Home>Research>Project>Le déploiement de la politique publique d’affichage environnemental. Analyse des modes d’intervention publique sur l’économie par l’information aux consommateurs (PolConso) (2017)
Le déploiement de la politique publique d’affichage environnemental. Analyse des modes d’intervention publique sur l’économie par l’information aux consommateurs (PolConso) (2017)
Project leaders :
- Sophie DUBUISSON-QUELLIER (Directrice de recherche CNRS, CSO, Sociology)
- Marie-Emmanuelle CHESSEL (Directrice de recherche CNRS, CSO, History)
Research team :
- Jeanne LAZARUS (CSO, Sociology)
- Charlotte HALPERN (CEE, Political Science)
- Alain CHATRIOT (Centre d'Histoire, History)
This project obtained funding from LIEPP through the 2017 call for proposals.
The project aims at analysing the implementation of the environmental footprint labelling public policy through the deployment operation launched in March 2017 by the French Ministry for the Environment. Through this case, we want to tackle the specificities of public policies that rely on consumer information instruments to regulate companies’ activities. The interests of the environmental footprint labelling public policy are twofold considering the issue of public policies analysis. On the one hand, it is very typical of contemporary public interventions in economic regulation, which develop through fine and potentially conflicting coordination schemes with private interests of economic actors. On the other hand, it shows continuity with economic public policies, which use consumer information as a lever for reorienting companies’ decisions. The project will aim at better understanding how such policies are designed, how they coordinate with economic interests, on what kind of instrumentation they rely, and what are their capacities for coercion. The ambition of this project is to tackle both issues about the evolutions of contemporary public interventions based on close cooperation with private interests and issues about public interventions that have to find constraining effects in the context of a parsimonious use of coercive instruments.
Poster of the project - May 2020
- Dubuisson-Quellier Sophie and Granier Benoît, 2018, “Reverse capture: how public deciders steer private actors’ decisions”, SASE Conference, 23rd-25thJune, Kyoto, Japan.
- Dubuisson-Quellier Sophie, 2018, “Reverse capture: how public deciders can discipline private interests”, Pervasive powers. Corporate authority in the shaping of public policy, Université Paris Dauphine, 14-16 juin."
Dubuisson-Quellier Sophie, 2017, La capture comme levier de l’intervention publique sur l’économie. Le cas de la politique publique d’affichage environnemental en France, Revue française de sociologie, 58-3, 475-499.
Sophie DUBUISSON-QUELLIER, Benoît GRANIER Comment inciter les entreprises à afficher les impacts environnementaux sur les produits de grande consommation ? LIEPP Policy Brief, n°40, avril 2019