Home>Research>Project>Innovations, Données et Expérimentations en Éducation (IDEE)
Innovations, Données et Expérimentations en Éducation (IDEE)
Project holders at LIEPP :
- Grégoire BORST (Lapsydé, LIEPP)
Project description:
The Innovations, Data and Experimentation in Education (IDEE) programme helps researchers to produce experimental results that contribute to the debate on public policy and professional practice in education in France. To do this, IDEE facilitates access to administrative data, develops a catalogue of resources and tools for research, and structures partnerships between researchers, education professionals and public decision-makers.
IDEE is a structuring facility for research (EquipEx) that aims to develop educational research, in particular by promoting experimental methods, and to make France a leader in the field. The IDEE consortium brings together a multidisciplinary group of leading researchers and laboratories in economics, sociology, psychology, education sciences and cognitive sciences. It is coordinated by the École Normale Supérieure/PSL and led by J-PAL Europe at the Paris School of Economics.
The IDEE project has three objectives:
- Facilitate access to administrative data: Promote and facilitate secure access for researchers to a wide range of administrative data in education, with the aim of reducing data collection costs and increasing the impact of educational research.
- Developing and sharing innovative tools and protocols for experimental research: Purchasing, developing and documenting innovative measuring instruments, survey and analysis tools, as well as legal and administrative protocols, with the aim of enhancing the quality of experiments while reducing their cost.
- Developing and structuring a network of partners: Facilitating new links between education professionals, policy-makers and researchers, in order to launch high-quality experimental research and promote the use of research findings in public policy-making and in the field.
LIEPP is taking part in the section devoted to methodological tools and measurement instruments for experimental research by developing shared research and measurement protocols. It is focusing in particular on the measurement of parental dimensions in education.
This programme is funded for a period of 8 years (2021-2029) by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche as part of the "Investissements d'avenir" programme (reference: "ANR-21-ESRE-0034").
The IDEE programme is being implemented in partnership with the French Ministry of Education, and in particular its Department of Evaluation, Forecasting and Performance (DEPP). It is supported by six higher education and research establishments:
Paris Sciences et Lettres, including the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) and its Department of Cognitive Studies (DEC);
The Paris School of Economics, with its J-PAL Europe laboratory;
Sciences Po, with its Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire pour l'Évaluation des Politiques Publiques (LIEPP);
Grenoble Alpes University, with its Laboratoire de Recherche sur les Apprentissages en Contexte (LaRAC);
The French Atomic Energy Commission, with its NeuroSpin laboratory; and
The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).
The strategic vision of the IDEE programme is guided by a steering committee, which brings together all the partners mentioned above, under the scientific direction of Marc Gurgand . The activities of the IDEE programme will also be informed by a committee of data users.
In addition, the IDEE programme will involve a wider network of French and international players interested in promoting experimental research in education.