Home>LIEPP general call for projects 2022 (closed)


LIEPP general call for projects 2022 (closed)

LIEPP general Call for projects 2022 (closed)

“Interdisciplinary Evaluation of public policies”

The Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies is launching a new general call for projects to strengthen the activities of its research groups. This call for projects is part of the redeployment of the LIEPP in partnership with Université Paris Cité.

LIEPP promotes research which, whatever their disciplines and methods, contributes to the evaluation of public policies, by studying the functioning and effects of different policies. LIEPP is based on an innovative approach to evaluative research: articulating quantitative, qualitative and comparative methods; confronting disciplinary views on the evaluated policies; and promoting the cross-fertilization of methodological and theoretical knowledge from different disciplines, with those from the international field of evaluation. Its activities are organised around six research groups (discriminations and category-based policies, evaluation of democracy, educational policies, environmental policies, socio-fiscal policies, health policies). 

This call for projects aims to strengthen the activities of LIEPP's six thematic research groups. Each research group is briefly presented in the full text of the call, specifying, where appropriate, its priority research themes. Beyond these priority themes, any project corresponding to the research groups general themes will be considered. For more information, please contact the directors of each research group (indicated on the page of each research group on LIEPP website).

Contributions should be interdisciplinary, as the call is broadly open to all disciplines that contribute to public policy thinking. Three types of projects can be submitted: interdisciplinary literature reviews, research projects and organisation of interdisciplinary events or networks in public policy evaluation.

Each project is led by one or two researchers, at least one of whom must be a full researcher whose main affiliation is with a Sciences Po or Université Paris Cité laboratory. Funded projects have a maximum duration of 24 months, ending no later than November 2024.

The funding provided may vary according to needs, from punctual co-funding of a project already underway to more substantial funding involving, for example, the recruitment of a research assistant for a few months (see the list of eligible expenses in the full text of the call for proposals, below). Interested parties are invited to contact LIEPP administrative team (liepp@sciencespo.fr) as soon as possible and before submitting their project to discuss the budgetary arrangements (NB: the team will not be available to answer questions between 22 July and 26 August).

Projects can be submitted in English or French.

If you want to know more about this call in the form of FAQs, check this link

Projects must be submitted by 18 September 2022 at the latest, using the online application form.

If it is impossible to submit your file via google.form due to technical problems, please send your project (word and excel document) to andreana.khristova@sciencespo.fr and liepp@sciencespo.fr

Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. The results will be announced in November and projects can start from the beginning of November 2022.

Attached documents: 

List of selected projects: