Home>Research>Project>Favoriser la motivation et la réussite scolaire en adoptant les pratiques pédagogiques qui développent les compétences sociales et comportementales

Favoriser la motivation et la réussite scolaire en adoptant les pratiques pédagogiques qui développent les compétences sociales et comportementales

Short title: 


Project holders: 
  • Elise HUILLERY (LEDa, Université Paris Dauphine et LIEPP, Sciences Po) 
Research team: 
Description of the project: 

MOTIVACTION aims at helping teachers to adopt new pedagogical practices to develop high levels of self-confidence, self-efficacy, cooperation, and intrinsic motivation in young students. In France, such pedagogical training may be particularly useful as self-confidence and perceptions of one’s chance of success are among the lowest of OECD countries, while anxiety and fear of failure are among the highest (PISA 2012, 2015). According to TALIS 2013, only 58% of French Teachers feel pedagogically well prepared for their profession, as compared to 89% on average in OECD countries.
MOTIVACTION is a research project aiming to fill this gap. It targets 1st grade (cours préparatoire) teachers in four Académies(Versailles, Paris, Poitiers and Bordeaux), with the goal of providing them with the most recent results in economics, psychology, sociology and cognitive sciences, as well as with practical information on the pedagogical practices that are effective for developing academic motivation based on socio-behavioral skills. The ultimate objective of the project is to increase students’ learning and academic outcomes of all students, while at the same time reducing social inequality at school.