Les chercheurs

Hazal Atay is a PhD candidate in political science and Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellow at CEVIPOF, Sciences Po Paris. She works on gender-policy making and women’s representation in Turkey, under the supervision of Réjane Sénac (Sciences Po) and Zehra F. Kabasakal Arat (University of Connecticut, USA). At LIEPP, she works as a research assistant for the project “Abortion in the European Union: Institutional Sources of Divergences and Solidarities”, under the supervision of Hélène Périvier (OFCE, Sciences Po) and Lucy van de Wiel (King’s College London, UK). Her research interests include gender policy-making, democratic theory and representation, reproductive rights and futures.


Postdoctoral Research Fellow, REF-SANTE project

Matthias Brunn is a post-doctoral researcher at the LIEPP and associated with the CEPEL research unit, department of political science, University of Montpellier/CNRS. Matthias Brunn is part of the research team of the "Genesis of Medical Entry Reform" component of the REF-SANTE project


Héloïse Lucas is a research assistant on the project “Evaluating complex interventions: the case of the Social Life Animation Policy” both led by the LIEPP and the French State agency “Caisse Nationale d’Allocations Familiales” (CNAF). Supervised by Anne Revillard, Héloïse is in charge of the design and implementation of evaluation methods regarding complex interventions of a social policy. She previously carried out studies and evaluations in the field of integration and youth policies at the Ministry of Education and as a consultant.


Postdoctoral Researcher

Matteo Mandelli is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at LIEPP where he is currently developing a project on socio-ecological risks, under the guidance of Bruno Palier and Charlotte Halpern. He holds a PhD in Political Studies from the University of Milan and he is board member of the Sustainable Welfare and Eco-social Policy Network. At its core, his research investigates the politics of just transition policies in Europe. 


Julia Paul-Venturine is a PhD Candidate at the Paris School of Economics (PSE) and Paris 1 University, under the supervision of Laurent Gobillon (PSE) and Pierre-Philippe Combes (Sciences Po). Starting in September 2023, she is also a research assistant at the LIEPP (Sciences Po). Her work is supported by Fondation Palladio. She visited Wharton during Spring 2023.


Postoctoral Researcher

Quentin Schnapper is a post-doctoral researcher at LIEPP where he is conducting a project on the restriction of general practitioners’ practice location in Germany. Holding a PhD in sociology from the École normale supérieure, his research focuses on small shopkeeping and inequalities in access to healthcare in rural areas.


Postdoctoral Researcher

Léo Vigny is a postdoctoral researcher in economics at the LIEPP, Science Po Paris. He is currently working on a research project with Bruno Palier and the IRES to compare state aid in the European Union. He has a PhD in economics from Sorbonne Paris Nord University on the trajectories and determinants of public spending in Europe. His research focuses on public finance and public policy in Europe.


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