Home>Research>Project>Primary and secondary school teachers' retirement in France
Primary and secondary school teachers' retirement in France
Research team:
Denis Fougère (OSC et LIEPP)
Pierre Gouedard (LIEPP/Departement d'économie)
This research project aims at evaluating the impact of the 2003 French reform of pension scheme. For teachers as for all civil servants, this reform changed many important dimensions of the previous scheme, sharpening the conditions to get full retirement benefits.
Denis Fougère and Pierre Gouedard study the way teachers alter their behavior in response to this reform. Empirical works in reduced-form has already assessed that the reform lowered the probability to retire at age 60 (Baraton, Beffy et Fougère, Economie et Statistique, 2012). This project proposes to complete the previous approach with a structural approach, by modeling the retirement choice. To do so, the model takes into account the anticipated income flows (wages or pensions): retirement should occur when it maximizes the total income discounted to present value.
To learn more, click on the picture below (pdf in French): "Le départ des enseignants à la retraite", June 2014 |
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