Home>Research>Project>Stereotypes, Self-censorship and academic success
Stereotypes, Self-censorship and academic success
Research team:
Nina Guyon (National University of Singapore)
Elise Huillery (Co-director of the Educational policies research group)
The project seeks to account for the negative effects of stereotypes associated with underprivileged social classes on the academic success of adolescents coming from these social classes. These stereotypes may not only lower academic results, a fact which has never been rigorously demonstrated in France, but also lead adolescents to self-censorship, limiting their ambitions relative to what their academic results permit them. The project also allows for the evaluation of the role of parents in the instigation of stereotypes in adolescents.
Results of the project:
- Nina GUYON, Elise HUILLERY Choix d’orientation et origine sociale : mesurer et comprendre l’autocensure scolaire, LIEPP Report n°3, December 2014
The first results of the project were presented twice:
- February 11th, 2014: seminar "Origine sociale et choix d'orientation", organised by the Research Group "Educational Politicies" of LIEPP (see the description of the event on our website, and the slide show)
- February 18th, 2014: seminar organised by the Department of Economics of the University of Namur (see the event on their webpage, and the Working Paper)
In the media:
- Le Figaro Etudiant, "Les élèves d’origine modeste ont une probabilité 93% plus élevée d’aller en seconde pro" (January 5th, 2015)
- Éducation Magazine, "Les raisons de l'autocensure scolaire en Troisième" (March 4th, 2015)
Research poster (pdf in French): |
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