Home>Focus on Climate: Launch of the Bruno Latour Fund


Focus on Climate: Launch of the Bruno Latour Fund

A fund dedicated to the memory of Bruno Latour (credits: Sciences Po)

In honour of Bruno Latour and his legacy, his close ones but also partners, researchers and directors of Sciences Po were gathered on 16 December 2022 to launch the Bruno Latour Fund, dedicated to research in environment and politics.

A priority for the institution, the creation of the Bruno Latour Fund is a sign of the rise of research at Sciences Po on environmental transformation topics, complementary of the steps already taken on climate issues (the interdisciplinary workshop on environmental research (AIRE), the work of the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition, the transformation of our masters programmes, and the new mandatory 24 hours course for first year students).

The support of our sponsors allowed us to gather almost 2 millions euros and to recruit in 2023 and for three years 10 post-doc researchers willing to work on the way the environmental crisis is reshaping the economic, social, legal and political order, and to engage themselves in our academic life by teaching about their research field.

“With the support of the Bruno Latour Fund by our partners, we are making a fundamental shift at Sciences Po, to fully implement the environmental paradigm in our curriculum and research" – Matthias Vicherat, President of Sciences Po

Pierre Charbonnier, co-director of the fund, philosopher and researcher for the CNRS at Sciences Po's Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics believes that Bruno Latour's expectations should be met through shaping a high-level multidisciplinary research programme and fostering knowledge. 

Six private and public sponsors were at the launch. Without them, this project would have never existed: the Ademe, BNP Paribas, the Caisse des Dépôts, the Fondation Nina et Daniel Carasso, Rothschild & Co and VINCI, VINCI Autoroutes, Leonard.

The Bruno Latour Fund will push research on climate and environmental transition towards academic excellence, pluralism and critical analysis.