Home>Research>Project>Bienvenue en France : Les contrats d'intégration peuvent-ils favoriser l'intégration des immigrés ?
Bienvenue en France : Les contrats d'intégration peuvent-ils favoriser l'intégration des immigrés ?
Project holder:
- Mathilde EMERIAU (LSE)
Research team:
- Jens HAINMUELLER (Stanford)
- Dominik HANGARTNER (ETH Zurich)
- David LAITIN (Stanford)
Project description:
The aim of this study is to assess the effect of the Republican Integration Contract on the integration of new arrivals. This scheme, introduced in France in 2003, aims to facilitate the integration of new arrivals by establishing a contract between the immigrant and the French state. On the one hand, the government undertakes to provide free language training, civic education and a skills assessment. On the other, the immigrant undertakes to respect the values of the Republic. Has the introduction of this contract had the effect of promoting the integration of immigrants? The methodology used consists of comparing the level of integration of immigrants who arrived in France just after the introduction of the contract with the level of integration of immigrants who arrived just before. Two major national surveys, the census and the employment survey, enable us to estimate the effect of this policy on the integration of immigrants using indicators such as access to employment, access to citizenship, and a measure of the use of more or less French first names for children born in France. In addition, data from an original survey of a representative sample of political refugees will enable us to explore the impact of different mechanisms and thus gain a better understanding of the effect of this policy on the integration of immigrants in France.