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Go on exchange to one of our partner universities
Sciences Po offers students an international exchange network of exceptional quality and diversity.
You have three opportunities to go abroad as part of your studies at Sciences Po:
- During your compulsory undergraduate third year abroad, either to study at one of our partner universities around the world or to a do a hybrid year (one semester of study at a partner university, followed by an internship)
- During the off-campus semester of your Master’s programme, which takes place outside Sciences Po, and which you could choose to spend studying abroad
- During your doctorate, as part of a PhD exchange.
Information about exchange programmes
Below is the information you need to follow to choose your exchange, apply, and get ready to leave, depending on what level you are at in your studies:
More than 480 University Partnerships
Contact us
Address: 56, rue des Saints Pères, 75007 Paris
- You are an exchange student coming to Sciences Po, please contact: candidature.echange@sciencespo.fr
- You are going abroad (the 3rd year of your Bachelor or the semester off-campus of your Master), please contact: sejour.etranger@sciencespo.fr
For more information, please contact the International Affairs team