Discriminations and Category-Based Policies Research Group

Research on discrimination has experienced a particular boom in France since the early 2000s. Empirical work attests to the extent and mechanisms of production of inequalities linked to gender, origin, religion, skin colour, sexual orientation, disability, etc., in different contexts of social interaction: labour market, housing market, family, school, administration, police, justice, etc. 

Public policy is not neutral in the face of this phenomenon. In addition to the effects induced by public policies in the areas listed above, category-based policies explicitly targeting certain populations (women, ethnoracial minorities, migrants, persons with disabilities, etc.) help to alleviate or, on the contrary, accentuate the discriminations suffered by these populations.

LIEPP's "Discrimination and category-based policies" section is devoted to these issues and contributes to the public debate through an interdisciplinary research approach by assessing the extent and evolution of discrimination in France and analysing the challenges it poses to public policy. It combines research on the measurement of discrimination, on the experience of discrimination, and on (anti-)discriminatory policies. This strand brings together bodies of work on types of inequality and category-based policies that are usually studied separately:

  • Gender 
  • Migration and policies towards migrants with the IPM
  • Disability and health inequalities 
  • Ethno-racial inequalities.

Contact: discriminations.liepp@sciencespo.fr 

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seminars of the research group 

The discriminations and category-based policies research group organizes seminars open to all, presenting research work on various topics related to its research themes.

Seminars of the Discriminations and category-based policies research group


Ongoing projects

(In)justice reproductive en France: Les droits reproductifs au prisme des rapports de domination de genre, de race et de classe (JR France) (2024)

Gender Homophily in Team Formation (GHTF) (2024)

Riots and public policy: a comparative socio-territorial analysis of the 2023 riots (2024)

Promoting the economic autonomy of disabled people through employment and social policy (PRESPOL) (2023)

Abortion in the European Union: Institutional sources of divergences and solidarities (2023)

The effects of targeted messages to businesses about discrimination in hiring (WWY) (2023)

Déterminants Sociaux des Décisions de Justice Pénale (SoDeJuPe) (2023)

Experience et traitement des discriminations et des inégalités dans la fonction publique (Post-enquête qualitative TeO2) (2023)

Welfare State Change as a Polanyian Double Movement. How social policy change affects women across different social classes. (POLWOM) (2023)

Assessing the criminalization of procuring in France (2023)

Side Effects of Role MOdel interventioN (SERMON) (2022)

Stereotypes, self-image concerns, and job search behavior (2022)

Impact des travaux des économistes sur leurs parcours et leurs travaux (2022)

Equal Pay Policy in Practice: An International Research Workshop (EQUAL PAY GEPP) (2022) 

Un état des lieux des recherches sur les discriminations: les faits, les explications et les implications pour les politiques publiques (2021)

Bienvenue en France : Les contrats d'intégration peuvent-ils favoriser l'intégration des immigrés ? (2021)

Finished projects

Inclusive Democracies? Conceptualising and Measuring the Descriptive and Substantive Political Representation of Under-represented Groups in Democratic Parliaments (InclusiveParl) (2021)

Les politiques de lutte contre les discriminations dans l'enseignement supérieur : une revue de littérature interdisciplinaire (2021) 

Access to Abortion and Telemedicine Abortion in France: A mixed-method study on why individuals resort to telemedical abortion over local abortion services in France (2020) 

Handicap, genre et précarité professionnelle : parcours biographiques et réception de l'action publique (2020) 

Discriminations fondées notamment sur l'origine dans l'accès aux biens et services sur plusieurs plateformes collaboratives (2020)

Les effets des quotas de genre (2019)

Chaire pour l’entrepreneuriat des femmes - volet recherche (2018)

The role of workplaces in hiring discrimination in France: evidence from a large-scale correspondence study (2017)

Colloque international -Des politiques sociales égalitaires ? Des principes à la réalité de l'exercice professionnel (2020) 

Evaluation d'impact sur la diversité des recrutements des formations "Recruter sans discriminer" (2018)

Différences de genre dans les aspirations professionnelles des étudiantes et des étudiants (2017)

Groupe international d'experts sur les migrations (GIEM) (2018) 

Disability and Work (2017)

Sources de discrimination et économie collaborative (2015)

Discrimination positive à la française (2014)

Discrimination raciale et mobilité internationale du travail (2014)

La réception des politiques du handicap : une approche qualitative (2014)

research group seminar

Discriminations and category-based policies research seminar


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