Educational Policies Research Group

The research group is interested in the mechanisms of formation and reproduction of inequalities in the school system, as well as the effectiveness of policies and public policy schemes aimed at reducing these inequalities. This research adopts an interdisciplinary perspective (sociology, economics and psychology) and combines quantitative, experimental and qualitative methods around the same research object.

The research group is structured around three main areas:

  • Learning and socio-behavioural skills

The aim is to analyse social inequalities in the learning process through the prism of socio-behavioural skills (e.g. socio-emotional skills such as self-esteem and motivation of pupils, metacognitive skills). The objective is to study the impact of educational policies and devices aimed at developing these skills in order to promote learning and reduce social inequalities.
  • Orientation and social mobility in educational pathways

As part of the reproduction of social inequalities, the orientation pathways in secondary and higher education are examined from the point of view of the relationship between aspirations, perceptions of opportunities and investment in schooling by parents and children; the link between social justice and the process of assigning teachers and pupils to schools; and finally, the public policy schemes for social inclusion in higher education.
  • Social diversity and peer effects

By studying spatial, residential and school segregation in greater depth, the research group seeks not only to account for possible peer and school effects, but also to evaluate the impact of desegregation and urban renewal policies. 


Educational policies research seminar 

Associated research projects

Ongoing projects

Government Policy and Parenting (GP&P) (2024) 

Neighborhoods and child development: the French experience (2024)

Design and validation of a child prosociality scale (DeVProScale) (2024)

Urban and school segregation of children (2024)

Parenting and Inequalities in Early Child development: Experimental evidence (PIECE) (2023)

Promoting metacognition in young children, a lever to reduce educational inequalities? (METACHILD) (2022)

Fostering Access to Childcare in France : Projet Premiers Pas (PPP) (2022)

Etude des parcours des candidats aux études de santé dans le cadre de la réforme 2020 de leurs voies d’accès (PARCOURSANTE) (2022)

A systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence on learning progress and inequality during summer vacations (2022)

Innovations, données et expérimentations en éducation (IDEE) (2022)

Ségrégation sociale à l'école et réussite scolaire : étude des effets des fermetures et ouvertures de collèges situés à proximité de quartiers défavorisés (2022) 

Recherche sur la réforme des admissions à Sciences Po (2021)  

Finished projects

Politique de la ville, réussite scolaire et criminalité 

Collaborer pour l’accompagnement scolaire (2022)

Favoriser la motivation et la réussite scolaire en adoptant les pratiques pédagogiques qui développent les compétences sociales et comportementales (MOTIVACTION) (2021) 

Les politiques régionales d'orientation, un vecteur de socialisation des jeunes aux règles du marché (ORIREG) (2020) 

Family background, parental instructional strategies and children's self-regulated learning: a longitudinal experimental study (METALEARN) (2020) 

Literature review of policies supporting the development of children's capacities (2019)

Cours d'écoles OASIS (2018)

Effets du Programme National pour la Rénovation Urbaine (PNRU) (2018)

Social Diversity in Middle Schools (2017)

Qualitative Monitoring of Premier Campus program at Sciences Po (2017)

Fostering the Language Skills of Children from Low-educated Families: An Ex-Ante Experimental Evaluation of a Parental Book Reading Intervention (2016 and 2017)

La simplification dans l'enseignement superieur et la recherche (2017)

ACCESSUP - Policies of access to higher education (2015)

Priority Education Conventions - CEP Program at Sciences Po (2015)

School aspirations and results : the chicken or the egg

"Active orientation" towards higher education : policies and mechanisms

Primary and secondary school teachers' retirement in France

Will Sooner be Better? The Impact of Preschool Enrollment on Cognitive and Noncognitive Achievement of Children

Teachers' educational strategies as parents and school career of teacher' children

Transitions between public and private school

Social mediation against violence in school

Stereotypes, Self-censorship and academic success 

Research group recent events

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Publications of the Research Group

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