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Governance and team

The Open Institute for Digital Transformations is headed by its director, Jean-Philippe Cointet. It relies on three governance bodies.

The internal steering committee is made up of members of the Sciences Po Executive Committee and supports the deployment of a transformative agenda for the university. This committee meets twice a year. It defines the Institute’s strategic orientations and validates the Institute's annual report. The latter is supported by Sciences Po's Scientific Advisory Board and committees of research unit directors, department heads and deans.

The Scientific Advisory Board is made up of members of Sciences Po’s permanent faculty, the CNRS, TIERED project partners and international experts. It defines the Institute's scientific orientations, in compliance with the TIERED project's Consortium Agreement (signing procedures, etc.) and Sciences Po's Code of Ethics. Its members are appointed for a 3-year term (renewable once). The Scientific Advisory Board meets 3 to 4 times a year, and minutes are kept of its decisions. Once a year, it calls on international experts. It is chaired by the Institute's Director. Its internal members include:

The Stakeholders’ Committee is made up of elected officials, representatives of public authorities, business leaders, association leaders, qualified personalities and representatives of the student community, appointed for 3-year terms (renewable) and chosen in accordance with our Code of Ethics. Its role is to support the deployment of the Institute's missions, provide advisory opinions on the Institute's actions and projects, and formulate guidelines on development needs, particularly in relation to the job market.  It will meet once or twice a year, and may be consulted on specific issues. The Board is chaired by Ethan Zuckerman, Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

The Open Institute for Digital Transformations is also a member of the TIERED project management structures, and presents its work to the Partners' Committee.


  • Director: Jean-Philippe Cointet 
  • Secretary General: Carly Hafner
  • Executive Director of the TIERED Project: Marie-Hélène Caitucoli

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