Home>All Sciences Po campuses now equipped for hybrid teaching
All Sciences Po campuses now equipped for hybrid teaching
In March 2020, France experienced its first wave of COVID-19 and its first lockdown. During this period, all of Science Po’s activities, including teaching, research, and administration, went remote in the space of one week. We made use of this period to assess our technology needs and select equipment that was best adapted for the post-lockdown future.
In April 2020, we launched a plan for a hybrid return to class, combining onsite and remote formats. This required specialized equipment for all of our sites and a new pedagogical process, associated with large-scale training and guidance for all seven campuses.
As of September 2020, 130 classrooms and amphitheaters were equipped for hybrid learning, followed by 65 more in September 2021 for a total of 195 classrooms, representing 95% of all Sciences Po’s learning spaces.
The new campus at 1 Saint Thomas, which opened at the end of January 2022, is also entirely equipped for hybrid classes, meetings, and seminars, with around 100 equipped spaces.
On our seven campuses, there are now nearly 300 spaces equipped for hybrid: classrooms, amphitheaters, conference and seminar rooms, and executive offices, as well as project rooms made available to students.
This equipment plan is the result of close cooperation between our Estates Department , the IT Department, and the Institute for Skills and Innovation, who made it possible to standardize IT and audiovisual materials, making it easier for staff and students to become familiar with these new modes.