University. His doctoral research examines Istanbul's global standing as a trading hub in the 19th century, with a focus on customs policies and their impact on Ottoman industry.
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Référents : Béatrice Dedinger et David Todd
Shirley LE PENNE
Du 13 Novembre 2023 au 31 Juillet 2024
Doctorante invitée
Shirley Le Penne is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Government at Cornell University, specializing in Political Theory. Her dissertation "Inheriting the Carceral" focuses on the interplay between colonialism and incarceration. Specifically, Le Penne examines the intergenerational incarceration of Algerians in French prisons during the Algerian War of Independence and today. She asks to what extent are their experiences of incarceration shaped by the political legacy of their grandparents. During her stay at the Center for History, Le Penne will investigate the historical foundations of French carcerality. She will conduct archival research and interviews. Le Penne completed her BA in International Relations and the History of the Middle East, and wrote her master’s thesis on hope and despair in Algeria and Tunisia amidst the Arab Spring.
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Fernandino MAIERON
Du 1er Février au 30 Juin 2024
Doctorant invité
Fernando Maieron a obtenu à l'Università di Pisa une licence et une maîtrise en Histoire et Civilisation en 2022. Entre 2017 et 2022, il a également été étudiant à la Scuola Normale Superiore de Pise, où il est doctorant depuis 2022. Son projet de recherche concerne les relations entre les partis socialistes européens, en particulier le PS français et le PSOE espagnol, et Mikhail Gorbatchev entre 1985 et 1992. Dans ce contexte, une attention particulière est accordée au processus de désarmement et aux projets paneuropéens.
Ses intérêts de recherche comprennent l'histoire de l'Union soviétique et l'histoire de la pensée politique, avec un accent particulier sur les idéologies socialistes, sociales-démocrates et communistes.
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Référent : Mario Del Pero
Du 1er Mars 2024 au 30 Juin 2024
Doctorante invitée
Martina Marchesi, PhD student in History at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa from 1 November 2021. She graduated at the University of Pisa in Contemporary History with a thesis entitled 'Italy and the New International Economic Order. The Italian Political Debate on the North-South Conflict (1968-1976)'. She is mainly interested in the history of the global Cold War, the global 1970s and post-colonial movements. In particular, her PhD research focuses on the political relations between the Italian Communist Party and Non-aligned countries, with special attention to the interactions and networks built around the project of the New International Economic Order.
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Référent : Mario Del Pero
Du 1er Sept. 2023 au 3 Décembre 2023
Doctorant invité
Beatriz Martínez López (Oviedo, 1995) est diplômée en Histoire de l'art à l'université d'Oviedo et titulaire d’un master en Études avancées en histoire de l'art espagnol à l'Université Complutense de Madrid. Maintenant, elle est bénéficiaire d'un contrat pré-doctoral FPU à l'Institut d'histoire du Conseil Supérieur de la Recherche Scientifique d’Espagne, où elle travaille sur les liens politiques et socioculturels établis sous le régime franquiste entre l'Espagne de l'intérieur et l'Espagne en exil à travers la figure et la production artistique de Pablo Ruiz Picasso. Elle a effectué des séjours de recherche à l’INHA de Paris et à l’université Autònoma de Barcelone et fait partie du projet I+D+i "Visages et traces dans les identités de l'art du franquisme et de l'exil".
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Referent : Laurence Bertrand-Dorléac
Du 03 Avril au 28 Juillet 2023
Doctorant invité, Università degli studi di Catania
Doctorant en Siences politiques à l'université de Catane où il réalise une thèse d'Histoire de la pensée politique sur l'activiste non violent italien Danilo Dolci. Son parcours universitaire a commencé avec les études en Philosopie puis un master en Histoire des pays de la Méditerranée. La Théorie critique et la Non violence sont ses principaux domaines de recherche.
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Référent : Gerd-Rainer Horn
Michele PAJERO
Du 02/04 au 30/06/2024
PhD Candidate, London School of Economics
Michele is a full-time PhD student at the LSE International History Dept. working under the supervisin of Dr David Motadel.
He holds a BA and a MA in Political Science and International Relations (University of Pisa & Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies), and a MA in International and World History (Columbia University & LSE). He was an exchange student at the ENS and Trinity College Dublin. He also engaged in public history projects and did an internship at the Italian Parliament's Research Service.
His thesis' provisional title is Fascist Rule and Oppression in North Africa: A Comparative Study of the Italian and French Empires at War, 1940-43. His research explores the convergence of fascism and colonialism in North Africa during World War Two and sheds light on the violence and struggles endured by North African civilians behind the frontline.
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Du 1er Sept. 2023 au 30 Juin 2024
Doctorant invité
Teddy Paikin is a PhD candidate at McGill University under the supervision of Professor Gavin Walker. He has a BA in Political Science from Sciences Po Paris and an MA in Philosophy from the New School for Social Research. His research focuses on the history of French economic thought during the Belle Epoque from the perspectives of liberal and socialist political economy, and more specifically on the relationship between conceptions of state-civil society relations and accounts of social development. Given his academic background, his methodology and theoretical approach is multidisciplinary, standing at the intersection of intellectual history, political economy, political theory and historical sociology. His research is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).
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Référent : David Todd
Massimiliano PALMESANO
Du 8 Janvier au 30 Juin 2024
DREST (Italian Doctoral School of Religious Studies) - Fscire (Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose, Bologna)
Massimiliano Palmesano has a degree in history with a thesis on subaltern culture and marginality in the modern era and a master's degree in visual history of the modern and contemporary age with a thesis on Ernesto de Martino's Figurative Atlas of Crying. He is a doctoral student of the DREST (Italian Doctoral School of Religious Studies) at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia with research on the figure and work of Dom Franzoni in the post-conciliar period. He is member of FSCIRE (Foundation for Religious Sciences Giovanni XXIII) in Bologna and editorial staff member of «Visual History» (International revue of history and critic of the image).
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Référent : Gerd-Rainer Horn
Doctorants en échange
Programme OxPo
Sara GREEN travaille à une thèse intitulée Negotiating Algerian Postcolonial and Transcolonial Identities through Imagining Palestine, 1962-1982
Programme LSE / Sciences Po
Chloe MAYOUX travaille à une thèse intitulée A Place in the World: Negotiating Nuclear Power and African independence (1957-1963)
Programme U. Chicago / Sciences Po
Jenny HARRIS travaille à une thèse en histoire de l’art intitulée Stage Pictures: Decorative Modernism in France and the United States
Programme Yale / Sciences Po
Abigali FIELDS travaille à une thèse intitulée The Literary Field: Land, Labor, and the Agricultural Imaginary in the Nineteenth-Century French Novel
Programme Columbia / Sciences Po
Elya ASSAYAG travaille sur l'histoire des femmes et de la broderie au Maroc colonial.
Du 7 novembre au 31 août 2023
Doctorant invité
Julius Lucas Becker is a PhD candidate at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale. He completed his bachelor in History, Political Science and Administration at the University of Potsdam and his master in International War Studies in Potsdam and at the University College Dublin (double degree).
His master thesis has been published under the title: ‘To Grab, When the Grabbing Begins'. German Foreign and Colonial Policy in the context of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894/95 and the Triple Intervention of 1895 in The International History Review.
His PhD project focuses on the global impact of the First Sino-Japanese War of 1894/5 with a special emphasis on the conflict’s impact of European foreign and imperial policy and perception of East Asia.
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Référent : Pierre Fuller
Laura-Chiara CECCHI
Doctorante invitée, du 1er mars au 30 juin 2023
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Marta-Laura CENEDESE
Chercheuse invitée, du 1er mars au 30 mai 2023, dans le cadre du partenariat avec le Centre Marc Bloch (Berlin)
Hannah-Louise CLARK
Du 1er au 30 avril 2023
Hannah-Louise Clark is Senior Lecturer in Global Economic and Social History at the University of Glasgow. Her research and publications centre on the global dynamics of health and social welfare; cross-cultural translations of knowledge and professional categories; technology transfer; and epidemics, with a geographical focus on North Africa in its Islamic, Ottoman, French colonial, and global contexts, ca. 1800 to the present. She is the lead author of a transdisciplinary teaching tool, Global History Hackathon Playbook (2019), and is currently finishing a book about how “race” and religious discrimination shaped the organization and delivery of bacteriological public health in early 20th-century Algeria. Clark is also Co-Investigator with Helen Tilley and Michael Oladejo Afoláyan on a National Endowment for the Humanities-funded project exploring connections among African medical, imperial, and art histories.
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Référent au CHSP : M'hamed Oualdi
Patrick COHRS
Du 1er au 31 octobre 2022
Patrick O. Cohrs is Professor of International History at the University of Florence. He specialises in the history of modern international politics. His work focuses on war and peace and the transformation of the transatlantic and global order in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Before coming to Florence, Patrick O. Cohrs was Associate Professor of History and International Relations at Yale University where he also was one of the co-founders of the Yale International History Workshop. Professor Cohrs received his DPhil from Oxford University in 2002 and was subsequently Alistair Horne Fellow at St Antony's College, Oxford, in 2006-7. Earlier, he was a fellow at the Kennedy School of Government and the Center for European Studies at Harvard University. He has also held fellowships in London, Paris, Tokyo and Budapest. Having early on taught at Humboldt University Berlin, he was a visiting professor at the Free International
University of Social Studies in Rome (2016) and at Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg (2017-18).
Professor Cohrs is the author of The Unfinished Peace after World War I. America, Britain and the Stabilisation of Europe, 1919-1932 (Cambridge University Press, 2006) and of The New Atlantic Order. The Transformation of International Politics, 1860-1933 (Cambridge University Press, 2022).
He is currently working on the next and final volume of his study of the transformation of the modern Atlantic and global order, which will cover the second half of the "long" twentieth century (1933-2020).
▸ 25 octobre 2022 au CHSP | Conférence de Patrick Cohrs (chercheur invité au CHSP et professeur d'histoire internationale, Université de Florence) : "Les relations transatlantiques et l'ordre mondial dans le long XXe siècle, 1860-2020". Modération : Maurice Vaïsse, professeur émérite, Sciences Po, CHSP.
Juin 2023
Cian Cooney, doctorant, Trinity College à Dublin
Cian mène une thèse intitulé "Une Certaine idée de l'Algérie : l'extrême droite, l'armée française et la lutte pour l'Algérie française". Mes intérêts de recherche incluent les droites révolutionnaires, la géostratégie, l'histoire de l'armée française et les guerres subversives (dites révolutionnaires/contre-insurrectionnelles).
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Juan Francisco FUENTES
Du 2 au 31 mai 2023 (1 mois)
Juan Francisco Fuentes est professeur d'histoire contemporaine à l'Université Complutense de Madrid. Diplômé de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris, il a été professeur invité à l’Université de Harvard, à la Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3, à Sciences-Po et à la London School of Economics. Ses principaux centres d’intérêt de recherche sont l'histoire des concepts et des symboles politiques dans le monde contemporain. Parmi sa vingtaine de livres, citons Totalitarianisms: The Closed Society and its Friends (2019) et La generación perdida: Una encuesta sobre la juventud de 1929 (2022). Il dirige actuellement, avec J. C. Rueda, le Diccionario de símbolos políticos y sociales de la Europa contemporánea (Ministère espagnol de la Science et de l’Innovation).
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Référent CHSP : Marc Lazar
Stefanie GAENGER
Du 1er au 30 avril 2023
Stefanie Gänger is Professor of Modern History at the University of Heidelberg. She holds an MPhil and a PhD in History from the University of Cambridge and completed her BA in History at the Universities of Augsburg and Seville. She has held visiting fellowships at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, and currently at Science Po’s Centre d’Histoire. Stefanie’s work considers the histories of science and medicine in late-colonial and early Republican Spanish America, as well as the wider world. Her first book, Relics of the Past – on antiquarianism in nineteenth-century Andean South America – was published by Oxford University Press in 2014. Her second book, which came out with Cambridge University Press in 2020, is an account centered on the Peruvian bark’, or, cinchona, of how medical knowledge was shared between and across societies within or tied to the Atlantic World between 1751 and 1820. Her articles examine a variety of themes, ranging from the language of global history to the history of learned sociability, and have appeared in journals such as Modern Intellectual History, Colonial Latin American Review, and Journal of Global History.
Référents au CHSP et au Medialab : Paul-André Rosental et Guillaume Lachenal
Amabel B. James Professor of History, Faculty Affiliate in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures, and Faculty Affiliate in the Department of Philosophy, Harvard University.
June 2023
A resident faculty member at Harvard's Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies, Gordon is a critical theorist and an historian of modern European philosophy and social thought, specializing in Frankfurt School critical theory, phenomenology, existentialism, and Western Marxism. Gordon received his doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley (1997) and was then a member of the Princeton Society of Fellows (1998-2000) before joining the faculty at Harvard. A frequent contributor to periodicals such as The Nation and The New York Review of Books, he is the author of many books, including Rosenzweig and Heidegger: Between Judaism and German Philosophy (2003); Continental Divide: Heidegger, Cassirer, Davos (2010); Adorno and Existence (2016); Migrants in the Profane: Critical Theory and the Question of Secularization (2020); He is also co-author of the book, Authoritarianism: Three Inquiries in Critical Theory, which also includes chapters by Wendy Brown and Max Pensky (2018). In June, 2019, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Theodor W. Adorno's death in 1969, he delivered the Adorno Vorlesungen at the Institute for Social Research at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, on the theme, "Adorno and the Sources of Normativity." The lectures will be published soon in German as Ein Prekäres Glück: Adorno und die Quellen der Normativität (by Suhrkamp Verlag in 2023) and also in English (with the University of Chicago Press) as A Precarious Happiness: Adorno and the Sources of Normativity. Gordon has also edited numerous collections, including The Cambridge Companion to Modern Jewish Philosophy(2007); The Modernist Imagination: Essays in Intellectual History and Critical Theory (2008); Weimar Thought: A Contested Legacy (2013); and The Trace of God: Derrida and Religion (2014). He is co-editor with Warren Breckman of The Cambridge History of Modern European Thought (2019), and he is co-editor with Espen Hammer and Axel Honneth of The Routledge Companion to the Frankfurt School (2018), and co-editor with Espen Hammer and Max Pensky of A Companion to Adorno(Blackwell, 2019). He also helped to edit and wrote the introduction for the new edition of Adorno et al, The Authoritarian Personality (2019).
Doctorant invité, du 20 février au 20 juin 2023.
Nino Marzullo is a PhD candidate in Diplomacy and International Cooperation at the Università per stranieri di Perugia, Italy. He has a master's in International Relations from LUISS Guido Carli University, in Rome. During his master’s he attended a semester abroad, at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh (US). His PhD project is about the role played by national institutions, and international and non-governmental organizations in managing displaced persons and migration flows after World War II, as a possible multi-track diplomacy example.
Référent au CHSP : Mario Del Pero
Pour l’année universitaire 2022-2023, Esther Moeller occupe la chaire Alfred Grosser à Sciences Po, une chaire franco-allemande de professeur invité financée par la Fritz Thyssen Stiftung.
Avant de venir en France, elle a été professeure d’histoire culturelle de l’Afrique du Nord à l’université de l’armée allemande à Munich/Allemagne et chercheuse à l’institut Leibniz d’histoire européenne à Mayence/Allemagne. Après une thèse de doctorat sur les écoles françaises et la politique culturelle française au Liban dans la première moitié du 20ème siècle, sa thèse d’habilitation portait sur l’hsitoire de l’aide humanitaire dans le monde arabe avec un focus sur l’Égypte des années 1940 à 1975. Ses centres d’intérêt concernent l’histoire moderne du Moyen-Orient et l’Afrique du Nord, l’histoire des organisations internationales, en particulier la Croix-Rouge et le Croissant-Rouge, l’histoire de l’éducation coloniale et plus récemment l’histoire des réfugiés européens dans le monde arabe au 20ème siècle.
Doctorant invité, du 1er avril au 4 juillet 2023
Doctorant en sciences politiques à l'Université de Catane où il réalise une thèse d'Histoire de la pensée politique sur l'activiste non violent italien Danilo Dolci. Son parcours universitaire a commencé avec des études de philosophie puis un master en Histoire des pays de la Méditerranée. La Théorie critique et la Non violence sont ses principaux domaines de recherche.
Contact :
Référent au CHSP : Gerd-Rainer Horn
Chercheur invité, du 1er au 31 mars 2023
His research fields are the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – more specifically, he has studied the 1948 Palestinian Nakba and the refugees’ issue, – the relations between Jews and Catholics after the Second Vatican Council, Anti-Semitism in the Fascist school’s system, and the post-war Christian-Democratic political movement.
Du 9 novembre au 9 décembre 2022
Pamela Radcliff has been a Professor in the Department of History at the University of
California, San Diego since 1990. She received her B.A. from Scripps College (1979) and her M.A. and Ph.D. from Columbia University (1990). She is the author of several books and numerous articles on popular mobilization, gender and women’s politics, and civil society in 20 th century Spain, from the Restoration to the Second Republic and the Transition. Her current project explores the long term tradition of municipalist political movements in contemporary Spanish history.
She has published three single-authored books: From Mobilization to Civil War: the Politics of Polarization in the Spanish City of Gijon (Cambridge University Press, 1996), Making Democratic Citizens in Spain: Civil Society and the Popular Origins of the Transition, 1960-1978 (Palgrave, 2011) and the History of Modern Spain, 1808-Present (Wiley Blackwell, 2017, (Spanish edition with Ariel, 2018), as well as a co-authored volume with Victoria Enders, Constructing Spanish Womanhood: Female Identity in Modern Spain (SUNY, 1999). She also currently serves as the President of the Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (ASPHS).
Contact :
Référent : Gerd-Rainer Horn
Michele SOLLAI
Du 2 mai 2023 au 31 avril 2024 (12 mois)
Michele Sollai is a postdoctoral researcher of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Dr. Sollai obtained his PhD in International History in 2022 from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Geneva, with a thesis on the history of agrarian development in Ethiopia from fascist colonialism to post-WWII international aid.
Dr. Sollai’s current postdoctoral project is titled “The Global Battle of Wheat: Mobilizing Science for Agrarian Development in Fascist Italy”. Centered on the historical analysis of agrarian and environmental sciences such as plant breeding, plant pathology, and agroecology, “The Global Battle of Wheat” examines the emergence of a fascist “Green Revolution” in interwar Italy and its relationship with the 20th century evolution of agrarian modernization on a global scale.
Dr. Sollai’s research interests include the history of development, environmental history, the history of science and technology, the history of fascism, the history of colonialism, the history of international organizations, agroecology and agrobiodiversity studies.
Contact : et (à partir de mai 2023)
Référent CHSP : Giacomo Parrinello
OXPO Research Fellow, du 28 mars au 26 avril 2022
My research and publications center on Modern European Cultural History in general and 20th Century German History in particular. I am especially interested in the relationship between culture and politics over the course of the century, and have worked on the themes of material culture, cultural diplomacy, photography, memory and nostalgia, human rights and international justice, death and changing notions of private life. My published work includes the books Within Walls: Private Life in the German Democratic Republic (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010; paperback, 2012), which was awarded the Fraenkel Prize in Contemporary History by the Wiener Library, and The Authority of Everyday Objects: A Cultural History of West German Industrial Design (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004; paperback, 2007). I am finishing a book, Ruin and Renewal: Civilizing Europe after World War II (Basic Books, 2020).
I have also co-edited seven volumes: The Ethics of Seeing: Photography and 20th Century German History (Berghahn, 2017), with Jennifer Evans and Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann; Religion, Science and Communism in Cold War Europe (Palgrave, 2016), with Stephen A. Smith; Heritage in the Modern World: Historical Preservation in International Perspective, Past & Present Supplement 10 (OUP, 2015), with Corey Ross; Years of Persecution, Years of Extermination: Saul Friedländer and the Future of Holocaust Studies (Continuum, 2010), with Christian Wiese; Between Mass Death and Individual Loss: The Place of the Dead in Twentieth-Century Germany (Berghahn Books, 2008; pb, 2011), with Alon Confino and Dirk Schumann; Socialist Modern: East German Everyday Culture and Politics (University of Michigan Press, 2008), with Katherine Pence; Pain and Prosperity: Reconsidering Twentieth Century German History (Stanford University Press, 2003), with Greg Eghigian. Co-Curator, traveling exhibition and catalogue, Tito in Africa: Picturing Solidarity, Museum of Yugoslavia, Belgrade (June-September 2017), Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford (November 2017-March 2018), Die Wende Museum, Los Angeles (Spring 2019).
Bent Boel, maître de conférences à l’Université de Aalborg (Danemark), est l’auteur de The European Productivity Agency and Transatlantic Relations, 1953-1961, Museum Tusculanum Press, 2003, et d’articles concernant la coopération Européenne, les relations transatlantiques, la politique extérieure française et le soutien occidental aux dissidents de l’Est pendant la guerre froide. Ses publications récentes incluent : “The International Sakharov Hearings and Transnational Human Rights Activism, 1975-1985” (Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2021), “Western Journalism in the Soviet Bloc During the Cold War: Themes, Approaches, Theses" (Cold War History, Vol. 19, No. 4, 2019) et “Western Trotskyists and Subversive Travelling in Soviet Bloc Countries, 1956-1989" (Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe, vol. 25, No. 2, 201).
(Goldsmiths College, University of London), du 18 mars au 18 avril 2022
Kirsten Campbell is a Professor in Sociology at Goldsmiths College, University of London. She holds doctorates in modern languages and law from the University of Oxford and the London School of Economics, and previously practised as a commercial litigation lawyer. Kirsten was the principal investigator of the European Research Council funded project, ‘The Gender of Justice’, which analysed the prosecution of sexual violence in armed conflict through a case study of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and the War Crimes Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her research on gender, conflict-related sexual violence, and international criminal law has been published in numerous journals and books. Kirsten has advised on NGO, United Nations, and British and European policy and justice initiatives in this area.
Daniel Ciudad CANALES
Preeti Chopra is professor of architecture, urban history, and visual studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. She is trained as an architect (CEPT, Ahmedabad, India), landscape architect, urban planner, and architectural historian (University of California, Berkeley, USA) and has conducted research in western and southern India in the colonial and postcolonial contexts. Chopra is the author of A Joint Enterprise: Indian Elites and the Making of British Bombay (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011). She is currently working on a second book tentatively entitled, Communities of Care: The City and its Fragments in Colonial Bombay. Her work has been supported by numerous research grants and fellowships. She is an affiliate fellow at the International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden, the Netherlands.
Contact :
(LUISS University, Rome), du 28 mars au 28 avril 2022
Rosario Forlenza is an Assistant Professor of History and Political Anthropology in the Department of Political Science at Luiss University, Rome. Previously, he worked at the University of Cambridge, Princeton University, New York University and Columbia University, and held fellowships at the Australian Catholic University, the University of Oslo, and Potsdam University. His main research interests lie in the transnational history of modern Europe, religion and politics, symbolic politics, the history of democracy, authoritarianism and revolution, nationalism and the politics and memory.
Rosario is the author of On the Edge of Democracy: Italy, 1943-1948 (Oxford University Press, 2019), and co-author with Bjørn Thomassen of Italian Modernities: Competing Narratives of Nationhood (Palgrave, 2016). His articles have appeared in, among others, The American Historical Review, Past & Present, History and Anthropology, Contemporary European History, History Workshop Journal, and Journal of Cold War Studies. He is currently working on a comparative history of revolutions from the perspective of political anthropology, on the sacralization of politics in totalitarian regimes, on trickster politics in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and on the transformation of Catholic politics in modern European and global history.
Critiano LA LUMIA
Scuola Superiore Meridionale and University of Naples, Federico II. Ph.D. Thesis: Owners and Citizens. Property Rights and Citizenship of the German Ex-Enemy Aliens (1918-1932), supervisor Professor Daniela L. Caglioti (Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Napoli). In his research, he aims to examine the relationship between property rights and citizenship in the case of the former German enemy aliens who had been persecuted with the internment and the deprivation of goods by the Entente countries during WWI and in the aftermath of the conflict. In particular, by tracking down the fate of confiscated properties in Western Europe, Poland and the United States, he highlights how the economic persecution impacted the boundaries of national belonging in terms of exclusion and inclusion, as well as in the relationship between Germany and its citizens living abroad, during the interwar period.
Yuexin Rachel LIN
(University of Exeter), du 15 mars au 15 avril 2022
Dr Yuexin Rachel Lin is a historian of the Sino-Russian frontier, with a particular interest in forced migration, diasporas, nationalism, ethnicity, and the legacies of empire. Her current research focuses on the Russian refugee crises of 1916-1922 and its implications for the development of international law and humanitarian practice in the region. She has completed a British Academy postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Exeter, and most recently worked as a research associate with the German Historical Institute, Moscow.
sur Twitter : @verazasulich
du 15 mars au 15 mai 2022
Andrea Martini is carrying on a research project titled Transnational Fascism and Its Impact on Europe After WWII (1945-1952) supported by the Gerda Henkel Foundation. The project would cast new light on the links among the fascists since 1945 and, in the meantime, the reactions of European democracies against the resurgence of fascist groups in that period.
He obtained his PhD Title in International Studies at the University of Naples L’Orientale in 2017 with a project that focused on the trials against the fascists and the nazi-collaborators held in the immediate post-war period in Italy. His interests concern the post-war fascist history, the transitional justice studies, and the gender history.
He published several articles, including ‘Defeated? An analysis of Fascist memoirist literature and its success’ (Modern Italian Studies, Vol 25, 2020 - issue 3) and the book “Dopo Mussolini” (Roma, 2019).
Gerassimos MOSCHONAS
du 21 mars au 21 avril 2022
Gerassimos Moschonas, PhD University of Paris II, is Professor of Comparative Politics in the Department of Political Science and History, Panteion University of Political and Social Sciences, Athens, Greece. He has held visiting positions at Free University of Brussels, University of Leicester, Princeton University, Yale University, University of Paris 8, Montpellier 1 University, and the University of Paris II.
He is the author of In the Name of Social Democracy, The Great Transformation: 1945 to the Present (London: Verso, 2002) and La Social-démocratie de 1945 à nos jours (Paris: Montchrestien, 1994).
Recent publications (selection): ‘European Social Democracy, Communism and the Erfurtian Model’ (chapter, SAGE, 2018); “Superficial Social Democracy: PASOK, the State and the Shipwreck of the Greek Economy” (chapter, Palgrave 2020); “The coronavirus crisis in the light of the past: the 1929 Crash, the 2008 crisis and their consequences in the relations between state and markets” (DiaNEOsis Research and Policy Institute, 2021, in Greek). He is currently
working on the social democratic response to the financial and sovereign debt crises in the light of the 1929 Crash.
Fields of research: Social Democracy, Radical Left, History of the European Left, European Union and Political Parties, Europarties, Elections, Greek Politics.
Camille ROBCIS
Camille Robcis enseigne dans le département d’histoire et de français à l’université de Columbia, à New York. Elle est spécialiste en histoire intellectuelle, politique, et légale de la France contemporaine et s’intéresse en particulier à l’intersection des idées et de la politique.
Son deuxième livre, Disalienation: Politics, Philosophy, and Radical Psychiatry in Postwar France (University of Chicago Press, 2021), retrace l’histoire de la psychothérapie institutionnelle, un mouvement né en France pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale qui appela à une profonde transformation de la théorie et de la clinique psychiatrique à travers le prisme du marxisme et de la psychanalyse lacanienne.
Elle travaille en ce moment sur un nouveau projet qui tente d’expliquer pourquoi plusieurs mouvements populistes à travers le monde depuis les années 1990 se sont rassemblés autour de leur opposition à ce qu’ils nomment la « théorie du genre. »
Ses articles sont parus dans divers journaux scientifiques tels que Modern Intellectual History, Yale French Studies, Social Text, French Historical Studies, Discourse, South Atlantic Quarterly, Journal of the History of Ideas, et Journal of Modern History.
Après avoir passé un baccalauréat français, Camille Robcis a obtenu sa license en histoire à Brown University et son doctorat à Cornell. Elle a enseigné dans le département d’histoire de Cornell pendant dix ans avant de rejoindre Columbia en 2018. Elle a obtenu des bourses du Penn Humanities Forum, LAPA (Princeton Law and Public Affairs), le National Endowment for the Humanities, l’Institute for Advanced Study, et la John Simon Guggenheim Foundation.
Contact :
Nous accueillerons par ailleurs dans le cadre de notre coopération avec le Centre for History and Economics : Emma Prevignano, doctorante du programme CHEP (Cambridge), et Jingyi Huang, postdoctorante Prize fellow (Harvard). Contact : David Todd (
Professeur d'histoire à Portland State University (USA)
Dates : du 01/10/2020 au 31/10/2020
J. Bohling travaille sur la France et l'Europe, l'histoire du capitalisme, l'Economie politique internationale.
Projet en cours : Power to the Republic: The Oil Crisis and France's Search for Energy Independence, 1969-1992
Dates : du 14/09/2020 au 10/10/2020
Susanne Schattenberg est directrice du Centre pour la recherche sur l'Europe de l'Est (Université de Brême).
Ses thèmes de recherche sont :
- La culture de l'administration de l'Empire russe (XIXe siècle) ;
- Stalinisme : les ingénieurs comme les nouveaux hommes ;
- La culture de la diplomatie russe et soviétique (1815-1991)
- Les dissidents soviétiques, la biographie de Leonid Brejnev (1906-1982)
Son projet de recherche porte sur les négociations entre l'URSS et l'Europe de l'Ouest (surtout Allemagne, Autriche, France) sur la vente du gaz naturel soviétique (1966-1971)
Sa correspondante CHSP est Sabine Dullin
En savoir plus sur le site du Centre de recherche Osteuropa (DE)
Dates : du 21/01/2020 au 24/02/2020
Andrea Baravelli est professeur d’histoire contemporaine à l’Université de Ferrare (Département des Humanités)
Ses thèmes de recherche sont : histoire politique italienne et histoire des institutions, en particulier du parlement et du pouvoir judiciaire. Il souhaite organiser un séminaire consacré à la collaboration transnationale dans la lutte contre le terrorisme dans les années ’70 et ’80. Projet de recherche : Crimes politiques, lois d’urgence et grands procès. Italie et France dans les années 70.
Son correspondant CHSP est Mario Del Pero
En savoir plus sur le site de l'université de Ferrare (IT)
Brigitta BERNET
Dates : Nov. 2019
Dr. Brigitta Bernet est Postdoc à l’Université de Zürich (Forschungsstelle für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte)
Ses recherches portent sur l’Histoire de la psychologisation des relations de travail dans la 2e moitié du XXe siècle et plus largement sur la critique et le renouveau de l’historiographie dans les années 60 et 70.
Son correspondant CHSP est Paul-André Rosental.
En savoir plus sur le site de l'Université de Zürich (DE)
Christoph CONRAD
Dates : Janvier 2020
Christoph Conrad est professeur ordinaire à l’Université de Genève depuis 2002.
Son correspondant CHSP est Paul-André Rosental.
Thèmes de recherche : Histoire de l’historiographie, Histoire comparée des Etats-providence, Vieillissement global
Présentation sur le site de l'Université de Genève
Dates : Octobre 2019
Omar Gueye est professeur d’histoire à l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar. Spécialiste de l’histoire sociale, il a consacré l’essentiel de ses travaux à la question du travail dans l’après-guerre et les rapports entre syndicalisme et politique.
Son correspondant CHSP est Maurice Vaïsse.
Thèmes de recherche : Afrique, Sénégal, Syndicalisme, Mouvements sociaux, Mouvement étudiants, Histoire politique, Histoire globale
Présentation sur le site de la Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme
Dates : [Avril 2020]
Prof. Dr. Mario Kessler est professeur associé au Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History à Potsdam. Il y enseigne l’histoire allemande et européenne moderne, l’histoire du Moyen-Orient et en particulier Israël/Palestine, l’histoire des mouvements ouvriers, le socialisme, le communisme et la question coloniale.
Son correspondant CHSP est Gerd-Rainer Horn.
Thèmes de recherche : Histoire européenne et allemande du XXe siècle, Antisémitisme, Intellectuels allemands en exil après 1933, Histoire et historiographie, Mouvements ouvriers européens
Présentation sur le site de Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History Potsdam (DE)
Dates : du 23/09/2019 au 24/10/2019
Marta Margotti est professeure d’histoire contemporaine à l’Université de Turin (Università degli Studi di Torino, Dipartimento di Studi Storici). Son activité scientifique porte sur l’histoire sociale, culturelle et politique de l’Italie et de la France (XIXe-XXe siècles) avec une attention particulière aux transformations des phénomènes religieux dans des contextes sécularisés.
Son correspondant CHSP est Gerd-Rainer Horn.
Thème de recherche : Histoire sociale et politique de l’Italie et de la France (XIXe-XXe siècles)
Présentation sur le site de l'Université de Turin (IT)
Renaud Morieux travaille sur l'histoire des relations franco-britanniques au XVIIIe siècle, en mettant l'accent sur les échanges transnationaux. Ses intérêts de recherche sont l'histoire océanique ainsi que les frontières et identités maritimes, l'histoire du droit international coutumier.
Une édition révisée de son premier livre, publié en français en 2008, a été publié en mars 2016 au éditions de Cambridge University Press : The Channel. L'Angleterre, la France et la construction d'une frontière maritime au XVIIIe siècle. Cet ouvrage a remporté le prix Leo Gershoy 2017 décerné par l'American Historical Association.
Son correspondant CHSP est Nicolas Delalande.
Thèmes de recherche : Histoire économique et sociale, Histoire moderne britannique, Histoire européenne, Histoire internationale, Histoire sociale britannique, 1600-1850
Présentation sur le site de l'Université de Cambridge (EN)
Ilaria PAVAN
Dates : deux semaines courant mars 2020
Ilaria Pavan est professeure d'histoire contemporaine à l'Ecole normale supérieure de Pise.
Ses principaux domaines de recherche sont l'histoire du fascisme et de l'antisémitisme, l'histoire des Juifs en italie ainsi que l'histoire de l'Etat providence italien.
Parmi ses publications: Beyond the things themselves. Economic aspects of the Italian race laws (1938–2018), Yad Vashem International Institute for Holocaust Research, Jerusalem 2019; Podestà ebreo Il podestà ebreo. La storia di Renzo Ravenna tra fascismo e leggi razziali, Roma 2006. ; "Les Juifs italiens et le fascisme", in Revue d’histoire de la Shoah, 2016/204; "The Italian welfare state in a supranational perspective: history and debates", special issue of Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 2017/2 (co-edited with Paolo Mattera); "War and the Welfare State: The Case of Italy, from WWI to Fascism" in Historia Contemporanea, special issue “Welfare y mutualismo en la Europa contemporanea: estudios sobre Italia y España”, (co-edited with G. Marin); "From War to Welfare. Global Perspectives since the Nineteenth Century", special issue of Contemporanea (forthcoming, 2020, co-edited with Julia Moses).
Son correspondant CHSP est Paul-André Rosental.
Thèmes de recherche : Histoire de l'Etat providence et de la sécurité sociale, Histoire de l'Holocauste, Histoire de l'antisémitisme en Italie, Fascisme
Dates : Début 2020
Professeure au Département d’Anthropologie à l’Université de São Paulo et chercheuse du CNPq (organisme pilotant la recherche brésilienne et rattaché au Ministère de la Science et de la Technologie). Spécialisée dans l’histoire de l’anthropologie (spécialement dans les rapports entre anthropologie et littérature), elle a travaillé sur les séjours brésiliens de Lévi-Strauss et Roger Bastide, dans le cadre de la création de l’université au Brésil aux années 1930 ; sur l’œuvre de Gilberto Freyre et sur les relations entre Brésil, France et Afrique à l’aide des voyages réalisés par Freyre, Bastide et Pierre Verger. Plus récemment elle s’est intéressée aux rapports entre cultures et imagination urbaine en Amérique du Sud. Elle a publié, entre autres, Le voyage pour vocation - France, Brésil, Afrique : regards croisés (Le poisson volant, 2019) ; Ciudades sudamericanas como arenas culturales (avec Adrián Gorelik – Siglo XXI, 2016) ; Diálogos brasileiros : uma análise da obra de Roger Bastide (USP, 2000).
Sa correspondante CHSP est Emmanuelle Loyer.
Thèmes de recherche : Histoire de l'anthropologie, Anthropologie et littérature, Relations intellectuelles entre la France et le Brésil
Raphael LUTZ
Dates : du 21/09/2019 au 03/10/2019 [et du 23/03/2020 au 03/04/2020]
Prof. Dr. Lutz Raphael est professeur d'histoire moderne et contemporaine à l'université de Trier (Allemagne). Il enseigne l'histoire de la démocratie moderne (depuis le XVIIIe siècle).
Son correspondant CHSP est Paul-André Rosental.
Thèmes de recherche : Histoire de la politique sociale en milieu rural, Histoire des sciences historiques aux XIXe et XXe siècles, Histoire des sciences humaines appliquées, Histoire des intellectuels en Europe au XXe siècle