Home>LIEPP general call for projects 2024


LIEPP general call for projects 2024

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The Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP) is launching a new general call for projects to strengthen the activities of its research groups. This call for projects is part of the redeployment of the LIEPP in partnership with Université Paris Cité.

This call for projects (AAP) aims to support a wide range of activities in public policy evaluation in connection with LIEPP's six thematic research groups (discriminations and category-based policiesevaluation of democracyeducational policiesenvironmental policiessocio-fiscal policieshealth policies) or in a cross-cutting way around evaluation methods and approaches.

This call is open to all disciplines that can contribute to thinking about public action (data science, law, economics, geography, history, psychology, public health, education sciences, management sciences, environmental sciences, life sciences, political science, sociology, etc.). 

Thematic scope of the call for projects: evaluation of programmes and interventions, evaluation of public policies: educational, social, fiscal, environmental, health, anti-discriminatory and categorical policies (e.g. gender, disability, migration policies), evaluation of democracy, theoretical and methodological approaches to evaluation.)

Eligibility: The call is open to all full researchers, doctoral students and post-doctoral students whose main affiliation is with a Sciences Po or Université Paris Cité laboratory.

Type of possible projects:

  • Networking (events/workshops of existing networks or support for the creation of a new seed funding network),
  • Co-financing of ongoing projects,
  • Support for publication,
  • Short research stays.

Maximum amount of funding requested : 10 000 €

Duration: Expenditure must be incurred by the end of December 2024 at the latest.

How to apply : 

We recommend that those interested in this call for projects contact the LIEPP team [andreana.khristova@sciencespo.fr or liepp@sciencespo.fr] as soon as possible to inform them of their wish to submit a project, by sending a short message with the subject [Call for LIEPP projects]. The LIEPP team will be on hand to answer any questions they may have and to help them set up their project (particularly in terms of budget).

Projects may be written in French or English.

Projects must be submitted by 15 March 2024 at the latest, to the following address: liepp@sciencespo.fr with the subject [appel à projet LIEPP]. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

Results will be announced on 5 April 2024.

Attached documents :

List of selecter projects: