Home>The Sciences Po Application celebrates its second birthday


The Sciences Po Application celebrates its second birthday

The Sciences Po app is celebrating its second birthday. The ideal opportunity to take another look at its services, as well as what’s new in the latest version.

Launched in January 2020, the aim of first version Sciences Po’s mobile application was to allow students to stay in touch with the university, and offer a single point of access to all of the campus information they might need.

Two years later, a fourth version of the application was launched in January 2022. It now addresses both students and teachers, and includes a section that is open to the general public so they can follow campus news, events, and social media.

The Institute for Skills and Innovation, in collaboration with the heads of other departments (in particular, IT Division and Communication Division) is already working on the app’s next version, which should be available in 2023. It is worth noting that at the beginning of this year, Appscho, the EdTech partner that developed the Sciences Po app and expert in student apps in France, joined an international group that will position them as a sector leader in North America and Europe.

Since its launch, the application, available in both French and English for download on the App Store and Google Play, has accumulated 14,600 users, for a total of 520,300 sessions.

Download the Sciences Po mobile app.

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