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Publications académiques
Une sélection de publications académiques sur le numérique produites par la communauté des chercheurs de Sciences Po
Rebecca Mignot-Mahdavi (EDD). Drones and International Law. A Techno-Legal Machinery. Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Didier Bigo (CERI), Emma Mc Cluskey, Félix Tréguer (Dir.). Intelligence Oversight in Times of Transnational Impunity: Who Will Watch the Watchers? Routledge (New Intelligence Studies), 2023.
Thomas Amossé…Célia Bouchet (LIEPP), Mathéa Boudinet (CRIS), Pierre François (CSO), Olivier Godechot (CRIS, AxPo), Bruno Palier (CEE), Anne Revillard (CRIS, LIEPP), et al. Que sait-on du travail ? Sciences Po; Le Monde, 2023.
Dominique Boullier (CEE). Propagations - Un nouveau paradigme pour les sciences sociales. Armand Colin, 2023.
Louise Beaumais (CERI). Do Humanitarian Workers Really Trust Numbers? An Assessment of the Use of Quantitative Data in the Humanitarian Field. Journal of humanitarian affairs, 2023, 5 (1), pp.24-36.
Claire Lemercier (CSO). Historical and Archaeological Network Data. Brughmans, Tom; Mills, Barbara J.; Munson, Jessica; Peeples, Matthew A. The Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Network Research, Oxford University Press, pp.347-362, 2023.
Kevin Mellet (CSO), Thomas Beauvisage. Building Compliance, Manufacturing Nudges: The Complicated Trade-offs of Advertising Professionals Facing the GDPR. James Katz; Katie Schiepers; Juliet Floyd. Nudging Choices Through Media. Ethical and philosophical implications for humanity, Springer International Publishing, pp.195-205, 2023.
Ettore Recchi (CRIS), Katharina Tittel (CRIS, médialab). The Empirical Study of Human Mobility: Potentials and Pitfalls of Using Traditional and Digital Data, In: E. Bertoni, M. Fontana, L. Gabrielli, S. Signorelli, M. Vespe (ed.), Handbook of Computational Social Science for Policy, Springer, p. 437-464.
Raphaële Xenidis (EDD). "When computers say no: towards a legal response to algorithmic discrimination in Europe." In Research Handbook on Law and Technology, pp. 222-234. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023.
Rooduijn, Matthijs, Andrea LP Pirro, Daphne Halikiopoulou, Caterina Froio (CEE), Stijn Van Kessel, Sarah L. De Lange, Cas Mudde, and Paul Taggart. "The PopuList: A database of populist, far-left, and far-right parties using expert-informed qualitative comparative classification (EiQCC)." British Journal of Political Science (2023): 1-10.
Petersen, Michael Bang, Mathias Osmundsen, and Kevin Arceneaux (CEVIPOF). "The “need for chaos” and motivations to share hostile political rumors." American Political Science Review 117, no. 4 (2023): 1486-1505.
Louise Beaumais, Frédéric Ramel (CERI). Diplomats, Soldiers, and Armed Conflict Databases: Another French Exception?. Global Studies Quarterly, 2023, 3 (2).
Emmanuel Didier and Jean-Philippe Cointet (médialab). "A tribute to Bruno Latour (1947-2022) as an actor network." Sociologie 14, no. 3 (2023): 273-276.
Sebastian Stier, Caterina Froio (CEE), and Justin Ho. "Mainstreaming the populist radical right? Online news exposure and voting behavior in the 2019 European Parliament election." European Political Science Review (2023): 1-17.
Ian Gray, Jean-Philippe Cointet (médialab). “Multilateralism of the Marginal: Least Developed Countries and International Climate Negotiations, 1995–2016.” American Journal of Sociology (2023): 129:3. 796-855.
Sacha Altay, Manon Berriche (médialab), Hendrik Heuer, Johan Farkas, Steven Rathje. “A survey of expert views on misinformation: Definitions, determinants, solutions, and future of the field”. Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, 2023, 4 (4).
Musckaan Chauhan, Isabel M Perera. LIEPP Working Paper n°160 "Artificial Intelligence: Promises, Perils and Political Economy". 2024.
Frédéric Marty (OFCE). OFCE Working Paper n°09/2024 “Les collusions algorithmiques : Mythe ou réalité ?”2024.
- Florian Cafiero (médialab). Analyser l’écosystème informationnel : l'exemple des controverses vaccinales, thèse en sociologie sous la direction de Jean-Philippe Cointet (médialab), soutenue en septembre 2023.
- Laure de Roucy-Rochegonde (CERI). Heurs et malheurs du contrôle de la force : le cas de la régulation internationale des systèmes d’armes létales autonomes, thèse en sciences politiques sous la direction d'Ariel Colonomos (CERI), soutenue en novembre 2023.
- Charleyne Biondi (CEVIPOF). Une relecture des enjeux politiques du numérique : la technologie et la production de l’imaginaire social, thèse en sciences politiques sur la direction de Frédéric Gros (CEVIPOF) et Bernard E. Harcourt, soutenue en septembre 2022.
Nous contacter
- Directeur : Jean-Philippe Cointet
- Secrétaire générale : Carly Hafner
- Directrice exécutive TIERED : Marie-Hélène Caitucoli