Home>Ethnicity & Democracy in Interwar Central Europe
Ethnicity & Democracy in Interwar Central Europe
About this event
14 October 2019 from 16:00 until 18:00
Conference organized by LIEPP within the framework of the ETHPOL project (Ethnicity and Policy : Ethnic Group Identity, Political Competition, and Policy Outcomes in Europe) on November 15th en 16th 2019 at Sciences Po, Paris.
Friday November 15th
9:00-9:30 Welcome & Coffee
9:30-11:00 Panel 1
- Different Victories? A Comparison of Collective Violence in Prague in Aftermaths of the WWI and WWII (1918-1920 and 1945). Ota Konrád. Discussion: Daniel Miller
- Rural radicalism at the end of Austria-Hungary and in the successor states. Jakub Beneš. Discussion: Bogdan Popescu
11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-12:45 Panel 2
- Four Patterns of Multiparty Cooperation: Appointments to the 1928 Czechoslovak Provincial Assemblies. Daniel Miller. Discussion: Christina Zuber
- Circumstantial Liberals: Czech Germans in Interwar Czechoslovakia. Jan Rovny. Discussion: Ota Konrád
12:45-13:45 Lunch
13:45-15:15 Panel 3
- Jewish and Romani communities in Czechoslovakia. Citizenship and minority rights. Kateřina Čapková. Discussion: Paul Lenormand
- Emanuel Rádl and Czechoslovak policies towards the German minority as a democratic issue (1918-1938). Christian Jacques. Discussion: Philip Howe
15:15-15:45 Break
15:45-17:15 Panel 4
- Continuity within Discontinuity: Habsburg Legacies, Interwar Democratic Failure, and the Rise of Austrian Consociationalism.Philip Howe. Discussion: Morgane Labbé
- From Predominant Elite to Minority Group. Baltic German Entrepreneurs and Merchants in Interwar Latvia. Katja Welzel. Discussion: Christian Jacques
19:30 Dinner
Saturday, November 16th
9:30-11:00 Panel 5
- New State Borders and (Dis)loyalties to Czechoslovakia in Subcarpathian Rus 1919–1925. Stanislav Holubec. Discussion: Katja Wezel
- Military Colonialism, Communal Property Rights and Long-Term Development: A Quasi-Natural Experiment in the Habsburg Empire. Bogdan Popescu. Discussion: Thomas Lorman
11:00-11:15 Break
11:15-13:30 Panel 6
- Czech Germans - Archives. Paul Lenormand & Jan Rovny. Discussion: Stanislav Holubec
- Explaining FIDESZ: The idea of the 'government party' in Hungary, 1867-2019. Thomas Lorman. Discussion: Jan Rovny
- How the past matters: Theoretical and methodological reflections on legacy research. Christina Zuber. Discussion: Jakub Beneš
13:30-14:30 Lunch and Final discussion