Home>What is the Impact of Grand Paris Express?
What is the Impact of Grand Paris Express?
The LIEPP, in partnership with Société du Grand Paris, published the results of two research studies in order to inform investments in public infrastructures over the 2012-2019 period.
- The fisrt study evaluates the impact of 'Grand Paris Express' (extension of subway network in Paris agglomeration) on labour and housing markets.
For more information about the project
For more information about the results: Policy Brief n°35
- The second study evaluates the impact of 'Grand Paris Express' on foreign direct investments in Paris agglomeration.
For more information about the project
For more information about the results: Policy Brief n°36
In the media
Article in Le Monde December 21, 2017: "Comment un réseau ferré peut-il créer 168 000 emplois ?".
Article in Le Monde Decemeber 28, 2017: "Le Grand Paris Express attirera-t-il des capitaux étrangers?"
Article January 3, 2018 on the website of FNTP: "Les réseaux de métro déterminants de l'attractivité internationale des villes"
Article in Le journal du Grand Paris January 9, 2018: "Le Grand Paris express facteur d’attractivité des investissements étrangers"