The Laboratory
About the LIEPP
Direction and administration
Research Group Directors
LIEPP Affiliates
Contract Researchers
PhD Students
Visiting Professors
Former LIEPP Directors
Research Groups
Discriminations and Category-Based Policies
Evaluation of Democracy
Educational Policies
Environmental Policies
Socio-fiscal Policies
Health Policies
Other Research Projects
Transversal activities
Young research activities
Call for projects
Resources in Evaluation
Visiting Programme
LIEPP Publications
Publications of LIEPP affiliates
Reports of LIEPP scientific events
News & Events
Latest LIEPP News
Interviews, notes and analyses
Press articles and media coverage
Events & Seminars
Research Groups Seminars
Cycle of seminars: Methods and approaches in evaluation (METHEVAL)
Transversal Seminars
The LIEPP Newsletter
Call for contributions - Organizing Sufficiency in the Global South: Justice Effectiveness and Instrumentation
International Roundtable Conference
The Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP)
The LIEPP is a Sciences Po research platform funded with the support of the France 2030 investment plan through IdEx Université Paris Cité.
IdEx Université Paris Cité (ANR-18-IDEX-0001)
Latest news
The Rise of Private Equity in Childcare: A Legal Institutionalist Story of Its Causes and Responses
Policy Evaluation: Methods and Approaches
Evaluation: fondements, controverses, perspectives (FR)
LIEPP Methods Briefs
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Evaluating the extent and the growth of discrimination, and analyse the challenges it poses to policy action in the fight against social inequalities.
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Enriching the understanding of key and current education policies and informing policy actors about their choices.
Making sense of policies in the field of environmental protection in the broadest sense and to inform the choices of decision-makers ans stakeholders.
Providing an interdisciplinary, comparative and innovative assessment of the democratic process which leads to the implementation of public policies.
Hosting research studying different aspects of the implementation of health and public health policies.
Gathering multiple points of view in order to provide a comprehensive evaluation of social and employment policies based on tax expenditures.