Home>Hussein Kassim


Hussein Kassim

Visiting Professor at Sciences Po, CEE et au LIEPP

Hussein Kassim is Professor of Politics in the School of Political, Social and International Studies and Co-Investigator at the ESRC Centre for Competition Policy at the University of East Anglia.

He began his academic career in Oxford, where he studied for a D.Phil in Politics at Nuffield College under the supervision of the late Vincent Wright. His first teaching experience was as a College Lecturer at Balliol College, New College, and Worcester College, University of Oxford before his appointment to a permanent lectureship at Nottingham University. He moved to Birkbeck, University of London, in 1993, where he was Lecturer, then  Senior Lecturer until 2007. Professor Kassim has held visiting positions at ARENA in the University of Oslo, Columbia University, New York University, the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University, and the Institut d'Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po) in Paris.

In his research, Professor Kassim investigates EU institutions, the relationship between the EU and the member states, especially the UK and ‘Europe’, and EU policy in competition and international aviation. A recipient of grants from the British Academy, the ESRC and the Nuffield Foundation, he recently completed a major ESRC-funded project on the European Commission (http://www.esrc.ac.uk/my-esrc/grants/RES-062-23-1188/read), the main findings of which are presented in The European Commission of the Twenty-First Century, published by Oxford University Press. He is currently working on follow-up projects that examine, variously, leadership, gender, socialization and the attitudes of officials to reform in the European Commission. He is also working on projects on the national coordination of EU policy, EU aviation policy, and aspects of EU competition policy, including the ECN, national competition authorities and the institutionalisation of DG IV.

Research Themes

EU institutions, relations between the EU and the member states, aviation policy in the EU, EU competition policy, regulation and the regulatory state.