Home>Who takes care? Early childcare, inequalities, and women's professional careers


Who takes care? Early childcare, inequalities, and women's professional careers

About this event

12 June 2024 from 09:00 until 17:00

Salle du conseil

13 rue de l'Université, 75007, Paris

LIEPP's Socio-fiscal Policies and Educational policies research groups and PRESAGE are pleased to convene the workshop: Who takes care? Early childcare, inequalities, and women's professional careers.

June 12th. 9am-5pm. (Paris time)

Location: Sciences Po, Salle du Conseil, 13 rue de l'Université, 75007, Paris. 

Mandatory registration to participate in person.

Mandatory registration to participate via Zoom.


The scope of this workshop is to discuss in an informal setting some new research projects around the theme of ‘Who takes care? Early childcare, inequalities, and women's professional careers’. The objective is to assemble an interdisciplinary network of scholars working in the field to establish future collaborations and networks for future research. The workshop consists of seven presentations of half an hour with large discussions on the topic of each paper. After a November 2019 first workshop when we first launched a LIEPP initiative on “Family Policies”, the long-term goal of this initiative is to consolidate a research group on access to childcare and its consequences on the labor market and socioeconomic inequalities.


I. Disentangling the drivers of inequalities in early childcare access in France: a multidisciplinary approach

9h-9h10   Welcoming words with Hélène Périvier (Director of PRESAGE, Sciences Po).

9h15-10h00  Pierre Pora : « Accroître l’offre de places en crèche : peu d’effet sur l’emploi, une baisse du recours aux autres modes de garde”

10h-10h45 Robin Huguenot Noël – “Net childcare costs and childcare uptake in the EU : A preliminary exploration”

10h45-11h Pause

11h-11h45 Arthur Heim (PSE) & Julien Combe: “Theoretical solutions to the daycare assignment problem with real-life applications in France.”

11h45-12h30 Laudine Carbuccia : "Structural and cognitive determinants of the socioeconomic gap in early childcare enrollment".

II. Sharing the burden: are we getting there?

14h-14h45 Montserrat Botey & Clément Carbonnier: “Access to early childcare and women’s labor market outcomes”

14h45-15h30 Emanuele Ferragina: "Maternal Employment and Childcare Use from an Intersectional Perspective: Stratification along Class, Contractual and Gender Lines in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the UK”.

15h30-15h45   Pause

15h45-16h30 Hélène Périvier & Grégory Verdugo, “Can parental leave be shared?

16h30-17h15 Alix Sponton  « Des pères absents ? Saisir la diversité du non-recours au congé de paternité à partir de méthodes mixtes ? »

16h30 General discussion & Wrap-up

17h  Informal drinks 

A workshop organised by Laudine Carbuccia (CRIS / LIEPP) and Montserrat Botey (OFCE / LIEPP). 

About this event

12 June 2024 from 09:00 until 17:00

Salle du conseil

13 rue de l'Université, 75007, Paris