Home>Research>Project>Equal Pay Policy in Practice: An International Research Workshop
Equal Pay Policy in Practice: An International Research Workshop
Project holders:
- Amy G. MAZUR (Washington State University, LIEPP)
- Sophie POCHIC (Centre Maurice Halbwachs, CNRS, EHESS, ENS)
Project description:
Much research shows that gender wage gaps have been difficult to narrow, in part due to the limits of regulatory policies and collective negotiations. Through an international and interdisciplinary comparison, this project will contribute to understanding the obstacles and opportunities to achieving gender wage equity and gender equality more broadly speaking. Researchers will use the Gender Equality Policy in Practice (GEPP) Approach which provides a uniform analytical framework to study gender equality policies in action with innovative measures for policy success - gender transformation and women’s empowerment - that allow for a more global evaluation of the responsiveness of contemporary democracies to demands for social justice and equality.
To build and harmonize this international comparison, 24 scholars will present and discuss their research on the implementation, evaluation and impact of equal pay policies in 15 countries and at the EU level, during a two-day workshop, at the University Bielefeld, June 20th-21st, 2022 (see the programme).
The final publication outputs from this project will include a volume co-edited with Oxford University Press, 3-4 articles submitted to the journal Policy and Politics, and and a LIEPP Policy Brief.
More information about the Workshop
Poster of the project - June 2023