Home>Research>Project>Handicap, genre et précarité professionnelle : parcours biographiques et réception de l'action publique
Handicap, genre et précarité professionnelle : parcours biographiques et réception de l'action publique
Research team:
- Anne Revillard (CRIS, LIEPP)
- Mathéa Boudinet (CRIS, LIEPP) : is carrying out his sociology thesis in this context.
Partner associations:
- L’Agefiph
- APF-France handicap
- Femmes pour le Dire, Femmes pour Agir (FDFA)
- Fibromyalgie France
- Accompagner, promouvoir et intégrer les déficients visuels (apiDV)
Project description:
This participatory research is being carried out at CRIS and LIEPP and co-funded by the International Federation of Applied Research on Disability (FIRAH) and Agefiph, 2020-2022. Designed in response to FIRAH's 2019 call for projects on 'Disability and precariousness', the project is part of a participatory science approach.
The project has a twofold objective: to gain a better understanding of the factors leading to job insecurity among women with disabilities, and to identify ways of improving public action based on people's experiential expertise.
Remoteness from the labour market is a key source of socio-economic insecurity for people with disabilities. The causes of this distance are complex, including lack of or inadequate training, the effect of disability on working capacity, environmental barriers to mobility, discrimination, lack of support to and within the workplace, and inadequate accommodation. For disabled women, this marginalisation is compounded by the effects of the gender system (differentiated socialisation, inequalities in domestic and parental work, sexist working environments, etc.).
The main aim of this project is to expand knowledge in this area, using an approach that places the experience of the people directly concerned at the forefront. Following an initial statistical scoping exercise, this research will be based mainly on 80 biographical interviews with people (over-represented by women) with physical or visual disabilities, who are currently experiencing or have experienced periods of job insecurity. On the basis of a comparison of these professional trajectories, the sociological work will consist firstly in identifying the most salient factors and modes of job insecurity. Then, as the stories unfold, it will be a matter of identifying the public action measures mentioned or missing and their role in the individual trajectories, using a sociological approach to the reception of public action. This approach will enable us to identify avenues for reform based on the experiences of the people concerned.
Get more details on the project (pdf)
Carnet Hypothèses lié à l'enquête
Poster of the project - July 2023

Related publications:
- Mathéa BOUDINET, Anne REVILLARD, La précarité professionnelle des femmes handicapées, revue de littérature FIRAH, 2021
Related events:
- Webinaire "Handicap -Emploi : Comment explorer de nouveaux possibles ?" (FIRAH et Agefiph), 21 octobre 2020.