Home>Research>Project>Ethnicity and Policy : Ethnic Group Identity, Political Competition, and Policy Outcomes in Europe (ETHPOL) (2017)
Ethnicity and Policy : Ethnic Group Identity, Political Competition, and Policy Outcomes in Europe (ETHPOL) (2017)
Researchers :
Jan ROVNY (Sciences Po, LIEPP/CEE)
Paul LENORMAND (Sciences Po, History)
This project obtained funding from LIEPP through the 2017 call for proposals.
Description du project:
This project aims to address the interplay between identity or ethnic politics, political representation and policy formulation. Ethnic politics has been generally considered as politics of belonging, potentially leading to group confrontation, and conflict. The possibility that ethnic politics may, under particular circumstances, influence ideological representation, and be conducive to specific policy outcomes is undertheorized and empirically unexplored. This project rectifies this shortcoming in a novel, comparative and interdisciplinary perspective. We seek to study the formation of political representation of Czech Germans in Interwar Czechoslovakia and Estonian Russian-speakers in today’s Estonia. In particular, we seek to understand how ethnic minority status informs political competition and policy formation in the area of official language usage and education. We proceed through a multiplicity of methods from history and the social sciences — parliamentary speech database construction, public opinion data collection, and their quantitative statistical analyses, combined with historical archival research and elite interviews.
Poster of the project - May 2020

Publications :
Paul LENORMAND, Jan ROVNY, Cooperating with the Czechs, driving the State. German activist policies through biographical trajectories and administrative records (1918-1938) LIEPP Working Paper n°108, April 2020.
Jan ROVNY, Circumstantial Liberals: Czech Germans in Interwar Czechoslovakia LIEPP Working Paper n°101, January 2020.
Ethnicity And Democracy In Interwar Central Europe, Conference on November 15th and 16th 2019.
Contributions :
ROVNY Jan, Circumstantial Liberals: Ethnic Minorities and Political Competition, presentation at the Applied Economics Lunch Seminar of Paris School of Economics, on April 16, 2019.