The Open Institute for Digital Transformations was created as part of TIERED - Transforming Interdisciplinary Education and Research for Evolving Democracies - a strategic project for Sciences Po. The project was awarded as a part of the ExcellencES call for projects under the 4th future investment program, and is implemented in collaboration with its partners: CNRS, IFREMER, INED, INRIA, INSERM, INALCO, Université Paris Cité, and IDDRI.
Funded for 10 years, TIERED was launched in January 2023 to meet the challenges posed to democratic systems by environmental and digital transformations.
Find out more in the second edition of the TIERED Newsletter (December 2024, FR)
Please note: State aid is managed by the Agence nationale de la recherche, under France 2030, under reference ANR-22-EXES-0014.
Mission and organization
TIERED's mission is to initiate a new phase in the development of research, academics, and the dissemination and transformation of knowledge.
TIERED, a strategic project for Sciences Po, is meant to bring about transformative organizational change that will enable the institution to assert its position as a leading research university in the social sciences and humanities on the governance and management of digital and environmental transformations. A dual strategy of reinforcing our expertise and opening up to other disciplines is being implemented for education and research, and greater interdisciplinarity is being promoted, notably through dialogue with the project's partners. TIERED is also pursuing a renewed strategy for impact of research and teaching activities, through greater interaction with and for society.
TIERED is structured around 3 interconnected axes:
- The creation of two Institutes at Sciences Po, one dedicated to environmental transformations and the other to digital transformations, to support a new form of thematic, integrated, transversal and interdisciplinary governance;
- Strengthening the humanities and social sciences around these themes, and opening up to other scientific disciplines through our project partners;
- Ensuring our work has impact at a critical time where science is mistrusted, including by creating actions that:
- disseminate knowledge and promote dialogue between science and society,
- contribute to the sectoral or cross-sectoral development of public policies and the strategies of other decision-makers(private sector, NGOs, etc.),
- develop knowledge transfer to stimulate innovation.
The creation of the Institute for Environmental Transformations and the Open Institute for Digital Transformations is part of TIERED's drive to scale up these two cross-cutting themes of transformation, in collaboration with its partners from other scientific disciplines.
Project Team
- Director for Studies and Partnerships and Deputy Project Leader of TIERED : Amélie Antoine Audo
- Executive Director of TIERED : Marie-Hélène Caitucoli
- Director of the Open Institute for Digital Transformations: Jean-Philippe Cointet
- Secretary General of the Open Institute for Digital Transformations: Carly Hafner
- Director of the Institute for Environmental Transformations: Charlotte Halpern
- Secretary General of the Institute for Environmental Transformations: Nathalie Gastone
TIERED focuses on digital and environmental themes at Sciences Po, with the intention of reinforcing our expertise within the humanities and social sciences on these topics and working closely with other scientific disciplines.
This transformative approach to education, research, and impact is implemented in collaboration with the following partners:
The following priority themes have been identified in collaboration with project partners:
- Health and the environment
Understanding the challenges of decarbonization for the healthcare system from a public policy perspective, or taking into account the environmental and digital challenges of emerging infectious diseases from an interdisciplinary perspective. - Political economy of the oceans
Exploring the relationships between human activities and marine ecosystems through research, education and public policy support. - Environmental and digital inequalities
Documenting environmental and digital inequalities, exploring the challenges raised in measuring them, and deepening the understanding of their underlying mechanisms to better integrate these factors into research infrastructures, education, and public policies for equal opportunities and social justice. - Politicization of science
Understanding the new interactions that are emerging between science and society in a wide range of fields, at a time when scientific expertise is increasingly contested and embedded in social and political issues. - Digital participation
Describing new forms of digital participation, whether they result from deliberative mechanisms directly mediated by technology, or emerge from forms of mobilization and spontaneous public expression online, in a context of growing distrust in representative democracy. - Digital traces for the social sciences
Working with social data in the digital age, including the theoretical social questions and legal issues of access to these data, particularly in the context of the prospects opened up by AI. - Culture as data
Proposing an approach and method for the creation (technical and legal issues) and use of cultural databases in order to trace the history of social representations and power relations over the centuries.
The Partners' Committee is TIERED's supervisory body: it validates the project's strategic orientations and developments. The Committee is made up of the following members:
- The Project Leader: the Director of Sciences Po, who chairs the Committee
- The Deputy Project Leader: the Director of Studies and Partnerships at Sciences Po.
- For each partner institution, the Director/President or his/her representative designated by the latter
- The Sciences Po Provost
- Institute Directors and Secretaries General
- The project's Executive Director
The Steering Committee presents the strategic orientations any proposed changes to the Partners' Committee, based in particular on the opinions of the Institutes' governing bodies. It ensures that the project is properly implemented and monitored, in dialogue with all Sciences Po departments and directions, partners, and the ANR.
It is made up of the following Sciences Po members:
- The Deputy Project Leader, who chairs the Committee
- The Project Executive Director
- The Director of the Institute for Environmental Transformations
- The Secretary General of the Institute for Environmental Transformations
- The Director of the Open Institute for Digital Transformations
- The Secretary General of the Open Institute for Digital Transformations.
Finally, as TIERED is an institutional project, its work is carried out in close collaboration with all Sciences Po departments.
Nous contacter
- Director : Jean-Philippe Cointet
- Secretary General : Carly Hafner
- Executive Director of the TIERED project : Marie-Hélène Caitucoli