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LIEPP Publications
Please note: this work benefits from the support of the France 2030 investment plan through IdEx Université Paris Cité (ANR-18-IDEX-0001).
Type of publications
Policy Briefs (PB)
Policy Briefs are intended to present the results of research that has already been completed, and that has already been validated in the form of a research report or scientific article, for example, which should be referenced in the PB.
The PB aims to present these results in a synthetic manner, emphasizing the implications for the evaluation of public policies. The PB is short (less than 5,000 words) and aims to make the results of the research accessible to a wide audience (public actors, civil society).
Consult the latest LIEPP Policy Briefs.
Working Papers
Written by one or more researchers from an ongoing project, the working paper aims to stimulate scientific discussions and to contribute to a better understanding of the topic.
Consult the latest LIEPP Working Papers.
LIEPP methods briefs
LIEPP methods briefs present a variety of approaches and methods of evaluation in a concise and accessible way, including quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods. Their aim is to facilitate the appropriation of these methods and approaches by a diverse audience: researchers who are not specialized in these methods, policy stakeholders, civil society, and students (educational material).
Consult the latest LIEPP methods briefs.
Débats du LIEPP
Publications in the “Débats du LIEPP” collection present an overview of the different scientific positions on a public policy evaluation question. They vary in size, from 20 to 40 pages, and they generally include politician's reactions to the scientific public policy debate as well.
Consult the latest Débats du LIEPP.
Reports published with the contributions of LIEPP members
Policy Briefs
- BEHAGHEL, Luc, DE CHAISEMARTIN, Clément, GURGAND, Marc. L’internat d’excellence : un levier contre les inégalités éducatives ?. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°78, December 2024
- ROCHARD, Hugo. Planter des arbres en ville : au-delà de la solution, penser la gouvernance. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°77, November 2024
- GINSBURGER, Maël. Les marges de manœuvre des ménages dans la transition écologique : entre empreinte carbone et contraintes sur la décarbonation. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°76, November 2024
- DUPUY, Jules, BARNAY, Thomas, DEFEBVRE, Eric. Comprendre les effets contradictoires des politiques publiques de lutte contre la COVID19 sur la santé des populations en Europe. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n° 75, September 2024.
- ARTIGAS, Alvaro, HALPERN, Charlotte, et al. Urban Heat and critical environmental thresholds: new bridges between science and policy?. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n° 74, September 2024.
- BEAUSSIER, Anne-Laure, CHEVALIER, Tom, PALIER, Bruno. Qui supporte les coûts des transitions environnementales ? Penser les inégalités face aux risques sociaux liés au changement climatique. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°73, September 2024.
- LEHNER, Paul, LEHOUX, Erwan, OLLER, Anne-Claudine, Pin, Clément. L’accompagnement à l’orientation en Terminale : quels leviers pour l’égalité des chances ?. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°72, May 2024.
- HERBERT, Eric et al. Anticiper les pertes de production liées aux énergies renouvelables pour faciliter la transition énergétique : l’exemple du secteur agricole. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°71, March 2024.
- KANTER, David. A new approach to nutrient pollution governance in France and the EU. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°70, November 2023.
- LIEBER, Marylène. Gender-based violence and intersectionality: From theory to policy. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°69 bis, October 2023.
- LIEBER, Marylène. Violences fondées sur le genre et intersectionnalité : de la théorie à l’action publique. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°69, October 2023.
- GUILLAUD, Elvire, ZEMMOUR, Michaël. Le financement des assurances sociales est-il devenu politiquement insoutenable ?. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°68, July 2023.
- GUILLAUD, Elvire, ZEMMOUR, Michaël. Faut-il renoncer aux enquêtes d’opinion ? Analyse du soutien au financement de la protection sociale. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°67, July 2023.
- PENASCO, Cristina, DIAZ ANADON, Laura. The adoption of energy efficiency measures in households: Effective for all and for ever?. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°66, July 2023.
- BOUCHET, Célia, Nicolas DUVOUX. Did the Covid-19 pandemic create poverty in France? Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°65 bis, May 2023.
- BOUCHET, Célia, Nicolas DUVOUX. La pandémie de Covid-19 a-t-elle créé de la pauvreté en France ?. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°65, May 2023.
- SALESSE, Camille. Des cocktails délétères : Les inégalités d’exposition aux pollutions de l’air en France. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°64, March 2023.
- MAVROT, Céline, Fritz SAGER, Markus HINTERLEITNER, David KAUFMANN, Martin GROSJEAN and Thomas STOCKER, Quelle communication scientifique dans la lutte contre le changement climatique ?, Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°63, February 2023.
- DE SOUSA, José, Guillaume HOLLARD, Ces petites différences de genre qui deviennent grandes : le rôle de la compétition, Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°62, January 2023.
- ZEMMOUR, Michaël, Muriel ROGER, Aurélien BOYER and Mélika BEN SALEM, Dynamique des allocataires du RSA à Paris, Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°61, July 2022.
- HALPERN, Charlotte, Parnika RAY, Road Space Reallocation for Sustainable Urban Mobility in the EU: The balancing act between EU regulations and cities as urban space managers, Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°60, June 2022.
- BARNAY, Thomas, Éric DEFEBVRE, La retraite : un évènement protecteur pour la santé de tous, Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief, March 2022.
- CAGE, Julia, and Edgard DEWITTE, When Does Money Matter for Elections?, Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°58, March 2022.
- CHAPELLE, Guillaume, Alain TRANNOY, and Etienne WASMER, "L'explosion de la valeur des terrains en France est-elle uniforme ? Une analyse en Ile-de-France", Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°57, January 2022.
- RAPP, Thomas, Jérôme RONCHETTI, and Jonathan SICSIC, "Les métiers du grand-âge, métiers à risque ?", Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°56, November 2021.
- KLÖCK, Carola, Paula CASTRO, and Florian WEILER, "Coalitions in the Climate Change Negotiations", Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°55, October 2021.
- GIVORD, Pauline, “Qu’est-ce qu’un bon lycée ? Questions de mesure”, Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°54, October 2021.
- RAPP, Thomas, Quitterie ROQUEBERT, and Jonathan SICSIC. “Mettre le « value-based aging » au cœur des politiques de dépendance” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°53, June 2021.
- ENGELI, Isabelle, and Amy MAZUR. “Les politiques françaises d’égalité des sexes en pratique : vers la recette du succès ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°52 bis, May 2021.
- ENGELI, Isabelle, and Amy MAZUR. “Research on French Gender Equality Policies in Practice: One Step Closer to A Recipe for Success” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°52 May 2021.
- BLASCO, Julien, Elvire GUILLAUD, and Michaël ZEMMOUR. “La TVA réduit-elle l’efficacité des systèmes socio-fiscaux de redistribution ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n° 51, March 2021.
- PIN, Clément. “Évaluation d’un plan national de simplification administrative. Le cas de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°50, March 2021.
- BERSON, Clémence, Morgane LAOUENAN, and Emmanuel VALAT. “Centraliser le recrutement, un moyen efficace de prévention des discriminations ?” LIEPP Policy Brief n°49, February 2021.
- JOUZEL, Jean-Noël. “L’évaluation des risques des pesticides : entre science et fiction d’action publique” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°48, October 2020.
- CARAYOL, Nicolas, and Emeric HENRY. “Programme Laboratoires d’Excellence : vers une restructuration radicale du réseau de collaborations” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°47, July 2020.
- FARGUES, Philippe. “Building a Knowledge-Based Economy and Nationalising Jobs in Kuwait: Assessing Compatibility of These National Objectives” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°46, March 2020.
- GALBIATI, Roberto. “Evaluating Electoral Responses to Policies. What Do We Learn from Italian Incarceration Policies” LIEPP Policy Brief n°45, January 2020.
- BARONE, Carlo, Denis FOUGERE, and Clément PIN. “La lecture partagée : un levier pour réduire les inégalités scolaires ? L’évaluation par expérimentation aléatoire d’un dispositif dans des écoles maternelles” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°44, September 2019.
- AMOUREUX, Victor, Elvire GUILLAUD, and Michaël ZEMMOUR. “Prendre aux riches ou donner aux pauvres ? Les sources de la redistribution monétaire selon les pays” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°43, September 2019.
- AUST, Jérôme, and Ulrike LEPONT. “Les LABEX réinventés. Les appropriations paradoxales d’un instrument d’action publique en biologie” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°42, June 2019.
- DE PADIRAC, Hortense, and Olivier ROZENBERG. “L’évaluation au Parlement français: l’heure des choix” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°41, May 2019.
- DUBUISSON-QUELLIER, Sophie, and Benoît GRANIER. “Comment inciter les entreprises à afficher les impacts environnementaux sur les produits de grande consommation ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°40, April 2019.
- BROUARD, Sylvain. “L’introduction de la proportionnelle et la réduction de la taille des assemblées parlementaires vont-elles vraiment améliorer la proportionnalité de la représentation ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°39, March 2019.
- CARBONNIER, Clément, and Nathalie MOREL. “Etude sur les politiques d’exemptions fiscales et sociales pour les services à la personne” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°38, October 2018.
- LARTIGOT-HERVIER, Louise. “Lutte contre les drogues et les conduites addictives : évaluer la mise en oeuvre des actions de prévention” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°37, January 2018.
- BONO, Pierre-Henri, Quentin DAVID, Rodolphe DESBORDES, and Loriane PY. “Métros et attractivité internationale des villes” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°36, December 2017.
- WASMER, Etienne, Guillaume CHAPELLE, and Pierre-Henri BONO. “Impact du Grand Paris Express sur le marché du travail et le marché du logement” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°35, December 2017.
- FOUCAULT, Martial, and Sylvain BROUARD. “Préférences budgétaires des citoyens: résultats d’une expérience en ligne” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°34, December 2017.
- CAGE, Julia. “Qui possède les médias ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°33, December 2017.
- BROUARD, Sylvain. “Les effets de la loi interdisant le cumul de fonctions exécutives locales et des mandats parlementaires sur le renouvellement du personnel politique” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°32, November 2017.
- GUILLAUD, Elvire, and Michaël ZEMMOUR. “Les quatre leviers de la redistribution” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n° 31, July 2017.
- BRULHART, Marius, Céline CARRERE, and Frederic ROBERT-NICOUD. “Le commerce international bénéficie-t-il aux zones frontalières ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°30, June 2017.
- GUYON, Nina. “Quels effets de la rénovation urbaine sur les quartiers ciblés ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°29, February 2017.
- FAUCHER, Florence, and Laurie BOUSSAGUET. “Mobiliser des symboles pour répondre au terrorisme” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°28, November 2016.
- CARBONNIER, Clément, Gwenaële ROT, and Clément MALGOUYRES. “Evaluer les impacts du crédit d’impôt pour la compétitivité et l’emploi” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°27, September 2016.
- LAZARUS, Jeanne, and Yohann MORIVAL. “Redéfinir les frontières du surendettement : Quel problème pour quel public ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°26, September 2016.
- ALVAREZ RIVADULLA, María José. “Limits and Possibilities of Mixing Policies: Lessons from and for Latin American Cities” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°25, May 2016.
- ROVNY, Jan. “Is Eastern Europe Uniformly Anti-Immigrant? Not so Fast”. Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief, n°24, March 2016.
- HUILLERY, Elise, and Nina GUYON. “Track Choice and Socio-Economic Origin: Measuring and Explaining Academic Inhibition” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°23, February 2016.
- BROUARD, Sylvain. “Les effets des attentats de 2015 sur l’opinion publique” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°22, January 2016.
- CARBONNIER, Clément, and Nathalie MOREL. “Faut-il miser sur l’emploi domestique ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°21, December 2015.
- BERTILLOT, Hugo. “Quand l’évaluation modifie les institutions : Comment l’hôpital est transformé par les indicateurs qualité” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°20, September 2015.
- ALGAN, Yann, Elise HUILLERY, and Nina GUYON. “Comment lutter contre la violence et le harcèlement à l’école et au collège ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief, n°19, June 2015.
- GROSSMAN, Emiliano, and Simon PERSICO. “Introduire la proportionnelle pour restaurer la confiance en la démocratie ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°18, June 2015.
- FRANCOIS, Abel, and Nicolas SAUGER. “Le vote obligatoire est-il une bonne solution ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°17, April 2015.
- CARBONNIER, Clément, Bruno PALIER, Chloé TOUZET, and Michaël ZEMMOUR. “Coût d’opportunité des politiques d’emploi en France : ce qu’on pourrait faire de mieux au même prix” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°16, January 2015.
- SINDELAR Jody, and Elizabeth BEASLEY. “Helping People Help Themselves: Insights from behavioral economics for policies to counter addiction” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°15, December 2014.
- BOSQUET, Clément, Pierre-Philippe COMBES, and Cecilia GARCIA-PENALOSA. “Pourquoi les femmes occupent-elles moins de postes à responsabilité ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°14, October 2014.
- AURAY, Stéphane, and Nicolas LEPAGE-SAUCIER. “Une baisse du chômage encourageante?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°13, September 2014.
- ZEMMOUR, Michaël. “Les dépenses socio-fiscales ayant trait à la protection sociale: état des lieux” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°12, May 2014.
- FRANCOIS, Abel, and Raul MAGNI-BERTON. “Les effets de la réglementation du cumul des mandats de 2001 : enseignements pour la nouvelle loi de 2014” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°11, March 2014.
- BONO, Pierre-Henri, and Etienne WASMER. “Y-a-t-il un exode des qualifiés français ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°10, March 2014.
- AURAY, Stéphane, and Nicolas LEPAGE-SAUCIER. “La courbe du chômage ne s’est pas inversée” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°9, January 2014.
- LEPAGE-SAUCIER, Nicolas, Juliette SCHLEICH, and Etienne WASMER. “Le contrat de travail unique: quid pro quo ou simple quiproquo ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°8 bis, June 2013.
- LEPAGE-SAUCIER, Nicolas, Juliette SCHLEICH, and Etienne WASMER. “Moving towards a Single Contract ? Pros, Cons, and Mixed Feelings” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°8, April 2013.
- GROSSMAN, Emiliano, and Nicolas SAUGER. “Politiques publiques et décision électorale. Retour sur la présidentielle de 2012” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°7, March 2013.
- CARBONNIER, Clément. “Faut-il élargir les allègements de cotisations sociales aux salaires élevés ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°6, January 2013.
- CETTE, Gilbert, and Etienne WASMER. “Faut-il changer les règles de revalorisation automatique du SMIC ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°5, November 2012.
- MAYER, Thierry, Florian MAYNERIS, and Loriane PY. “Les effets de (re)localisation des Zones Franches” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°4, November 2012.
- DURU-BELLAT, Marie. “Usages et mésusages des enquêtes PISA dans l’évaluation et le pilotage des systèmes éducatifs” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°3, June 2012.
- FONTAINE, François, and Franck MALHERBET. “Les effets macroéconomiques du Contrat unique d’insertion” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°2, March 2012.
- CARBONNIER, Clément. “La TVA sociale peut-elle relancer l’économie ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°1, January 2012.
Working papers
- GEOFFROY, Mathilde, LE BAIL Hélène, MERCAT-BUNS, Marie, L'incrimination large du proxénétisme en France pose-t-elle problème ? Comment les professionnel•les du droit composent avec les paradoxes des infractions de proxénétisme pour les mettre en œuvre, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°174, Janvier 2025
- VOLPICELLI, Gemma, DINCER, Tuna, CHEVALIER, Tom, The Social Risks of the Environmental Transition in Transportation, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°173, Décembre 2024.VOLPICELLI, Gemma, DINCER, Tuna, CHEVALIER, Tom, The Social Risks of the Environmental Transition in Transportation, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°173, Décembre 2024.
- BLASCO, Julien, CARBONNIER, Clément, Determinants of the evolution of income inequality - Semi-parametric decomposition in France, 1970-2019, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°172, Decembre 2024.
- BODENSTEIN, Thilo, KEMMERLING, Achim. Taking Stock of Qualitative Methods of Evaluation: A Study of Practices and Quality Criteria. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°171, November 2024.
- MANDELLI, Matteo, BEAUSSIER, Anne-Laure, CHEVALIER, Tom, PALIER, Bruno. Defining, Operationalizing and Classifying Socio-Ecological Risks. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°170, November 2024.
- ATAY, Hazal, PERIVIER, Hélène. From choice to capabilities: abortion and reproductive justice. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°169, October 2024.
- SULLIVAN, Michael. Reconsidering Discretionary Travel. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°168, September 2024.
- ABDELSALAM, Aïmane, Dépenses publiques et prélèvements obligatoires : une lecture macroéconomique des inflexions de l'intervention publique fiscale et budgétaire, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°167, Juillet 2024.
- HALOG, Anthony, MCGAVIN, Lauren. Policy design for solar waste management in a decarbonised, circular economy: a systematic review. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°166, Juillet 2024.
- GRISLAIN-LETREMY, Céline, MAUROUX, Amélie Mauroux. Fiscalité environnementale. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°165, Juin 2024.
- BESSIS, Franck, COTTON, Paul, Quantification néolibérale ou quantification des conflits de répartition ? La création du Revenu de solidarité au croisement de différentes formes d’expertise économiquep, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°164, Mai 2024.
- BUNEL, Simon, SICSIC, Michaël. Les incitations fiscales à la recherche et développement et à l’innovation : état des lieux, effets et alternatives. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°163, April 2024.
- BRUNN, Matthias, MOLINIE, Guilhem, PADGET, Michael, DARIEL Odessa , ZARCA, Kevin, Comment choisir un soin durable ? Faisabilité d'un modèle de décision « médico-éco-climatique » pour la prise en charge de la dépression. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°162, Avril 2024.
- ZEMMOUR, Michaël, Les effets du report de l'âge minimal de la retraite à 62 ans : une approche par catégories socio-professionnelles. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°161, Avril 2024.
- CHAUHAN, Musckaan, PERERA, Isabel. Artificial Intelligence: Promises, Perils and Political Economy. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°160, February 2024.
- CORTEEL, Mathieu, CRESPIN, Renaud. Une politique sous l'emprise des modèles : la gestion de la crise de Covid 19 en France en 2020. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°159, January 2024.
- MANZANO, Ana. User and Stakeholder Involvement in Realist Evaluation. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°158, January 2024.
- CHELLE, Elisa Chelle, DEZERCES, Enguerrand. Le dépistage du cancer dans une perspective internationale : une revue exploratoire. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°157, December 2023.
- BAUTE, Sharon. European solidarity in the green transition: Evidence from a conjoint experiment. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°156, December 2023.
- BLASCO, Julien. Measuring deep poverty in developed countries. A cumulative indicator of income and material deprivation. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°155, December 2023.
- BORING, Anne, DELFGAAUW, Josse. Social desirability bias in attitudes towards sexism and DEI policies in the workplace. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°154, November 2023.
- KONECHNI, A, Bartholomew. Unconditional Cash Transfers Impact on Health Behaviours During a Crisis: A Natural Experiment Using the CARES Act 2020. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°153, November 2023.
- THERIAULT, Sean, DYE, Connor. An Evaluation of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946: How Reforming the Congressional Committee System Affects Issue Attention. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°152, November 2023.
- FAYE-ROPAUL, Maïva, DARRIET, Elisa. Informal caregivers of elderly patients in France: their behavior as trusted persons and their knowledge of this concept. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°151, October 2023.
- BLAVIER, Pierre. Les enseignements d'une approche longitudinale de la pauvreté : Le cas de la France au cours des deux premières décennies du XXIème siècle. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°150, September 2023.
- BAUDOIN, Florian, GUILLAUD, Elvire, ZEMMOUR. Les déterminants du soutien au financement de la protection sociale : une étude sur les données du baromètre DREES. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n° 149, July 2023.
- GUILLAUD, Elvire, ZEMMOUR, Michaël. Les trois dimensions de la contributivité dans les assurances sociales contemporaines. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n° 148, July 2023.
- FAYE-ROPAUL, Maïva, SIDRE, Colin, ALVES, Emy, GONTARD, Luigi. Trusted persons of elderly patients in France: a scoping review. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n° 147, July 2023.
- GRAVOIN, Pierre, LE GALL, Rémi. Automatisation de la solidarité : l'impossible réforme ? Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°146, July 2023.
- THIEBAUT, Cyrille, FRIEDERIKE Richter, SAFRA, Lou. Saisir les opinions au-delà de la moyenne : La perception des enjeux de défense en France dans le contexte de la guerre en Ukraine. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°145, June 2023.
- MORENO-MEDINA, Jonathan, OUSS, Aurélie, BAYER, Patrick, BA, Bocar. Officer-Involved: the media language of police killings. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°144, May 2023.
- CARBONNIER, Clément, Welfare Economics and Neoliberalism: Interpreting the ideal type of perfect competition general equilibrium, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°143, April 2023.
- ABDELSALAM Aïmane, DELATTE Anne-Laure, Répartition des recettes et dépenses publiques entre ménages et entreprises depuis 1949 : Nouvelles données, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°142, March 2023.
- FARGES, Audrey, MONSO, Olivier, Fréquenter l’internat à l’entrée du lycée a-t-il un impact sur la réussite scolaire ? Une évaluation sur les lycées publics de l’Éducation nationale, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°141, February 2023.
- TUFFY Yasmine, The mechanics and determinants of anti-science attitudes: a literature review, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°140, February 2023.
- GALLARDO Lucille, GAUTIER Lara, CHABROL Fanny, TRAVERSON Lola, OLIVEIRA Sydia, RIDDE Valery, Les cabinets de conseil privés dans l'action publique contre les épidémies : une revue exploratoire. Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°139, January 2023.
- CARBUCCIA Laudine, Valentin THOUZEAU, Carlo BARONE, Coralie CHEVALLIER, Unequal access to early childcare : What role do demand-side factors play ? A PRISMA systematic review, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°138, January 2023.
- MUNGIU-PIPPIDI, Alina, Challenges and innovations to the rule of law measurement, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°137, October 2022.
- AVVISATI, Francesco, Pauline GIVORD, The learning gain over one school year among 15-year-olds: An international comparison based on PISA, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°136, July 2022.
- BOUCHET, Célia, "Des inégalités répertoriées : les (dé)valorisations genrées des emplois de soutien à la recherche", Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°135, juin 2022.
- BETTHÄUSER, Bastian, Anders BACH-MORTENSEN, Per ENGZELL, "A systematic review and meta-analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on learning", Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°134, May 2022.
- BORING, Anne, Gloria MORONI, Turning back the clock: Beliefs about gender roles during lockdown, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°133, April 2022.
- MOUR, Chloé, Anti-discrimination policies in higher education institutions: an interdisciplinary scoping review, Sciences Po, LIEPP Working Paper n°132, March 2022.
- REVILLARD, Anne, Yasmine TUFFY, "Gender quotas: an interdisciplinary scoping review", Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°131, February 2022.
- NIKOLOPOULOU, Iris, “A socieconomic evaluation of austerity and labour market reforms in Greece after the 2008 crisis”, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°130, February 2022.
- BERGEAUD, Antonin, Jean-Benoît EYMEOUD, Thomas GARCIA, Dorian HENRICOT. “Working from Home and Corporate Real Estate”, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°129, January 2022.
- ANGELUCCI, Charles, Andrea PRAT. “Is Journalistic Truth Dead? Measuring How Informed Voters Are about Political News”, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°128, January 2022.
- DAVID, Quentin. “Gratuité des transports en commun et congestion routière : revue de la littérature et implications pour Paris” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°127, October 2021.
- XIE, Yu, Hao DONG, Xiang ZHOU and Xi SONG. “Trends in Social Mobility in Post-Revolution China” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°126, October 2021.
- TRICAUD, Clémence, “Better Alone? Evidence on the Costs of Intermunicipal Cooperation” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°125, October 2021.
- DE SOUSA, José, and Guillaume HOLLARD. “From Micro to Macro Gender Differences: Evidence from Field Tournaments” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°124, September 2021.
- BROWN, Larry. “The Discrete Charm of Managed Competition in Health Policy Reform” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°123, September 2021.
- BORING, Anne, and Jennifer BROWN. “Gender and Choices in Higher Education” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°122, June 2021.
- ROSSIGNOL-BRUNET, Mathieu, Elise TENRET, Pauline BARRAUD DE LAGERIE, Marco OBERTI, and Yannick SAVINA. “Reconfiguration du champ des formations en sciences humaines en Île-de-France : le poids de la sélection” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°121, June 2021.
- GIVORD, Pauline. “How Age at School Entry Affects Future Educational and Socioemotional Outcomes: Evidence from PISA” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°120, May 2021.
- FERRAGINA, Emanuele, and Federico FILETTI. “Eppur Si Muove: Labour Market Protection Varieties and Trajectories of Change across 21 High-Income Countries and Three Decades” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°119, May 2021.
- DELATTE, Anne-Laure and Benjamin LEMOINE. “Expertise économique et politique publique : examen critique des propositions sur la dette liée à la pandémie” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°118bis, October 2021.
- DELATTE, Anne-Laure and Benjamin LEMOINE. “Expertise économique et politique publique : examen critique des propositions sur la dette liée à la pandémie” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°118, March 2021.
- WICKBERG, Sofia, and Giulia MUGELLINI. “The Evolving Nature of Evidence as Used within the International Anti-Corruption Community” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°117, December 2020.
- PALIER, Bruno. “Pourquoi les personnes occupant un emploi ‘essentiel’ sont-elles si mal payées ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°116, December 2020.
- FERRAGINA, Emanuele, and Zachary PAROLIN. “Care Earnings in the United States and European Union: The Role of Social Policy and Labour Market Institutions” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°115, December 2020.
- CARBUCCIA, Laudine. “Interventions to Foster Academic Aspirations Adjustment among Disadvantaged and Female Students - A PRISMA Systematic Review of Literature” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°114, November 2020.
- MAXIMINO PINHEIRO, Mélanie. “Compétences socio-comportementales, réussite académique et inégalités socio-économiques” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°113, October 2020.
- CHAPELLE, Guillaume. “The Medium-Term Impact of Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions. The Case of the 1918 Influenza in US Cities” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°112, October 2020.
- GIVORD, Pauline, and Milena SUAREZ. “Excellence for All? Heterogeneity in High-Schools’ Value-Added” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°111, October 2020.
- VERTIER, Paul, Max VISKANIC, and Matteo GAMALERIO. “Dismantling the ’Jungle’ : Relocation and Extreme Voting in France” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°110, September 2020.
- SHANDRA, Carrie. “Disability and Patterns of Leisure Participation across the Life Course” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°109, April 2020.
- LENORMAND, Paul, and Jan ROVNY. “Cooperating with the Czechs, Driving the State” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°108, April 2020.
- ALVAREZ, Maria Victoria. “Opposing Regional Integration in Comparative Perspective. Understanding Opposition of Public Opinion to Regional Integration in Europe and Latin America.” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°107, March 2020.
- BERGERON, Henri, Patrick CASTEL, and Etienne NOUGUEZ. “An Ungovernable Tool of Government? The Problematic Use of Labels in Public Health Policies” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°106, February 2020.
- BOUTCHENIK, Béatrice, Pauline GIVORD, and Olivier MONSO. “How Do Restrictive Zoning and Parental Choices Impact Social Diversity in Schools?” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°105, February 2020.
- BERSON, Clémence, Morgane LAOUENAN, and Emmanuel VALAT. “Outsourcing Recruitment as a Solution to Prevent Discrimination : A Correspondence Study” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°104, February 2020.
- LAI, Tianjian, Haley MCAVAY, and Mirna SAFI. “Diverging Pathways : How Pre-Migration Selectivity and Initial Legal Status Shape Immigrant Outcomes in France” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°103, January 2020.
- BURRONI, Luigi. “Public Policies, Productivity and Economic Growth in OECD Countries” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°102, January 2020.
- ROVNY, Jan. “Circumstantial Liberals: Czech Germans in Interwar Czechoslovakia” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°101, January 2020.
- VISKANIC, Max. “Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail: Did Immigration Cause Brexit?” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°100, January 2020.
- SAINT-MARTIN, Denis. “A la rescousse des champions nationaux : le pouvoir politique des entreprises et la refonte du régime global de lutte contre la corruption” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°99, January 2020.
- BARONE, Carlo, Emilio CHAMBOULEYRON, Reka VONNAK, and Giulia ASSIRELLI. “Shared Book Reading Interventions and Children’s Skills” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°98, December 2019.
- HURD, Ian. “Liberal versus Political Models of Global Governance” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°97, November 2019.
- SHOMER, Yael, Björn Erik RASCH, and Osnat AKIRAV. “The Inflated Measures of Governmental Instability” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°96, November 2019.
- FERRERA, Maurizio. “Why We Need a European Social Union. A Free Standing Political Justification” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°95, November 2019.
- GRAY, Garry, and Jérôme PELISSE. “Frontline Workers and the Role of Legal and Regulatory Intermediaries” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°94, October 2019.
- BARONE, Carlo, Denis FOUGERE, and Clément PIN. “Social Origins, Shared Book Reading and Language Skills in Early Childhood. Evidence from an Information Experiment” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°93, October 2019.
- BONNET, Odran, Guillaume CHAPELLE, Alain TRANNOY, and Etienne WASMER. “Secular Trends in Wealth and Heterogeneous Capital: Land Is Back...and Should Be Taxed” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°92, October 2019.
- PILMIS, Olivier, “The Dynamics of Expectations. A Look on Forecasting as a Sequence”, LIEPP Working Paper n°91, 2019.
- CAROF, Solenne, and Etienne NOUGUEZ. “At the Boundaries of Food and Medicine: The Genesis and Transformation of the ‘Functional Food’ Markets in France and Europe” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°90, September 2019.
- PENG, Ito. “The Care Economy: A New Research Framework” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°89, May 2019.
- ABRAMS, David, Roberto GALBIATI, Emeric HENRY, and Arnaud PHILIPPE. “When in Rome… on Local Norms and Sentencing Decisions” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°88, April 2019.
- BRICONGNE, Jean-Charles, Nuria MATA GARCIA, and Alessandro TURRINI. “Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure, Economic Reforms and Policy Progress in the European Union” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°87, April 2019.
- MONSO, Olivier, Denis FOUGERE, Pauline GIVORD, and Claudine PIRUS. “Les camarades influencent-ils la réussite et le parcours des élèves ? Une revue de littérature sur les effets de pairs dans l’enseignement primaire et secondaire” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°86, April 2019.
- CARBONNIER, Clément, Clément MALGOUYRES, Loriane PY, and Camille URVOY. “Wage Incidence of a Large Corporate Tax Credit: Contrasting Employee - and Firm - Level Evidence” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°85, March 2019
- BOUCHET, Célia. “Handicaps et inégalités professionnelles en France: des disparités qui se creusent au fil des parcours de vie” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°84, March 2019.
- QUASSOLI, Fabio, Monica COLOMBO, and Andrea MOLTENI. “Governing through Security? Institutional Discourse, Practices, and Policies in the Metropolitan City of Milan” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°83, December 2018.
- DESCHAMPS, Pierre. “Gender Quotas in Hiring Committees: A Boon or a Bane for Women?” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°82, November 2018.
- REVILLARD, Anne. “Quelle place pour les méthodes qualitatives dans l’évaluation des politiques publiques ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°81, November 2018.
- DE PADIRAC, Hortense. “Le Parlement français et l’évaluation. Une institutionnalisation impossible?” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°80, October 2018.
- STEINHAUER, Andreas. “Working Moms, Childlessness, and Female Identity” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°79, May 2018.
- EYMEOUD, Jean-Benoît, and Paul VERTIER. “Gender Biases: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in French Local Elections” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°78, April 2018.
- CHAPELLE, Guillaume, and Quentin RAMOND. “Un parc social, des parcs sociaux. Analyse des stratégies de production et de gestion en Ile-de-France” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°77, February 2018
- GRAZIANO, Paolo Roberto, and Matteo JESSOULA. “Explaining Welfare State Developments: Towards a Comparative Research Agenda” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°76, February 2018.
- EHRHARD, Thomas, and Olivier ROZENBERG. “La réduction du nombre de parlementaires est-elle justifiée ? Une évaluation ex-ante” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°75, February 2018.
- ASKENAZY, Philippe, and Bruno PALIER. “France: Rising Precariousness Supported by the Welfare State” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°74, January 2018.
- PELISSE, Jérôme, and Shauhin TALESH. “How Legal Intermediaries Facilitate or Inhibit Social Change” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°73, January 2018.
- CAGE, Julia, Nicolas HERVÉ, and Marie-Luce VIAUD. “The Production of Information in an Online World: Is Copy Right?” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°72 January 2018.
- PALIER, Bruno, Allison ROVNY, and Jan ROVNY. “European Disunion? Social and Economic Divergence in Europe, and Their Political Consequences” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°71, November 2017.
- ROBIN, Stryker, Reynolds-Stenson HEIDI, and Frederico KRISTA. “Family Responsibilities Discrimination, HR Work-Family Discourse and Organizational Mediation of US Civil Rights Law” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°70, September 2017
- ALIYA, Saperstein. “Making the Case for Racial Mobility” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°69, September 2017.
- TOULEMON, Léa, and Lexane WEBER-BAGHDIGUIAN. “Long-Term Impact of Job Displacement on Job Quality and Satisfaction: Evidence from Germany” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°68, July 2017.
- SOTIROPOULOS, Dimitri. “How the Quality of Democracy Deteriorates” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°67, June 2017.
- SONJA, Avlijas. “Revisiting the Baltic Growth Model: From Neoliberalism to the Social Investment Welfare State” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°66, April 2017.
- MOREL, Nathalie, Michaël ZEMMOUR, and Chloé TOUZET. “A Bismarckian Type of Fiscal Welfare? Insights on the Use of Social Tax Expenditures in French Social and Employment Policy” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°65, March 2017.
- GARRITZMANN, Julian, Silja HAUSERMANN, Bruno PALIER, and Christine ZOLLINGER. “WoPSI - the World Politics of Social Investment” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°64, March 2017
- BARONE, Carlo, Antonio SCHIZZEROTTO, Giovanni Maria ABBIATI, and Giulia ASSIRELLI. “Gender, Information Barriers and Fields of Study Choice: A Field Experiment” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°63, January 2017.
- LARSON, Jennifer. “Cheating Because They Can: The Role of Networks in Informal Governance” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°62, December 2016.
- ROZENBERG, Olivier. “Un petit pas pour le Parlement, un grand pas pour la Ve République” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°61, December 2016.
- KNUTSEN, Carl Henrik, Sirianne DAHLUM, and Tore WIG. “Who Revolt? Empirically Revisiting the Social Origins of Democracy” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°60, November 2016.
- PONTUSSON, Jonas, and David WEISSTANNER. “The Political Economy of Compensatory Redistribution: Unemployment, Inequality and Policy Choice” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°59, November 2016.
- LUTHRA, Renee, Thomas SOEHL, and Roger WALDINGER. “Acquiring and Exercising Citizenship: The New Second Generation in the United States” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°58, October 2016.
- BAILEY, Martha, Olga MALKOVA, and Zoë MCLAREN. “Does Family Planning Increase Children’s Opportunities? Evidence from the War on Poverty and the Title X” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°57, September 2016.
- BELLET, Clément, and Eve SIHRA. “Less Food for More Status: Caste Inequality and Conspicuous Consumption in India” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°56, September 2016.
- REVILLARD, Anne. “La réception de l’action publique” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°55, July 2016.
- MORGAN, Kimberly. “Policing Markets: Campaigns against Irregular Migrant Labor in Western Europe” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°54, June 2016.
- KROTH, Verena, Valentino LARCINESE, and Joachim WEHNER. “A Better Life for All? Democratization and Electrification in Post-Apartheid South Africa” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°53, May 2016.
- DO, Quoc-Anh, Yen-Teik LEE, and Bang Dang NGUYEN. “Directors as Connectors: The Impact of the External Networks of Directors on Firms” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°52, April 2016.
- COUTURE, Victor, Gilles DURANTON, and Matthew TURNER. “Speed” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°51, March 2016.
- BOSQUET, Clément, and Pierre-Philippe COMBES. “Do Large Departments Make Academics More Productive? Sorting and Agglomeration Economies in Research” LIEPP Working Paper n°50, March 2016.
- SPENLEHAUER, Vincent. “La (f)utilité gouvernementale de l’évaluation des politiques publiques, quelques leçons américaines et françaises” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°49, March 2016.
- PERNA, Laura. “Improving Higher Education of All Students: Lessons from the United States” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°48, February 2016.
- BOERI, Tito, Pietro GARIBALDI, and Espen MOEN. “Inside Severance Pay” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°47, February 2016.
- GERGAUD, Olivier, Morgane LAOUENAN, and Etienne WASMER. “A Brief History of Human Time : Exploring a Database of ‘Notable People’” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°46, February 2016.
- MOREL, Nathalie, Chloé TOUZET, and Michaël ZEMMOUR. “Fiscal Welfare in Europe: A State of the Art” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°45, February 2016.
- GUYON, Nina, and Elise HUILLERY. “Biased Aspirations and Social Inequality at School: Evidence from French Teenagers” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°44, January 2016.
- FERRAGINA, Emanuele. “A Matter of Size and Generosity: Assessing the Complex Relation between the Welfare State and Social Capital” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°43, December 2015.
- MAZUR, Amy. “Does Feminist Policy Matter in Post Industrial Democracies? A Proposed Analytical Roadmap” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°42, November 2015.
- GALBIATI, Roberto, Aurélie OUSS, and Arnaud PHILIPPE. “Jobs, News and Re-Offending after Incarceration” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°41, November 2015.
- VAN ZANTEN, Agnès, and Alice OLIVIER. “Les stratégies statutaires des établissements d’enseignement supérieur. Une étude des ‘journées portes ouvertes’” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°40, November 2015.
- CAMPANTE, Filipe, Quoc-Anh DO, and Bernardo GUIMARAES. “Capital Cities, Conflict, and Misgovernance” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°39, November 2015
- BONNET, François, Etienne LALÉ, Mirna SAFI, and Etienne WASMER. “Better Residential than Ethnic Discrimination!” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper [Methodological Discussion Paper], n°38 bis. September 2015.
- ZEMMOUR, Michaël. “Economie politique du financement progressif de la protection sociale” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°38, September 2015.
- TOULEMON, Léa, and Laurent DAVEZIES. “Does Moving to a System with a More Generous Public Health Insurance Increase Medical Care Consumption?” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°37, February 2015.
- BONNET, François, Etienne LALÉ, Mirna SAFI, and Etienne WASMER. “Better Residential than Ethnic Discrimination! Reconciling Audit’s Findings and Interviews’ Findings in the Parisian Housing Market” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°36, February 2015.
- DESCHAMPS, Pierre, and José DE SOUSA. “Labor Mobility and Racial Discrimination” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°35, December 2014
- CARBONNIER, Clément, Bruno PALIER, and Michaël ZEMMOUR. “Exonérations ou investissement social ? Une évaluation du coût d’opportunité de la stratégie française pour l’emploi” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°34, November 2014.
- REVILLARD, Anne. “Les inégalités de genre dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper [Methodological Discussion Paper], n°34 bis, October 2014.
- JANIAK, Alexandre, and Etienne WASMER. “Employment Protection and Capital-Labor Ratios” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°33, July 2014.
- CARBONNIER, Clément. “Inégalités dans l’accumulation des différents types de patrimoine : le lien avec les inégalités économiques en général” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°32, July 2014.
- CARBONNIER, Clément, Bruno PALIER, and Michaël ZEMMOUR. “Tax Cuts or Social Investment? Evaluating the Opportunity Cost of the French Employment Strategy” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°31, July 2014.
- CARBONNIER, Clément. “La réduction/crédit d’impôt pour l’emploi d’un salarié à domicile est-elle efficace en tant que politiques de l’emploi ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°30, June 2014.
- BOSQUET, Clément, Pierre-Philippe COMBES, and Cecilia GARCIA-PEÑALOSA. “Gender and Promotions: Evidence from Academic Economists in France” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°29, June 2014.
- CARBONNIER, Clément, and Guillaume ALLEGRE. “Le coût par emploi créé, un indicateur incomplet mais utile” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper [Methodological Discussion Paper], n°28 bis, May 2014.
- GEAY, Charlotte, Grégoire DE LAGASNERIE, and Makram LARGUEM. “Evolution of Outpatient Healthcare Expenditure Due to Ageing in 2030, a Dynamic Micro-Simulation Model for France” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°28, May 2014.
- ICHINO, Andrea, Guido SCHWERDT, Rudolf WINTER-EBMER, and Josef ZWEIMÜLLER. “Too Old To Work, Too Young To Retire?” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°27, May 2014.
- STABILE, Mark, and Sarah THOMSON. “The Changing Role of Government in Financing Health Care: An International Perspective” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°26, May 2014.
- BONNET, Odran, Pierre-Henri BONO, Guillaume CHAPELLE, and Etienne WASMER. “Le capital logement contribue-t-il aux inégalités? Retour sur le capital au XXIe siècle de Thomas Piketty” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°25, April 2014.
- BRICONGNE, Jean-Charles. “Do Prizes in Economics Affect Productivity?” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°24, April 2014.
- CARBONNIER, Clément. “The Influence of Taxes on Employment of Married Women, Evidence from the French Joint Income Tax System” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°23, March 2014.
- VAN ZANTEN, Agnès, and Amelie LEGRAVE. “Engineering Access to Higher Education through Higher Education Fairs” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°22, April 2014.
- BENAMOUZIG, Daniel, Olivier BORRAZ, Jean-Noël JOUZEL, and Danielle SALOMON. “A Sociological Checklist for Assessing Environmental Health Risks” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°21, March 2014.
- BENAMOUZIG, Daniel, and Magali ROBELET. “Les indicateurs qualité et l’intégration bureaucratique de l’hôpital” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°20, March 2014.
- BUONANNO, Paolo, Francesco DRAGO, and Roberto GALBIATI. “How Much Should We Trust Crime Statistics ? A Comparison between UE and US” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°19, February 2014.
- BERGERON, Henri, Patrick CASTEL, and Abigail SAGUY. “When Frames (Don’t) Matter: Querying the Relationship between Ideas and Policy” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°18, January 2014
- DURANTE, Ruben, and Emilio GUTIERREZ. “Fighting Crime with a Little Help from My Friends: Party Affiliation, Inter‐jurisdictional Cooperation and Crime in Mexico” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°17, October 2013.
- REVILLARD, Anne. “Les instruments d’une politique de changement social : information juridique et communication dans les politiques d’égalité” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°16, October 2013
- WASMER, Etienne, and Christine MUSSELIN. “Évaluation des politiques publiques : faut-il de l’interdisciplinarité ?” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper [Methodological Discussion Paper], n°15 bis, September 2013.
- DO, Quoc-Anh, Yen-Teik LEE, and Bang Dang NGUYEN. “Political Connections and Firm Value: Evidence from the Regression Discontinuity Design of Close Gubernatorial Elections” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°15, March 2013.
- DO, Quoc-Anh, Yen-Teik LEE, Bang Dang NGUYEN, and Kieu-Trang NGUYEN. “Out of Sight, Out of Mind: The Value of Political Connections in Social Networks” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°14, March 2013
- DO, Quoc-Anh, Kieu-Trang NGUYEN, and Anh TRAN. “One Mandarin Benefits the Whole Clan: Hometown Favoritism in an Authoritarian Regime” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°13, March 2013.
- DO, Quoc-Anh, and Filipe CAMPANTE. “Isolated Capital Cities, Accountability and Corruption: Evidence from US States” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°12, March 2013.
- LISE, Jeremy, Costas MEGHIR, and Jean-Marc ROBIN. “Matching, Sorting and Wages” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°11, March 2013.
- CAMPANTE, Filipe, Quoc-Anh DO, and Bernardo GUIMARAES. “Isolated Capital Cities and Misgovernance: Theory and Evidence” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°10, March 2013.
- ADDA, Jérôme, Christian DUSTMANN, Costas MEGHIR, and Jean-Marc ROBIN. “Career Progression, Economic Downturns and Skills”, Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°9, March 2013.
- PAPADOPOULOS, Yannis. “The Challenge of Transnational Private Governance: Evaluating Authorization, Representation and Accountability” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°8,, February 2013.
- SARACENO, Chiara. “The Undercutting of the European Social Dimension” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°7, January 2013.
- DENTE, Bruno. “End of an Era? The Monti Government Approach to Central/Local Relationships” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°6, December 2012
- CETTE, Gilbert, and Etienne WASMER. “Les enjeux des changements de règles de revalorisation automatique du SMIC” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°5,, November 2012.
- DURU-BELLAT, Marie, and Thibault GAJDOS. “Access to Higher Education : What Counts as Fairness in Both an Individual and Systemic Perspective?” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper [Methodological Discussion Paper], n°4 bis, 2012.
- LUDWIG, Jens. “Long-Term Effects of Neighborhood Environments on Low-Income Families: A Summary of Results from the Moving to Opportunity Experiment” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°4, October 2012.
- CHEMIN, Matthieu, and Etienne WASMER. “Ex-Ante and Ex-Post Evaluation of the 1989 French Welfare Reform Using a Natural Experiment : The 1908 Social Laws in Alsace-Moselle” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°3, 2012.
- MOREL, Nathalie. “The Political Economy of Domestic Work in France and Sweden in a European Perspective” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°2, October 2012.
- BRUZE, Gustaf, Michael SVARER, and Yoram WEISS. “The Dynamics of Marriage and Divorce” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°1, February 2012.
- WASMER, Etienne, and Cornelia WOLL. “Scientific Project, SciencesPo-LIEPP Interdisciplinary Research Center for the Evaluation of Public Policies” Sciences Po LIEPP Working Paper n°0, June 2011.
LIEPP methods briefs
- LACOSTE, Louise, Forum theatre, LIEPP Methods Brief n°52, January 2025
- LACOSTE, Louise, Le théâtre forum, LIEPP Fiche Méthodologique n°51, January 2025
- BODENSTEIN, Thilo, Analyse des parties prenantes, LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°50, October 2024.
- BODENSTEIN, Thilo. Stakeholder analysis. LIEPP Methods Brief n°49, October 2024.
- BELAID, Loubna, ANDERSSON, Neil. Cultural safety. LIEPP Methods Brief n°48, July 2023.
- BELAID, Loubna, ANDERSSON, Neil. Sécurisation culturelle. LIEPP Fiche Méthodologique n°47, July 2023.
- BLUNDO-CANTO,Genowefa. Récolte d'incidences. LIEPP Fiche Méthodologique n°46, July 2023.
- BLUNDO-CANTO, Genowefa. Outcome Harvesting. LIEPP Methods Brief n°45, July 2023.
- DELAHAIS, Thomas. Contribution Analysis. LIEPP Methods Brief n°44, July 2023.
- DELAHAIS, Thomas. L'analyse de contribution. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°43, July 2023.
- RAIMONDO, Estelle. Traçage de processus. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°42, July 2023.
- RAIMONDO, Estelle. Process Tracing. LIEPP Methods Brief n°41, July 2023.
- PATTYN, Valérie. Analyse Qualitative Comparée (AQC/ QCA). LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°40, July 2023.
- PATTYN, Valérie. Qualitative Comparative Analysis. LIEPP Methods Brief n°39, July 2023.
- MANZANO, Ana. Les focus groups. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°38, July 2023.
- MANZANO, Ana. Focus Groups. LIEPP Methods Brief n°37, July 2023.
- FERRAGINA, Emanuele. Comparaisons de niveau macro. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°36, July 2023.
- FERRAGINA, Emanuele. Macro Comparisons. LIEPP Methods Brief n°35, July 2023.
- LOUART, Sarah, BALDE, Habibata, ROBERT, Emilie, RIDDE, Valery. Realist Evaluation. LIEPP Methods Brief n°34, July 2023.
- LOUART, Sarah, BALDE, Habibata, ROBERT, Emilie, RIDDE, Valery. Évaluation Réaliste. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°33, July 2023.
- NHA HONG, Quan. Mixed methods systematic reviews. LIEPP Methods Brief n°32, July 2023.
- NHA HONG, Quan. Les revues de littérature systématiques mixtes. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°31, July 2023.
- RAPP, Thomas. Cost-effectiveness Analysis. LIEPP Methods Brief n°30, July 2023.
- RAPP, Thomas. L'analyse coût-efficacité. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°29, July 2023.
- DEVAUX-SPATARAKIS, Agathe. Theory-based Evaluation. LIEPP Methods Brief n°28, July 2023.
- DEVAUX-SPATARAKIS, Agathe. L'évaluation basée sur la théorie. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°27, July 2023.
- SAFRA, Lou. Laboratory Experimentation. LIEPP Methods Brief n°26, July 2023.
- SAFRA, Lou. Expérimentation en laboratoire. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°25, July 2023.
- FERRAGINA, Emanuele. Analyse historique comparée. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°24, May 2023.
- FERRAGINA, Emanuele. Comparative Historical Analysis. LIEPP Methods Brief n°23, May 2023.
- ANDRÉ, Mathias. Microsimulation. LIEPP Methods Brief n°22, 2023.
- ANDRÉ, Mathias. Microsimulation. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°21, 2023.
- PLUYE, Pierre. Mixed methods. LIEPP Methods Brief n°20, May 2023.
- PLUYE, Pierre. Les méthodes mixtes. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°19, May 2023.
- GIVORD, Pauline. Matching methods. LIEPP Methods Brief n°18, May 2023.
- GIVORD, Pauline. Méthodes d'appariement. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°17, May 2023.
- HALPERN, Charlotte. Entretiens de groupe. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°16, May 2023.
- HALPERN, Charlotte. Group Interviews. LIEPP Methods Brief n°15, May 2023.
- FOUGERE, Denis, JACQUEMET, Nicolas. The regression discontinuity design. LIEPP Methods Brief n°14, May 2023.
- FOUGERE, Denis, JACQUEMET, Nicolas. La régression sur discontinuité. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°13, May 2023.
- RIDDE Valéry, COULIBALY Abdourahmane, GAUTIER Lara.Case studies. LIEPP Methods Brief n°12, May 2023.
- RIDDE Valéry, COULIBALY Abdourahmane, GAUTIER Lara. Les études de cas. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°11, May 2023.
- FOUGERE Denis, Nicolas JACQUEMET. Difference-in-differences. LIEPP Methods Brief n°10, May 2023.
- FOUGERE Denis, Nicolas JACQUEMET. Méthode des doubles différences (difference-in-differences). LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°9, May 2023.
- FISCHER Nicolas. Direct Observation and Ethnography. LIEPP Methods Brief n°8, May 2023.
- FISCHER Nicolas. Observation Directe et Ethnographie. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°7, May 2023.
- JACQUEMET Nicolas. Testing (or correspondence study method). LIEPP Methods Brief n°6, May 2023.
- JACQUEMET Nicolas. Testing (ou méthode d'étude par correspondance). LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°5, May 2023.
- PIN Clément. Semi-structured Interviews. LIEPP Methods Brief n°4, May 2023.
- PIN Clément. L'entretien semi-directif. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°3, May 2023.
- BARONE Carlo. Essais Randomisés Contrôlés. LIEPP Fiche méthodologique n°2, May 2023.
- BARONE Carlo. Randomised Controlled Trials. LIEPP Methods Brief n°1, May 2023.
Débats du LIEPP
- HALPERN, Charlotte, REVILLARD, Anne, MAVROT, Céline et al., Changement climatique : quelle communication scientifique ?. Débats du LIEPP n°8, July 2024.
- REVILLARD, Anne et al., Developing policy evaluation in an academic setting: assets and challenges. Débats du LIEPP n°7, April 2023.
- DESCHAMPS, Pierre, Anne REVILLARD, Marie SAUTIER, and Mathieu ARBOGAST. “Les quotas de genre dans le monde académique” Débats du LIEPP n° 5, February 2020.
- WASMER, Etienne, Céline ANTONIN, Vincent TOUZE, Michel TALY, Bernard COLOOS, Robert ELLICKSON, and Alain TRANNOY. “La fiscalité de l’immobilier en question” Débats du LIEPP n°4, March 2017.
- ROZENBERG, Olivier, Thomas EHRHARD, Marie-Alice KERNÉIS, Richard KISS, and Audrey DE MONTIS. “La révision constitutionnelle du 23 juillet 2008 a-t-elle renforcé le Parlement français ?” Débats du LIEPP n° 3, March 2017.
- CARBONNIER, Clément, Bruno PALIER, Michaël ZEMMOUR, Yannick L’HORTY, and Jean-Luc TAVERNIER. “Faut-il remettre en question les baisses de cotisations sociales ?” Débats du LIEPP n°2, October 2015.
- ALLEGRE, Guillaume, Nicolas DUVOUX, Bruno PALIER, Bernard GOMEL, Dominique MÉDA, and Etienne WASMER. “Quelle réforme pour le revenu de solidarité active et la Prime pour l’emploi ?” Débats du LIEPP n°1, October 2014.