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Dual degree in Journalism with Columbia University
Two-Year Dual-Degree
Programme in English and French
France & United States

In September 2008, Sciences Po Journalism School, in Paris, and Columbia University Journalism School, in New York City, created the first dual degree between a French and an American School of Journalism, to combine the best of both institutions.
What you need to know
- Up to 10 students per year, 5 at Columbia, 5 at Sciences Po
- 2 years of studies, 1 year in each school
- 1 year at Sciences Po Journalism School, in Paris, and 1 year at Columbia Graduate Journalism School, in New York City
- 2 universities, then 2 degrees in Journalism: one from Sciences Po and one from Columbia University
- 2 networks: one from Sciences Po and one from Columbia University
- Tailored courses in French and in English
- Many renowned academic professors and working journalists, in France and in the United States
- 4 to 6 semesters of studies
Main orientations
Because of the changes in journalism, the rapid evolution of techniques, and the constant broadening of trainings, Sciences Po and Columbia want to find a way to face these challenges and offer a unique international programme in journalism. These two Schools want to put their assets together to introduce students to all types of media standards and methods, be they French, European or Anglo-Saxon.
They also want their students to master journalism techniques better, to be trained in two different languages, and to benefit from an unprecedented international opening.
Both institutions work together to offer students a practical approach to journalism as well as a high-quality intellectual training taught by journalists, key players on the international scene, and University teachers. Students are trained to enter national and international newsrooms on a “globalized” labour market.
This programme is highly selective. Up to ten students will be chosen to take part in this dual degree. Five who have been admitted in the master's degree in journalism at Sciences Po and want to apply for a second year enrolled at Columbia Journalism School, and five who graduated from Columbia and would like to spend an extra year at Sciences Po for a tailored made program, composed of academic courses, journalistic workshops, and a part-time internship in a newsroom located in Paris.
The members of this programme are considered to be students both at Sciences Po University and at Columbia University for the whole duration of the programme.
At the end of this dual course, students are awarded two Master's degrees in journalism, one from Sciences Po University and one from Columbia University.
Year 1 at Sciences Po Journalism School - Year 2 at Columbia Journalism School
- The first year will be in the Master's degree in Journalism, M1, at Sciences Po Journalism School
- With 8 to 10 weeks of internships in various news outlets, in France or abroad
- Many keynotes and seminars to exchange ideas with renowned speakers and, above all, the annual conference about new practices in journalism to get a sense of the last trends in the media industry
- The second year will be in the Graduate Journalism School of Columbia
Year 1 at Columbia Journalism School - Year 2 at Sciences Po Journalism School
- The first year will be in the Graduate Journalism School of Columbia
- The second year will be in the Master's degree in Journalism, M2, at Sciences Po Journalism School, with a tailor made programme composed of a part-time internship and courses at Sciences Po (academic courses, workshops, and language courses). Students can be granted an allowance for their training, but it has to be decided on an individual basis by the employer.
- A capstone project is held at Columbia during the first year
- A master's journalistic project (3 weeks of coverage on a story) at the end of the studies for the Grand O (Grand Oral) of Sciences Po during the second year
And also
- Students can take a gap year, to complete a journalistic project or to learn how to code in the programming school Ecole 42
- Taking a French language course is highly recommended
Graduate Testimonials
How to apply to Sciences Po?
It is highly recommended to hold a level corresponding to a B1 in French to be able to read the French news and interview people in French on the field.
There is no age limit.
- Sciences Po Journalism School: ecole.journalisme@sciencespo.fr
- Columbia Journalism School: apply.journalism@columbia.edu