Home>Call for applications - 12-months postdoctoral fellowship - TIERED ExcellencES project - Sciences Po / INED
Call for applications - 12-months postdoctoral fellowship - TIERED ExcellencES project - Sciences Po / INED
Sciences Po and the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) are launching a call for applications for a postdoctoral fellowship (fixed-term contract of one year) as part of the TIERED project. The ongoing digital and environmental transformations and their effects on individuals and societies raise many questions of common interest to both organizations. In the context of this call for applications, Sciences Po and INED wish to jointly develop research around one of the two following themes: (1) the links between work, digital technology and health and (2) the relationship between the environment and family behaviour.
The post-doctoral researcher’s role is to conduct research on one of these themes and, through her/his project, will seek to foster synergies between partner teams in the two organizations.
The research proposal should include the exploitation of surveys produced or co-produced by INED (Families and Employers, Survey on Family and Intergenerational Relations, etc.), if possible linked to other sources (administrative data, satellite data, surveys from other organisations, qualitative interviews, etc.).
- Applications to be sent no later than April 15, 2025.
- Interviews with shortlisted candidates in May 2025
- Start of the contract for 12 months: 1 September 2025
Duties and responsibilities
The successful candidate undertakes, for the duration of his/her contract, to conduct the proposed research programme, at the interface between INED and Sciences Po. Main findings will take the form of presentations and scientific articles. The work done within the timeframe of the project will be compiled and presented in the form of a research report. He/she will also propose a series of joint activities involving the teams from INED and Sciences Po (e.g., a joint seminar), to boost the partnership.
Up to 10% of the time may be devoted to disseminating previous research findings.
The remuneration is approximately €2,900 gross per month. The post-doctoral researcher will be recruited by Sciences Po and based at INED through a hosting Agreement.
Sciences Po and INED are equal opportunity employers and re committed to ensuring a balanced representation of genders, geographic areas, and minorities. Applications from women are particularly welcome.
The candidate must hold a PhD in social sciences and the humanities on the date of application (within 5 years from the completion; i.e. a defence between 15 April 2020 and 14 April 2025) . A good knowledge of digital or environmental sciences will be an asset. Candidates will be selected on their scientific merit, their ability to mobilise transdisciplinary interest, and their dynamic involvement in the Sciences Po and INED research centers.
The following skills are expected:
- Knowledge of research professions and experience in the proposed research topic.
- Proficiency in quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods.
- Ability to summarise and present their work, both orally and in written.
- Excellent interpersonal skills
- Initiative, autonomy, versatility
- Excellent writing and editorial skills in English
Recruitment procedure
Application files must include the following elements and may be submitted in French or English:
- A up-to-date CV, including past experiences and publications
- A letter of motivation
- A research project (max. 3 pages, excluding bibliography) which should include a preliminary state of the art, specify the databases to be used, the planned method(s) of analysis and the strategy for scientific dissemination, as well as a work schedule.
- The thesis and the defense report if it exists
- A significant article or book chapter
- The names of two academic referees from whom a letter of recommendation may be requested
The pre-selection committee is made up of Jean-Philippe Cointet (Sciences Po, Director of the Open Institue For Digital Transformations), Sandrine Dauphin (INED, Director of Relations and Partnerships), Géraldine Duthé (INED, Deputy Director of Research), Charlotte Halpern (Sciences Po, Director of the Institute For Environmental Transformations).
The shortlisted candidates will be invited to present their background and their project to a larger committee that will include researchers from both institutes in early May.
Deadline for sending applications: 15 April 2025
Applications should be sent by email to: projet.tiered@sciencespo.fr