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LIEPP Governance
LIEPP's governance is organized around three bodies.
The laboratory council, including the research groups directors, is responsible for the implementation and regular monitoring of the laboratory's project.
The scientific committee is a body of dialogue and orientation which meets once or twice a year to validate LIEPP's annual activity programme, its global budgetary perspectives, and to discuss the results obtained.
The Strategic advisory board, composed of internationally recognised experts, evaluates the scientific quality of the work and gives strategic advice, particularly on the international positioning of LIEPP. The members of the Strategic advisory board are appointed for a three-year term, renewable once. They meet every two years to discuss with LIEPP's direction the laboratory's strategy and development prospects.
The new Strategic advisory board is being established.
Members of the strategic advisory board (October 2021 - October 2025)
- David Aubin (Professor of Political Science, Université Catholique de Louvain)
- Thomas D. Cook (Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Northwestern University, Institute for Policy Research et Joan&Sarepta Harrison Chair in Ethics and Justice)
- Agathe Devaux-Spatarakis (Doctor in Political Science, Quadrant Conseil)
- José-Luis Fernández (Associate Professorial Research Fellow in Economics, Director of Care Policy and Evaluation Center at LSE)
- Philippe Hayez (Chief Counsellor at the Cour des comptes).
- Sandra Mathison (Professor at the Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia)
- Rebecca A. Maynard (Professor Emeritus of Education and Social Policy at the Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania)
- Ray Pawson (Professor Emeritus at the University of Leeds, specialist in Social Science Methodology and evaluation, founder of realistic evaluation)
- Laura Peck (Principal Scientist, Income Security and Economic Mobility Domain Director at MEF Associates)
- Robin S. Stryker (Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Purdue University)
Members of the Strategic advisory board 2011-2020
Direction & Administration
- Director : Anne Revillard
- Head Manager : Andreana Khristova
- Communication and research dissemination officer: Ariane Lacaze
- Project monitoring manager: Samira Jebli
- Administrative Assistant: Servane Naudin
Charter of Commitment & Deontology Charter
The rules governing the affiliation and the association of LIEPP members are explained in the laboratory's charter of commitment. This charter specifies the arrangments of signature, the support given by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and the etchic codes, which assure the independence and the neutrality of the laboratory.
LIEPP also possess a deontology charter, along with the other two excellent laboratories, IDEP in Marseille and IPP in Paris School of Economics. This ethic code consists of the engagement to declare all potential conflicts of interest and not to accept scientific project evaluation for which the publications of its results are restricted.