Home>Research>Project>Le rôle du foncier dans les marchés immobiliers (en partenariat avec l’Union sociale pour l’habitat)
Le rôle du foncier dans les marchés immobiliers (en partenariat avec l’Union sociale pour l’habitat)
Project holders :
- Guillaume Chapelle (LIEPP)
- Alain Trannoy (EHESS; Aix Marseille School of Economics)
- Etienne Wasmer (NYU Abu Dhabi; LIEPP)
Project description :
This project has been selected as part of the research programme on the economic challenges of land and affordable housing, launched by the Union sociale pour l'habitat (USH) in 2022.
The aim of this project is to gain a better understanding of the role of land, land markets and their regulation in the dynamics of production and the property market. To achieve this, the project has 3 objectives:
- To develop land regulation indicators for the Ile-de-France region and then for the country as a whole. To do this, the information contained in the Local Urban Planning Plans will be digitised automatically in order to identify the rules that apply to plots of land. This will make it possible to assess the influence of planning regulations on land values, particularly where these are restrictive.
- Evaluate the value (and the share of land) for all plots and then in mainland France, and assess the role of regulations on their use and value. This section aims to provide an estimate of the value of land for all plots in mainland France. This means estimating the value of vacant land but also the value of land underlying buildings and houses. Different methodologies will be explored and compared to this end, with the aim of assessing the distribution of land in the population, studying the feasibility of reforms to tax bases and property taxation, and evaluating the role of regulation and land in property inflation.
- Assess the role of regulation on the price elasticity of housing supply.