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Accès aux soins des Populations Précaires
Full title:
Accès aux soins des Populations Précaires : modifications des conditions d’accès à l’Aide Médicale d’Etat et à la Protection Universelle Maladie en France entre 2010 et 2021 et impact sur le recours au dispositif « Soins Urgents et Vitaux » pour les patients migrants malades (POPUP)
Project holders:
- Isabelle DURAND-ZALESKI (APHP, Université de Paris)
- Anne-Laure FERAL-PIERSSENS (APHP, Université Paris 13)
Research team:
- Thomas RAPP (Université de Paris, LIRAES)
- Frédéric ADNET (APHP, Université Paris 13)
- Kevin ZARCA (APHP)
Project description:
This project assesses the impact of public policies setting out access to healthcare for migrant populations. We will carry out a social, medical and economic evaluation of the use of the “Urgent and Vital Care” (Soins Urgents et Vitaux) program designed for migrant patients lacking social support and we will analyze the impact of 2 specific reforms of access to care on this program: -the introduction in 2011 (and its withdrawal in 2012) of admission fees to State Medical Aid (Aide Médicale d’Etat) -the modifications of access requirements for asylum seekers to the Universal Health Insurance program (Protection Universelle Maladie) with the introduction of a 3-months preliminary French residency period. Using the national database of the Information Systems Medicalization Program since 2010, this study will describe hospital stays for patients taken care of through the “Urgent and Vital Care” program and will compare them in terms of healthcare consumption with those supported by the State Medical Aid and the Universal Health Insurance programs. Finally, we will analyze the impacts of healthcare access reforms on hospital admissions and stays supported by the “Urgent and Vital Care” program quantitatively (change in number and cost) and qualitatively (pathologies, durations , severity).
Poster of the project - June 2022