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Dynamiques des bénéficiaires du RSA à Paris

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Project description: 

In order to better understand and anticipate the dynamics of RSA beneficiaries in Paris, the research project aims to gain a better understanding of the flows into and out of the Parisian RSA system. The research aims to draw up a typology of beneficiary profiles, to describe changes in the use of the RSA for each of these profiles in the context of the crisis and to look for objectively verifiable factors which, for each of the profiles, are correlated with an increase in the number of people entering or leaving the system. In this way, the study will be able to produce a hierarchical presentation of different indicators that the local authority can use to anticipate changes in the use of the RSA by these different groups in the medium term. A more detailed analysis could be carried out using new data from the ENIACRAMS file compiled by DREES, but with a longer timeframe given that the data will be available in 2020.

More information on data processing


Rapport "Dynamique des allocataires du RSA à Paris" du Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire d’Évaluation des Politiques Publiques (LIEPP) de Sciences Po réalisé dans le cadre d’un partenariat avec la Ville de Paris et la Caf de Paris

ZEMMOUR, Michaël, Muriel ROGER, Aurélien BOYER and Mélika BEN SALEM, Dynamique des allocataires du RSA à Paris, LIEPP Policy Brief n°61, July 2022.

Poster of the project - July 2024