Home>Research>Project>Design and validation of a child prosociality scale (DeVProScale)
Design and validation of a child prosociality scale (DeVProScale)
Project holder:
Klara Kovarski (LaPSYdé, Université Paris Cité)
Research team:
Lucie Rose (Laboratoire DIPHÉ, Université Lumière Lyon 2)
Lorna Le Stanc (LaPSYdé, Université Paris Cité)
Project descrption:
Prosocial behavior, aimed at intentionally benefitting another, develops throughout childhood as underlying social-emotional and cognitive mechanisms become mature. Prosocial behavior in childhood is considered as a predictor of later well-being and academic achievement, and has become a central concept in social-emotional learning programs as well as anti-bullying programs throughout school in France and abroad. Educators and researchers, however, have few means of measuring prosocial behavior in children from diverse socio-economic settings. This research project study aims to develop and validate a novel measure of prosocial intention and behavior in French youth ages 8 through 18, spanning helping, sharing, comforting, and cooperation. Scale items were developed based on focus groups and pilot tests carried out in 2022-2024. We aim to validate the full questionnaire in urban and rural areas throughout France to confirm its potential in methodologically robust RCTs pertaining to prosocial behavior intervention and, more widely, education policy evaluation.