Home>Research>Project>Évaluation d’une expérimentation d’un dispositif de repérage des usagers fréquents des urgences, portée par l’ARS Grand Est

Évaluation d’une expérimentation d’un dispositif de repérage des usagers fréquents des urgences, portée par l’ARS Grand Est

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Project description: 

The Agence régionale de santé Grand Est is currently trialling a system for identifying frequent users of emergency departments (DAUM, Dispositif d'Accompagnement des Usagers Multiples des urgences), in partnership with the Nancy CHRU and the DAC (dispositif d'appui à la coordination) 54.  The aim of the DAUM is to identify frequent users of emergency services (i.e. more than 4 visits per year), to understand their pathways and to work with the DAC to put in place appropriate measures to avoid certain visits to emergency (which do not necessarily require emergency services). The project's evaluation process was designed from the outset by the ARS Grand Est and covers 3 aspects, one of which is being carried out by LIEPP researchers: an impact evaluation of the system (carried out by the Nancy CHRU), a micro-costing evaluation (in partnership with the AP-HP), and a process evaluation (carried out by LIEPP researchers). The aim of this process evaluation is to understand the involvement of the various players in the system and its effects on their cooperation practices in dealing with frequent emergency users.